Past Solicitations

StatusAward Pending Triton Dry Dock Engineers, Marine Surveyors & Consultants, LLC
Estimated Range< $200,000
ProjectKetchikan Shipyard Material Assessment
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development & Export Authority (AIDEA) is soliciting for engineering analysis to evaluate material condition and operational options of structures for the Ketchikan Shipyard located at 3801 Tongass Ave, Ketchikan, AK 99901. This need may consist of personnel with specialized engineering experience in shipyard analysis. The need consists of input and analysis tasks and may involve a desktop review of current certifications and an engineering inspection of other structures. Offeror must have proper marine structural engineering certification to provide needed analysis. Proposals are due December 5, 2024 1:00 p.m. Alaska Standard Time.
Published Date: 11/21/2024 Due Date: 12/05/2024
Addendum Posted: Addendum #01: 11/26/2024
Attachments: AIDEA25-009 RFP.pdf
AIDEA25-009 RFP - Attachment 1 - Cost Proposal.xlsx
AIDEA25-009 RFP - Attachment 2 - Insurance Appendix-b2.pdf
AIDEA25-009 RFP - Attachment 3 - Former Employee Certificate.pdf
AIDEA25-009 RFP - Attachment 4 - Debarment Solicitation.pdf
AIDEA25-009 RFP - Attachment 5 - Sample PSA.pdf
AIDEA25-009 RFP - Full Packet.pdf
AIDEA25-009 - Addendum Number 1.pdf
AIDEA25-009 - Apparent Low Bidder - Bid Results.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAward Pending Sturgeon Electric Company
Estimated Range$1,500,000 and $2,000,000
ProjectNelson Lagoon RPSU Project On Site Construction
DescriptionThis Denali Commission and State appropriation funded contract is for the installation of a new owner furnished modular power plant, installation of a new heat recovery system, and minor upgrade of existing underground electrical power distribution in the community of Nelson Lagoon, Alaska as described herein and shown in the Drawings. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, supervision, equipment, tools, transportation, quality control, and supplies required to complete the work.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for December 3, 2024, 10:00 AM. The pre-bid meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential bidders may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 351 122 943 #. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contract Officer, Selwin Ray, at (907) 771-3035 for more information. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening.
Published Date: 11/19/2024 Opening Date: 12/12/2024 @ 2:00pm AKST
Addendum Posted: Addendum #01:
The ITB Package is hereby clarified, changed or modified by the following:

The Pre-Bid Meeting date and time has been changed to December 05, 2024 at 10:00am AKST. The dial in phone number has been changed.

Addendum #02:
Pre Bid Q&A Responses

Addendum #03:
Q&A Responses

Addendum #04:
The Dial in Number has been changed to 1 (888) 585-9008 Conference Room: 554-684-036.
Attachments: 25015-ITB- Nelson Lagoon RPSU On Site Construction Project Manual.pdf
25015-ITB- Nelson Lagoon RPSU On Site Construction Drawings.pdf
25015 - Addendum #01 - FINAL.pdf
25015 - Addendum #02 - Final.pdf
25015 - Addendum #03 - FINAL.pdf
25015 - Addendum #04 - FINAL.pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Range< $500,000
ProjectData Center Advisement Services
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development & Export Authority (AIDEA) is soliciting proposals for infrastructure and technology advisement support/services as it pertains to data centers markets, design, and investment. Awards made by this solicitation will be Primary and Secondary Term Agreements. Estimated Period of Performance is approximately December 2024 – November 2027 with the option to renew for three additional one-year periods. Proposals are due November 6, 2024 1:00 p.m. Alaska Standard Time.
Published Date: 10/11/2024 Due Date: 11/06/2024
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: AIDEA25-013 RFP - Full Packet.pdf
AIDEA25-013 RFP.pdf
AIDEA25-013 RFP - Attachment 1 - Cost Proposal.xlsx
AIDEA25-013 RFP - Attachment 2 - Insurance Appendix-b2.docx
AIDEA25-013 RFP - Attachment 3 - Former Employee Certificate.docx
AIDEA25-013 RFP - Attachment 4 - Debarment Solicitation.docx
AIDEA25-013 RFP - Attachment 5 - AK Bidder Preference Certification.docx
AIDEA25-013 RFP - Attachment 6 - Sample PSA.pdf
AIDEA25-013 - Notice of Rejection_signed.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAward Pending
Estimated Range1,000,000 or greater
ProjectTerm Contract for 2024 M&I Switchgear Upgrade Projects
DescriptionThis Denali Commission and State appropriation funded contract is for a multi-year term contract to upgrade existing low-voltage paralleling switchgear in multiple rural Alaska communities. Base Bid work includes Nikolski, Ruby, Akiak, and St. George. Additive Alternate work includes Larsen Bay and Deering. The Contractor shall furnish all design, coordination, programming, labor, materials, supervision, equipment, tools, supplies, transportation, quality control, and testing required to complete the work as described in the specifications.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for October 15, 2024, 10:00 AM. The pre-bid meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential bidders may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 351 122 943 #. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contract Officer, Selwin Ray, at (907) 771-3035 for more information. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening.
Published Date: 10/01/2024 Due Date: 10/29/2024 @ 2:00pm AKST
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 25002-RFP- Term Contract for 2024 M&I Switchgear Upgrade Projects.pdf
25002-RFP- Base Bid Drawings.pdf
25002-RFP- Additive Alternate Drawings.pdf
25002-RFP Addendum 1.pdf
25002-RFP Addendum 2.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Sturgeon Electric Company
Estimated Range$150,000 - $250,000
ProjectTuluksak Power Plant 2024 Generator #2 Replacement
DescriptionThis State of Alaska appropriation funded contract is for the installation of a new owner furnished engine-generator in an existing power plant along with modifications to existing mechanical and electrical systems in the community of Tuluksak, Alaska as described herein and shown in the Drawings. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, supervision, equipment, tools, transportation, quality control, and supplies required to complete the work. Bidders are invited to submit single bid, for furnishing all labor, equipment, and materials and for performing all work for the project described above. Bids will be opened publicly on August 20, 2024 at 2:00 PM local time. The bid opening will be conducted telephonically. Potential bidders may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008 and when prompted enter 351 122 943 #.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for August 8, 2024, 10:00 AM. The pre-bid meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential bidders may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 351 122 943 #. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening.
Procurement OfficerRachael Holly (907) 771-3055
Published Date: 07/30/2024 Opening Date: 08/20/2024 @2 PM AKST
Addendum Posted: Addendum #01 Posted
Attachments: ITB 25001 Tuluksak 2024 Generator 2 Replacement Project Manual.pdf
ITB 25001 Tuluksak 2024 Generator 2 Replacement Design Drawings.pdf
ITB 25001 Tuluksak Gen 2 Replacement Addendum 1.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to 49th State Power
Estimated Range$70,000.00
ProjectTuluksak Generator #02 Replacement Project
DescriptionAlaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting bids to purchase commodities as indicated in Appendix C ‐ Scope of Work, Appendix D ‐ Bid Schedule, and Appendix E ‐ Specifications. Note that the term Bid is used throughout this RFQ and for the purposes of this solicitation Bid is equivalent to Quote. Deadline for Comments/Questions: 6/20/2024 @ 2PM AKST Deadline for Receipt of Bids / Bid Due Date: 6/25/24 @ 2PM AKST
Procurement OfficerRachael Holly (907) 771-3055
Published Date: 06/11/2024 Due Date: 6/25/24 @2PM AKST
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: RFQ 24138 Tuluksak Generator 02 Purchase.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Dictation Sales & Services Inc dba Equature
Estimated Range$35,000 and $45,000
ProjectRecording & Transcription Services AEA, IMC, BPMC
DescriptionThis Request for Quotation (RFQ) is for a licensed contractor to perform Recording and Transcription Services for AEA Board Meetings, IMC Meetings, and BPMC Meetings.
Published Date: 06/04/2024 Due Date: 06/25/2024 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted: Addendum #01: 6.5.24
Addendum #02: 6.14.24

Attachments: 24131- Recording and Transcription Services RFQ.pdf
24131 - Recording & Transcription Svcs - Addendum 01 .pdf
24131-Recording & Transcription Svcs - Addendum 02- 6.14.24.pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated RangeN/A
ProjectAnchorage Office Space Lease
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is seeking office space in Anchorage, Alaska. The space should provide a collaborative and productive professional work environment. Interested parties must submit a written response by July 01, 2024, at 2 p.m. AKST. Responses may be sent by U.S. mail or E-mail to the addresses listed below. All questions must be directed to the person listed below writing via email. Alaska Energy Authority Selwin Ray 813 West Northern Lights Blvd Anchorage, AK 99503
Procurement OfficerSelwin Ray (907) 771-3035
Published Date: 06/03/2024 Due Date: 7/15/24 @ 2 PM AKST
Addendum Posted: Addendum #01:
The Solicitation is hereby clarified to remove “Warehouse” from the title. The new Project Name is now “24139 – Anchorage Office Space Lease”

Addendum #02: The Solicitation is hereby extended two (2) weeks. Responses will now be due July 15, 2024 @ 2 PM AKST.

Addendum #03: The Solicitation is herby clarified to address questions 1-4 and provide a time/date for an optional walk through of our current office space.

Addendum #04: The Solicitation is herby clarified to address questions 1-3.
Attachments: 24139 - AEA Anch Warehouse and Office Space Lease - RFI.pdf
24139 - Anchorage Office Space Lease - Addendum 01.pdf
24139 - Addendum 02 - Anchorage Office Space Lease.pdf
24139 - Addendum 03 - Anchorage Office Space Lease.pdf
24139 - Addendum 04 - Anchorage Office Space Lease.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Northern Generation and Power, LLC
Estimated Range$50,000.00 - $100,000.00
ProjectTuluksak Power Plant Radiator Repair
DescriptionThis Request for Quotation (RFQ) is for an experienced diesel engine-generator service provider, hereinafter referred to as contractor, to perform Work in the diesel electric power plant in Tuluksak, Alaska. The Work shall consist primarily of removing two failed radiator core assemblies, replacing the cores with new cores, and reinstalling the repaired core assemblies. The Engineer’s Estimate for the Work is between $50,000 and $100,000. All questions relating to bidding procedures should be directed to: Rachael Holly, Contract Officer, (907) 771-3055 All questions relating to technical aspects of the project should be directed to: Dawn Molina, Project Manager, (907) 771-3904 or Brian Gray, Gray Stassel Engineering, (907) 244-8716
Procurement OfficerRachael Holly
Published Date: 05/23/2024 Due Date: 6/3/24 @ 2PM AKST
Addendum Posted: Addendum #01:
Note that the conditions on site have changed. It was reported on Friday 5/24/24 that the standby generator is not in running condition and is need of immediate repair prior to removing radiator cores. Under Part III Scope of Work, highlighted paragraphs indicate changes to the scope with deleted tasks indicated by strikethrough and new tasks indicated by bold text. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged.
Attachments: RFQ 24137 Tuluksak Power Plant Radiator Repair.pdf
RFQ 24137 Tuluksak Power Plant Radiator Repair Addendum 01.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to 49th State Power, LLC
Estimated Range$150,000-$200,000
ProjectAVTEC Power Plant Training Facility 2024 Upgrade Project
DescriptionThis Denali Commission and State appropriation funded contract is for the renovation of existing paralleling switchgear and the installation of an owner furnished engine-generator in the Alaska Vocational Technical Center (AVTEC) training facility in Seward, Alaska as described herein and shown in the Drawings. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, supervision, equipment, tools, transportation, quality control, and supplies required to complete the work.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for May 23, 2024, 10:00 AM. The pre-bid meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential bidders may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 351 122 943 #. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contract Officer, Selwin Ray, at (907) 771-3035 for more information. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening.
Published Date: 05/16/2024 Opening Date: 6/6/2024 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 24126 AVTEC Power Plant Training Facility 2024 Upgrade Project Manual.pdf
24126 AVTEC Power Plant Training Facility 2024 Upgrade Drawings.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Northern Generation and Power, LLC
Estimated Range$50,000 and $100,000
ProjectKwethluk Light Plant M&I Generator #2 Replacement
DescriptionThis Request for Quotation (RFQ) is for an experienced diesel engine-generator service provider, hereinafter referred to as contractor, to perform Work in the diesel electric power (light) plant in Kwethluk, Alaska. The Work shall consist primarily of transporting Owner Furnished materials from Kipnuk, AK, to Kwethluk, AK, and installing an Owner Furnished generator and skid in the Kwethluk Light Plant along with associated tasks as described in Appendix A, Detailed Project Description, and Appendix C, Drawings.
Published Date: 05/02/2024 Due Date: 05/16/2024 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted: Addendum #01: The Kwethluk Light Plant M&I Generator #2 Replacement RFQ Contract Number has been
changed from 24123 to 24133.
Attachments: 24123-RFQ- Kwethluk Light Plant M&I Generator Replacement.pdf
24133 - Addendum 01 - Kwethluk Light Plant.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Rain Proof Roofing
Estimated Range$1,000,000 or greater
ProjectFedEx Hangar Roof Replacement
DescriptionAlaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA), is soliciting detailed bids from qualified general and/or roofing contractors interested in providing FedEx Hangar Roof Replacement on the premises of the: Federal Express Aircraft Maintenance Facility located at Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport 5801 Lockheed Ave, Anchorage, AK 99502. Detailed bids shall propose a new ventilated cold roof system that shall be weather tight and free from causing ice and snow dams.
Procurement OfficerKelly Noble, 907-771-3909,
Published Date: 04/18/2024 Opening Date: 5/14/24
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: AIDEA24-015 - Project Manual for FedEx Hangar Roof Replacement.pdf
AIDEA24-015 - Attachment 1 - Structural Drawings - pt1.pdf
AIDEA24-015 - Attachment 1 - Structural Drawings - pt2.pdf
AIDEA24-015 - Attachment 2 - Standing Seam Roof System Manual.pdf
AIDEA24-015 - Attachment 3 - Redlined Repair Drawings.pdf
AIDEA24-015 - Attachment 4 - Structural Calculations.pdf
AIDEA24-015 - Attachment 5 - As Built Drawings - pt1.pdf
AIDEA24-015 - Attachment 5 - As Built Drawings - pt2.pdf
AIDEA24-015 - Attachment 5 - As Built Drawings - pt3.pdf
AIDEA24-015 - Attachment 5 - As Built Drawings - pt4.pdf
AIDEA24-015 - Attachment 5 - As Built Drawings - pt5.pdf
AIDEA24-015 - Attachment 5 - As Built Drawings - pt6.pdf
AIDEA24-015 - Attachment 5 - As Built Drawings - pt7.pdf
AIDEA24-015_ALB-Bid Results_signed.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Pacific Power Generation
Estimated Range$10,000 and $20,000
ProjectAVTEC Series 60 Renovation
DescriptionThis Request for Quotation (RFQ) is for an engine generator fabricator, hereinafter referred to as contractor, to renovate an Owner Furnished diesel engine-generator as described in Appendix A, Detailed Project Description, and Appendix C, Specifications.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 04/16/2024 Due Date: 04/30/2024 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 24127-AEA-RFQ- AVTEC Series 60 Renovation.pdf
24127-AEA-RFQ AVTEC Series 60 Renovation Addendum 1.pdf
24127-AEA-RFQ- AVTEC Series 60 Renovation Revision 1. 4-17-24.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to MVA Power, Inc.
Estimated Range$25,000 and $50,000
ProjectManokotak Padmount Transformer Purchase
DescriptionAlaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting bids to purchase commodities as indicated in Appendix C ‐ Scope of Work, Appendix D ‐ Bid Schedule, and Appendix E ‐ Specifications.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 04/12/2024 Due Date: 05/30/2024
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 24120-AEA-RFQ- Manokotak Padmount Transformer Purchase.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to BBG, Inc
Estimated Range$50,000 and $100,000
ProjectBradley Lake Hydroelectric Insurance Appraisal
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting proposals for a qualified and accredited Contractor to review and appraise the current values for Bradley Lake Hydro facilities and equipment and revise values as needed to current.
Published Date: 04/03/2024 Due Date: 04/17/2024 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 24125-IRFP Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Appraisal.pdf
24125-IRFP Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Appraisal Addendum 1.pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Range$90,000.00
ProjectKwethluk M&I Generator Repair
DescriptionThis action is to issue an RFQ for generator repairs in Kwethluk. Contractor will receive owner furnished generator end and other equipment and prepare for transport. Furnish miscellaneous materials and hardware. Mobilize to Kwethluk, Alaska. Install a generator end on the existing Generator #2 engine and skid. Connect to existing power and control wiring. Perform minor repairs to portions of the existing power plant mechanical and electrical systems. Test and commission the completed work. Completion: July 31, 2024 Bidding and submittal review: April 2024 Mobilization and on-site work: May 2024-September 2024 Inspection: October 2024 Project closeout: December 2024 Engineers Estimate: $90,000.00 In order to consider your proposal responsive, please send the quote to the email: and CC on the email. The quote must be sent to the procurement email listed in the request before the due date. ​ Please reference the RFQ 24123 number on the subject line of the email.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerSelwin Ray (907) 771-3035
Published Date: 03/28/2024 Due Date: 04/04/2024 @ 2pm AKST
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 24123 - iRFQ.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to First National Bank Alaska
Estimated Range$100,000 to $250,000
ProjectAEA Banking and Custodial Services
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (“AEA”) is requesting proposals for Banking and Custodial Services from Alaskan financial institutions.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 03/21/2024 Due Date: 04/12/2024 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 24116-Banking and Custodial Services RFP.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Sturgeon Electric Company, Inc.
Estimated Range$400,000.00 - $600,000.00
ProjectTenakee Springs 2024 DERA Power Plant Upgrade Project
DescriptionThis EPA and State appropriation funded contract is for the replacement of diesel engine-generators and related improvements to the existing diesel power plant in the community of Tenakee Springs, Alaska, as described herein and shown in the Drawings. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, supervision, equipment, tools, transportation, quality control, and supplies required to complete the work.
Pre-Bid MeetingBidders are invited to submit single bid, for furnishing all labor, equipment, and materials and for performing all work for the project described above. Bids will be opened publicly on April 10, 2024 at 2:00 PM local time. The bid opening will be conducted telephonically. Potential bidders may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008 and when prompted enter 351 122 943 #.
Procurement OfficerSelwin Ray (907) 771-3035
Published Date: 03/20/2024 Opening Date: 4/10/24 @2 PM AKST
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: ITB 24118 Tenakee Springs 2024 DERA Power Plant Upgrade Project Manual.pdf
ITB 24118 Tenakee Springs 2024 DERA Power Plant Upgrade Drawings.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to BDO USA, P.C
Estimated Range$100,000.00 or greater
ProjectTerm Agreement Audit Services and Accounting Services for AEA
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) also referred as “Authority”, public corporation of the State of Alaska, is seeking proposals from Certified Public Accounting firms qualified to perform specific auditing and accounting services for the Authority.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory, telephonic, pre-proposal meeting is scheduled for: April 02, 2024 at 10:00AM AKST. Potential Offerors may attend telephonically by calling: Phone Number + 1-888-585-9008, Phone Conference ID: 351.122.943#. The purpose of the conference is to discuss the work to be performed with the prospective offerors and to allow them to ask questions concerning the RFP. Questions and answers will be transcribed and sent to prospective offerors as soon as possible after the meeting.
Procurement OfficerSelwin Ray
Published Date: 03/18/2024 Due Date: 04/11/2024 @2 PM AKST
Addendum Posted: Addendum #01:
The date and time, and call in information for the pre-proposal meeting is herby changed from March 29, 2024 at 10:00 AM to April 02, 2024 at 10:00AM AKST Potential Offerors may attend telephonically by calling:

Phone Number + 1-888-585-9008
Phone Conference ID: 351.122.943#
Attachments: RFP 24121 Term Agreement Audit Services for AEA March 2024.pdf
24121 - Term Agreement Audit Services - Addendum 01.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Electric Power
Estimated Range$1,000,000.00 - $1,500,000.00
ProjectNelson Lagoon RPSU Project Modular Power Plant Assembly
DescriptionDescription of Work: This Denali Commission and State appropriation funded contract is for the assembly of a new modular power plant for the community of Nelson Lagoon, Alaska as described herein and shown in the Drawings. The Contractor shall use the Owner Furnished module structure, diesel engine-generators, radiators, and switchgear and shall furnish all labor, materials, supervision, equipment, tools, transportation, quality control, and supplies required to complete the work.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for March 15, 2024, 10:00 AM. The pre-bid meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential bidders may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 351 122 943 #. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contract Officer, Selwin Ray, at (907) 771-3035 for more information. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening.
Procurement OfficerSelwin Ray
Published Date: 03/05/2024 Opening Date: 3/26/24 @ 2 PM AKST
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 24110 Nelson Lagoon RPSU Modular Power Plant Assembly Project Manual ITB.pdf
24110 Nelson Lagoon Module Assembly Drawings ITB.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Alaska Electrical Contractors
Estimated Range$5,000,000 -$7,000,000
ProjectScammon Bay BFU
DescriptionThis solicitation is for AEA and Denali Commission funded work. Under this Contract consists of the construction of a new bulk fuel storage facility, “Tank Farm” bulk fuel transfer station, dispensing station, a retail sales building, all related civil, electrical and mechanical and cleaning & decommissioning of existing fuel storage tanks & barge header pipelines in the community of Scammon Bay, Alaska.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for March 1, 2024, 10:30 AM. The pre-bid meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential bidders may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 351 122 943#. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contract Officer, Selwin Ray, at (907) 771-3035 for more information. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening.
Published Date: 02/22/2024 Opening Date: 03/22/2024 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 24096-Scammon Bay Bulk Fuel Upgrades ITB Division 00.pdf
24096-Scammon Bay Bulk Fuel Upgrades ITB Division 01-40.pdf
24096-Scammon Bay Bulk Fuel Upgrades IFC Drawings.pdf
24096 - Scammon Bay Bulk Fuel Upgrades Addendum 1.pdf
24096 - Addendum 1 Scammon Bay Bulk Fuel Upgrades-Questions from Bidders Attachment A.pdf
24096- Addendum 1 Scammon Bay Bulk Fuel Upgrades Attachment B.pdf
24096- Addendum 1 Scammon Bay Bulk Fuel Upgrades Attachement C. Scammon Bay Geotech Report.pdf
24096 - Addendum 2 Scammon Bay Bulk Fuel Upgrades .pdf
24096 - Addendum 2 Scammon Bay Bulk Fuel Upgrades- Attachment A.pdf
24096 - Addendum 3 Scammon Bay Bulk Fuel Upgrades .pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to AK Built Construction & Design, LLC
Estimated RangeUnder $50,000
ProjectAwning for Building Entrance
DescriptionAlaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA), is soliciting detailed bids from qualified general and/or construction contractors interested in providing Awning for Building Entrance on the premises of the: Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority Building 813 W Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, AK 99503 AIDEA will select from bids based on lowest, responsive and responsible quote that meets all specifications and delivery requirements.
Published Date: 02/21/2024 Due Date: 3/6/2024, 1:00 PM AKST
Addendum Posted: Addendum One posted 2/27/24
Addendum Two posted 2/27/24
Attachments: RFQ AIDEA24-005.pdf
AIDEA24-005 - RFQ Addendum Number 1.pdf
AIDEA24-005 - RFQ Addendum Number 2.pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Range$1,000,000 or greater
ProjectFed Ex Hangar Roof Replacement
DescriptionAlaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA), is soliciting detailed bids from qualified general and/or roofing contractors interested in providing FedEx Hangar Roof Replacement on the premises of the: Federal Express Aircraft Maintenance Facility located at Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport 5801 Lockheed Ave, Anchorage, AK 99502
Pre-Bid MeetingPre-Bid meeting will be held physically, and scheduled for February 23, 2024, 10:00AM. Federal Express Facilities located at Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport 6050 Rockwell Ave. Anchorage, AK. 99502 The pre-Bid Roof replacement meeting at FedEx will take place at 6050 Rockwell Ave. Anchorage, AK. 99502. A map is included in Addendum 1 and in the map you can see FedEx (B) ship center. As you walk towards the main building, there is a TSA security check-in to the Right as you walk to the building. It is required for all bidders to gain access to the Hanger area. Once checked in, we will be escorted to the Hanger. Do not show up at the hanger until checked in with TSA or you will not be allowed in the area.
Procurement OfficerKelly Noble (907) 771-3909
Published Date: 02/12/2024 Opening Date: 04/25/2024 @1:00PM AKST
Addendum Posted: Addendum One posted 2/14/24
Addendum Two posted 2/16/24
Addendum Three posted 2/28/24
Addendum Four posted 3/13/24
Addendum Five posted 3/22/24
Attachments: 24102 - Project Manual for Fed Ex Hangar Roof Replacement.pdf
ITB 24102 - Addendum One.pdf
24102 - Project Manual for Fed Ex Hangar Roof Replacement - Revision 1.pdf
ITB 24102 - Addendum Two.pdf
ITB 24102- Required Documents per Addendum Two.pdf
ITB 24102 - Addendum Three.pdf
ITB24102 - Attachment 1 - Structural Drawings_Part1.pdf
ITB24102 - Attachment 1 - Structural Drawings_Part2.pdf
ITB24102 - Attachment 2 - Standing Seam Roof System Manual.pdf
ITB24102 - Attachment 3 - Redlined Repair Drawings.pdf
ITB 24102 - Addendum Four.pdf
ITB24102 - Attachment 4 - Structural Calculations.pdf
ITB 24102 - Addendum Five.pdf
Attachment 5 -FedEx Building - As Built Drawings - pt1.pdf
Attachment 5 -FedEx Building - As Built Drawings - pt2.pdf
Attachment 5 -FedEx Building - As Built Drawings - pt3.pdf
Attachment 5 -FedEx Building - As Built Drawings - pt4.pdf
Attachment 5 -FedEx Building - As Built Drawings - pt5.pdf
Attachment 5 -FedEx Building - As Built Drawings - pt6.pdf
Attachment 5 -FedEx Building - As Built Drawings - pt7.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to BDO USA, P.C.
Estimated Range$100,000.00 or greater
ProjectTerm Agreement Auditing and Accounting Services for AIDEA
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) also referred as “Authority”, public corporation of the State of Alaska, is seeking proposals from Certified Public Accounting firms qualified to perform specific auditing and accounting services for the Authority.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory, telephonic, pre-proposal meeting is scheduled for March 22, 2024 at 10:00 AM. Potential Offerors may attend telephonically by calling: Phone Number +1 907-313-5678, 475986284#, Phone Conference ID: 475 986 284# The purpose of the conference is to discuss the work to be performed with the prospective offerors and to allow them to ask questions concerning the RFP. Questions and answers will be transcribed and sent to prospective offerors as soon as possible after the meeting.
Procurement OfficerKelly Noble (907) 771-3909
Published Date: 02/12/2024 Due Date: 04/11/2024 @2:00PM AKST
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1: (03/28/2024)
Attachments: RFP 24107 Term Agreement Audit Services for AIDEA.pdf
RFP 24107 - Addendum 1.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to 49th State Power, LLC
Estimated Range$100,000- $150,000
ProjectTenakee Springs DERA Engine and Generator Purchase
DescriptionAlaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting bids to purchase commodities as indicated in Appendix C ‐ Scope of Work, Appendix D ‐ Bid Schedule, and Appendix E ‐ Specifications.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 01/31/2024 Opening Date: 02/21/2024
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 24106 Tenakee Engine and Generator Purchase ITB.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Fullford Electric, Inc
Estimated Range$2,000,000 or greater
ProjectRampart RPSU Project On Site Construction
DescriptionThis Denali Commission and State appropriation funded contract is for the installation of a new owner furnished modular power plant, installation of a new heat recovery system, and upgrade of an existing overhead electrical power distribution system in the community of Rampart, Alaska as described herein and shown in the Drawings. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, supervision, equipment, tools, transportation, quality control, and supplies required to complete the work.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for February 13, 2024, 10:00 AM. The pre-bid meeting will be conducted telephonically.
Published Date: 01/30/2024 Opening Date: 02/27/2024 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 24103- Rampart RPSU On Site Construction Project Manual ITB.pdf
ITB 24103 Rampart RPSU On Site Construction Drawings PART 1.pdf
ITB 24103 Rampart RPSU On Site Construction Drawings PART 2.pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Range$500,000.
ProjectAIDEA Banking and Trust Services
DescriptionAIDEA is seeking to procure banking and trust/custodial services from Alaskan financial institutions.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerKelly W. Noble
Published Date: 01/25/2024 Due Date: 02/22/2024 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1 posted 02/06/2024
Addendum #2 posted 02/07/2024.
Attachments: 24071-AIDEA Banking and Trust RFP.pdf
Addendum 1.pdf
24071 - Addendum 2.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to 49th State Power, LLC
Estimated Range$100,000 - $200,000
ProjectCircle M&I Project Engine And Generator Purchase
DescriptionAlaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting bids to purchase commodities as indicated in Appendix C ‐ Scope of Work, Appendix D ‐ Bid Schedule, and Appendix E ‐ Specifications.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 01/16/2024 Opening Date: 02/6/2024 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 24094- Circle Engine and Generator Purchase.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to
Estimated RangeTBD
Project24088-AIDEA Outside Legal Counsel
DescriptionAIDEA is soliciting proposals to procure multiple contracts to provide as-needed legal expertise on a number of specialties in support of commercial transactions, development projects, environmental matters, bankruptcy, collections, project financing, personnel and employment issues, contracts, easement and access rights, constitutional matters, and tort liability defense.
Pre-Bid MeetingNone
Procurement OfficerKelly Noble
Published Date: 11/30/2023 Due Date: 12/27/23
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: RFP24088-Outside Legal Counsel.pdf

Estimated Range$50,000 and $100,000.
ProjectManokotak Power Plant Stabilization
DescriptionThis Request for Quotation (RFQ) is for a licensed contractor to perform Work in the diesel electric power plant in Manokotak, Alaska. The Work shall consist primarily of performing mechanical repairs on existing diesel-generators, diagnosing engine problems and making recommendations for repairs, flushing and charging the glycol cooling system, along with associated tasks as described in Appendix A, Detailed Project Description, and Appendix C, Drawings.
Published Date: 11/21/2023 Due Date: 12/4/2023 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1 Posted 11/30/2023
Attachments: RFQ 24084 Manokotak Power Plant Stabilization 11-21-23.pdf
24084-Manokotak Power Plant Stabilization Addendum-1.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Sturgeon Electric Company, Inc.
Estimated Range$2,000,000-$3,000,000
ProjectNapaskiak RPSU Project On Site Construction
DescriptionThis Rural Utilities Service and State appropriation funded contract is for the installation of a new owner furnished modular power plant, installation of a new heat recovery system, and upgrade of an existing overhead electrical power distribution system in the community of Napaskiak, Alaska as described herein and shown in the Drawings. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, supervision, equipment, tools, transportation, quality control, and supplies required to complete the work.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for November 21, 2023, 10:00 AM. The pre-bid meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential bidders may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 351 122 943 #. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contract Officer, Selwin Ray, at (907) 771-3035 for more information. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening.
Published Date: 11/14/2023 Opening Date: 12/19/2023 @ 2:00pm AKST
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1-11.28.23
Addendum #2-12.4.23
Addendum #3-12.7.23
Addendum #4-12.12.23
Attachments: ITB 24078 Napaskiak RPSU On Site Construction Project Manual.pdf
ITB 24078 Napaskiak Power System Upgrade Drawings.pdf
ITB 24078-Addendum-1 11.28.23.pdf
ITB 24078-Addendum-2 12.4.23.pdf
ITB 24078-Addendum-3 12.7.23.pdf
ITB 24078-Addendum-4 12.12.23.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Gray Stassel Engineering Inc, & HDL Engineering Consultants, LLC.
Estimated Range1,000,000 or greater
ProjectTerm Contract for Engineering Services/ RPSU
DescriptionThis program will contract with engineering firms to provide engineering design services from Conceptual Design through Construction. The contracted engineering firms may be asked to do design, construction administration, regulatory compliance, and other AEA‐assigned tasks associated with Rural Power System Upgrade (RPSU) infrastructure throughout Alaska. This is a multi‐year term contract for two engineering firms. AEA will assign work as needed.
Published Date: 11/01/2023 Due Date: 11/22/23 @2:00pm AKST
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 24067-TERM CONTRACT RPSU UPGRADES.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to 49th State Power, LLC
Estimated Range$100,000-$200,000
ProjectEmergency Inventory Engine Purchase
DescriptionAlaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting bids to purchase commodities as indicated in Appendix C - Scope of Work, Appendix D - Bid Schedule, and Appendix E - Specifications.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 10/20/2023 Opening Date: 11/28/2023 @ 2:00pm AKST
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 24064 Emergency Inventory Engines Purchase ITB.pdf
24064-Addendum 1 and attachments.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Sturgeon Electric Company, Inc.
Estimated Range$50,000 and $100,000
ProjectCircle Replacement Generator and Switchgear Installation
DescriptionThis Request for Quotation (RFQ) is for a licensed contractor to perform Work in the diesel electric power plant in Circle, Alaska. The Work shall consist primarily of installing replacement diesel-generators and switchgear components along with associated tasks as described in Appendix A, Detailed Project Description, and Appendix C, Drawings.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 10/13/2023 Due Date: 10/31/2023
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 24073 RFQ Circle Replacement Generator and Switchgear Installation ready to post.pdf
24073-Addendum 1.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to 49th State Power
Estimated Range$40,000.00-$60,000.00
Project24060 - John Deere 6068AFM85 Engine for Napaskiak
DescriptionScope of Work: 1. Furnish one new engine complete with spare filters as described in the specifications. 2. Package the engine and filters as described in accordance with the specifications. 3. Deliver the engine F.O.B. Napaskiak, Alaska. Expedited delivery is required. Desired delivery date is October 10, 2023.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerDawn Molina
Published Date: 09/21/2023 Due Date: 09/28/2023
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: RFQ 24060 Napaskiak Genset 2 Engine Purchase Request for Quote.pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Range0
ProjectRequest for Information - Banking and Trust Services
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) and Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) are seeking information regarding your willingness and ability to offer plans of service for banking and trust services. This Request for Information (RFI) is being issued by AIDEA and AEA for purposes of exploratory purposes to determine what products and services may meet and benefit the organization’s requirements.
Procurement OfficerTiffany Janssen
Published Date: 08/29/2023 Due Date: 09/18/23
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 24047-banking services RFI.pdf

Estimated Range0
Project2023 Anchorage Warehouse and Office Space Lease
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is requesting information on available warehouse and office space in Anchorage, Alaska.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerDawn Molina
Published Date: 08/23/2023 Due Date: 09/15/2023
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 2023 RFI Warehouse and Office Space.pdf

StatusAwarded to Moller & Associates
Estimated Range$200,000.00 to $1,000,000.00
ProjectState of Alaska Public Outreach and Community Liaison Professional Services
DescriptionThe purpose of this work is to obtain the services of qualified and experienced professionals to assist Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) in building community relations through the state of Alaska. The consultant will support initiatives for workforce development goals in native villages and communities. The consultant will communicate project information to specific diverse audiences and support sharing information between AIDEA and stakeholder groups.
Pre-Bid MeetingNot Applicable
Procurement OfficerKelly Noble (907) 771-3909
Published Date: 08/18/2023 Due Date: 09/22/2023 @10:00AM AKST
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1: (08/25/2023)
Addendum #2: (09/07/2023)
Attachments: 24046 - Request for Proposal.pdf
RFP 24046 - Attachment 1 - Cost Proposal.pdf
RFP 24046 - Attachment 2 - Indemnity and Insurance.pdf
RFP 24046 - Attachment 3 - Formerly Employee Certificate.pdf
RFP 24046 - Attachment 4-1 - Debarment RFP.pdf
RFP 24046 - Attachment 5 - AK Bidder Certification.pdf
RFP 24046 - Attachment 6 - Sample PSA.pdf
24046 - Addendum 1.pdf
24046 - Addendum 2.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to ASRC Consulting & Environmental Services, LLC
Estimated Range$250,000.00 or greater
ProjectProfessional Services for the identification and development of energy sources for the State of Alaska
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA), is seeking consultants to identify, plan and advise over various aspect for: permitting services and regulatory regarding hydrocarbon and geothermal energy needs for the State of Alaska. It is anticipated that the Agency will award Term Contract Agreement with one (1) year contract with three (3) one (1) year extensions for these services.
Pre-Bid MeetingDate: August 25, 2023, at 10:30 AM, Alaska Time Location: Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority Birch Room 813 W. Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, AK 99503 If you wish to participate via audio conference, please call: 1-907-313-5678 and use code 362864134# Phone Conference ID: 362 864 134#
Procurement OfficerKelly Noble (907) 771-3909
Published Date: 08/17/2023 Due Date: 11/06/2023 @1:00PM AKST
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1: (08/29/2023)
Addendum #2: (08/30/2023)
Addendum #3: (09/14/2023)
Addendum #4: (10/02/2023)
Addendum #5: (10/05/2023)
Addendum #6: (10/16/2023)
Attachments: 24037 - Request for Proposal.pdf
24037 - Addendum 1.pdf
24037 - Addendum 2.pdf
24037 - Addendum 3.pdf
24037 - Addendum 3 Attachment 1.pdf
24037 - Addendum 3 Attachment 2.pdf
24037 - Addendum 4.pdf
24037 - Addendum 5.pdf
24037 - Addendum 6.pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Range$250,000.00 or greater
ProjectSeismic Permitting Services for Section 1002 of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and surrounding areas
DescriptionThe purpose of this work is to obtain the services of qualified and experienced professionals. to assist AIDEA in addressing the critical permitting and regulatory requirements to support a phased, multi-year seismic program, within Section 1002 of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and surrounding areas. The Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA), (hereafter known as the Authority), is seeking a consultant to complete and prepare the environmental field work and documentation required for the pre-development permitting services for multiyear seismic program on the Authority’s oil and gas leases located within Section 1002 of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Coastal Plain.
Pre-Bid MeetingDate: August 28, 2023, at 11:00 AM, Alaska Time Location: Redoubt Room in the Birch Room Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority 813 W. Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, AK 99503 If you wish to participate via audio conference, please call: 1-907-313-5678 and use code 362864134# Phone Conference ID: 362 864 134#
Procurement OfficerKelly Noble (907) 771-3909
Published Date: 08/16/2023 Due Date: 10/06/2023 @1:00PM AKST
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1 (08/29/2023)
Addendum #2 (09/06/2023)
Addendum #3 (09/20/2023)
Attachments: 24045 - RFP.pdf
24045 - Detailed-Statement-of-Sale.pdf
24045 - Coastal Plain Record of Decision.pdf
24045 - Addendum 1.pdf
24045 - Addendum 2.pdf
24045 - Addendum 3.pdf
24045_-_RFP_Notice_of_Cancellation - Fully Executed.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Aldrich CPA's and Advisors LLP
Estimated Range$110,000 or less
ProjectBradley Lake Hydro Project- Special Purpose Financial Statement Audit
DescriptionAEA is looking for a Contractor to provide a special-purpose financial statement audit of the operating and revenue funds of the BPMC in accordance with the accounting requirements of the operating and revenue funds established under the Alaska Energy Authority Power Revenue Bond Resolution.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 08/09/2023 Due Date: 08/30/2023
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 24028-Bradley Lake Hydro Project- Special Purpose Financial Statement Audit IRFP.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Electric Power Systems, Inc.
Estimated Range$2,000,000 or greater
ProjectStrategic Asset Plan
DescriptionThis program will contract with engineering firms to provide electrical engineering services for Alaska Energy Authority's Strategic Plan and other electrical transmission engineering work in the Railbelt or elsewhere in Alaska.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 08/04/2023 Due Date: 9/1/2023
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 24015- Strategic Asset Plan RFP.pdf
24015-Strategic Asset Plan Addendum 1.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Pacific Power Generation
Estimated Range300,000 - 500,000
ProjectManokotak RPSU Engine-Generator and Cooler
DescriptionSCOPE OF WORK 1. Scope – Furnish engine-generator sets complete with accessories and charge air coolers as indicated in Attachment D – Bid Schedule and in accordance with Attachment E – Specifications. 2. Submittals – Provide Submittals in accordance with Attachment E – Specifications. Submittals shall be provided to the Authority within 14 days of contract award. 3. Testing – Load test all engine-generator sets in accordance with Attachment E – Specifications. 4. Packaging – Prepare, package, and label all engine-generator sets, accessories, and coolers in accordance with Attachment E – Specifications. 5. O&M Manuals – Provide complete Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manuals for the engine-generator sets in accordance with Attachment E – Specifications. 6. F.O.B. Point – Deliver all engine-generator sets and coolers to the Alaska Energy Authority, 2601 Commercial Drive, Anchorage, AK 99501. 7. Delivery Date – Delivery of all engine-generator sets with accessories and charge air coolers to the F.O.B. Point is desired within 30 calendar weeks after receipt of an order. On the Bid Schedule provide a firm delivery in calendar weeks for each type of commodity where indicated.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerDawn Molina
Published Date: 08/01/2023 Opening Date: 08/22/2023
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 24001 - Manokotak RPSU Engine-Generator and Cooler ITB.pdf
24001-Addendum 1.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Controlled Power, Inc.
Estimated Range400,000 - 500,000
ProjectManokotak RPSU Switchgear
DescriptionSCOPE OF WORK 1. Scope – Furnish a complete switchgear assembly in accordance with Attachment E – Specifications. 2. Submittals – Provide Submittals in accordance with Attachment E – Specifications. Submittals shall be provided to the Authority within 28 days of contract award. 3. Progress Reports – Upon commencement of assembly work, progress reports shall be provided to the Authority a minimum of every two weeks. Each report shall be submitted via e-mail to the Authority and the Engineer within two working days of completion of the work period included in the report. Reports shall include at a minimum a brief verbal description of the work completed and adequate photographs to document the work completed. 4. Programming – Install SCADA system; install all required software; and program all devices to perform all functions in accordance with Attachment E – Specifications. 5. Testing – Perform shop testing of the completed switchgear assembly in accordance with Attachment E – Specifications. 6. Packaging – Provide shipping splits and package switchgear in accordance with Attachment E – Specifications. 7. O&M Manuals – Provide complete Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manuals for the switchgear sets in accordance with Attachment E – Specifications. 8. F.O.B. Point – Deliver the switchgear to the Alaska Energy Authority, 2601 Commercial Drive, Anchorage, AK 99501. 9. Delivery Date – Delivery of the switchgear to the F.O.B. Point is desired within 40 calendar weeks after receipt of an order. On the Bid Schedule provide a firm delivery in calendar weeks where indicated.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerDawn Molina
Published Date: 08/01/2023 Opening Date: 09/15/2023
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 24002 - Manokotak RPSU Switchgear ITB.pdf
24002-Addendum 1.pdf
24002-Addendum 2.pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Range$0 - $30,000
ProjectEngineering/Circle Maintence and Improvement
DescriptionThis informal Request for Quote (iRFQ) is for the design consultant to provide an assessment of the flood damage, professional design services, and construction administration to facilitate the stabilization of the Circle power Plant. Phase I: 1. Travel to Circle to evaluate and assess the current system and what was damaged during the flooding of the plant. Determine best way to install Shark Power meters for metering community power and station service and the installation of a “make or break” transfer switch in order to switch standby generators without the loss of power to the community. Also determine what new power plant components i.e., gensets, switchgear breakers, CTs and PTs, etc. are necessary to replace inside the power plant. a. Take and provide copies of digital photos and 3D imaging of the existing diesel generation plant and standby units. b. Design the install of the power meters and “make before break” transfer switch and provide technical documents required to competitively and publicly solicit the purchase of material and their installation. c. Provide detailed engineer’s construction cost estimate for phase II. Deliverables: Trip report, technical documents for the various component installations, design and construction specifications, labeled digital photos of the existing plant, recommended project schedule, detailed construction cost estimate for Phase II. Electronic documents are preferred. Phase II: 1. The design consultant shall provide construction administration services to facilitate the construction contractor and AEA to: a. Install Shark Power meters and a “make before break” transfer switch. b. At engineer’s recommendation i. remove the 3 current gensets ii. transport to contractors or sub-contractors shop to perform inspection iii. evaluate if they can be salvaged as cores iv. evaluate if engine mounted components can be salvaged for reuse (turbo, exhaust manifold, thermostat housing, coolant piping, bell housing, front cover, flywheel, flex plates, rocker cover, valve cover, starter, high pressure fuel lines, etc.) Clean salvageable components for reuse. c. Replace any other items or components that are deemed necessary to replace, repair, or install for the proper function of the standby system. Deliverables: 1. Prepare construction contract solicitation in accordance with AEA funding requirements, review contractor bids for compliance with the solicitation and provide a recommendation to AEA for the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. 2. Perform local operator training. 3. Prepare detailed as-built drawings along with any technical documents of newly installed equipment. The design consultant shall deliver electronic documentation and redlines of any equipment and systems that the construction contractor installed, replaced, or modified including, but not limited to, drawings, schematics, and bills of material. Systems operations sequencing and switching checklist(s) for safe and reliable normal operations shall be included. Two (2) electronic copies (PDF and editable, native file format), each, shall be provided and delivered each grantee and AEA, for archiving and future uses. 4. Prepare a close out summary. NOTE: Provide links to our website and FTP site that include the following documents: • Existing plant drawings if available (FTP Site) • Existing plant photos if available (FTP Site)
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerDawn Molina
Published Date: 07/31/2023 Due Date: 08/07/2023
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 24010 - Request for Quotation.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Northern Economics, Inc.
Estimated Range$125,000 or less
ProjectEconomist to Assist in the Review of the Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Applications
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting proposals for one or more consultants to assist AEA in performing economic analysis and reviews of grant applications submitted to AEA in response to the Round 16 Renewable Energy Fund Request for Applications. Additionally, economic and financial analysis may be requested for existing Renewable Energy Funds and/or successful applications on an ongoing basis. We encourage interested firms to submit a proposal.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non‐mandatory pre‐proposal conference is scheduled for August 9, 2023 at 10 AM. Potential offerors may attend telephonically by calling 1‐888‐585‐9008, when prompted enter 351‐122‐943#. Please note the call‐in has a limited number of participants so if more than one person from companies are attending telephonically, we respectfully request you call in from a conference room speaker phone and have all people together. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, if you have any additional questions.
Published Date: 07/28/2023 Due Date: 08/25/2023
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 24012-Economist-RFP Rd16.pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Range$500,0000 - $1,000,000.00
ProjectPre-development permitting services for multi-year Seismic Program
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA), (hereafter known as the Authority), is seeking a consultant to complete and prepare the environmental field work and documentation required for the pre-development permitting services for multi-year seismic program on the Authority’s oil and gas leases located within Section 1002 of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Coastal Plain.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory Pre-proposal meeting will be performance: August 04, 2023 at 10:00 AM, Alaska Time, Birch Room. If you wish to participate via audio conference call please call: 1-907-313-5678 and use code 485201826# Phone Conference ID: 485 201 826#
Procurement OfficerKelly Noble (907) 771-3909
Published Date: 07/25/2023 Due Date: 08/17/2023 @3:00PM AKST
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 23127 - RFP.pdf
23127 - Appendix F - Detailed-Statement-of-Sale.pdf
23127 - Appendix G - Coastal Plain Record of Decision.pdf
23127 - Notice of Cancellation Executed.pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Range$800,000.00 - $1,000,000.00
ProjectAIDEA Parking Lot Improvements Project
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) is soliciting bids for Parking Lot & Civil Site Improvements, please see attached Exhibit A and Drawings.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory but strongly recommended Pre-Bid meeting will be conducted physically, and scheduled for July 26, 2022, 10:00 AM, located at 813 W Northern Lights Blvd, Anchorage, Alaska 99503
Procurement OfficerKelly Noble (907) 771-3909
Published Date: 07/14/2023 Opening Date: 08/07/2023 @1:00PM AKST
Addendum Posted: 07/20/2023: Addendum #1
07/27/2023: Addendum #2
07/31/2023: Addendum #3
Attachments: 23134 AIDEA parking lot Improvements - Project Manual.pdf
23134 AIDEA parking lot Improvements - Drawings.pdf
23134 - Addendum 1.pdf
23134 - Addendum 2.pdf
23134 - Addendum 3.pdf
23134 - Addendum 3 - Bid Schedule Updated.pdf
Boring from MOA - 1529D019.pdf
Boring from MOA - 1530C015.pdf
23134_-_Notice_of_Cancellation SIGNED.pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Range$0 - 100,000.00
ProjectCommunity Liaison and Workforce Development Support Consultant Services
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) is soliciting proposals for a Community Liaison and Workforce Development Support Consultant Services to assist AIDEA in building community relations within specific villages and communities in Northern Alaska. In its capacity as community liaison support consultant for AIDEA, Contractor may be required to facilitate technical assistance on-site community meetings, data collection, analysis, and some feasibility assessments on a case-by-case basis. Data collection and analysis may include (and is not limited to): comprehensive community building, an assessment of potential project cash flow. The Professional Service Agreement will be initially set up under the first project for Section 1002 Area of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, with specific additional projects being assigned, described, and authorized by individual Notice to Proceed. Other projects shall be negotiated and requested with the issue of a Notice to Proceed through the processed outlined in the scope of services.
Pre-Bid MeetingNot applicable
Procurement OfficerKelly Noble (907) 771-3909
Published Date: 06/30/2023 Due Date: 07/18/2023 @3:00PM AKST
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: RFP 23128 - AIDEA Community Liason Support Consultant Services.pdf
RFP 23128 - Attachment 1 - Cost Proposal.pdf
RFP 23128 - Attachment 2 - Sample Professional Services Agreement.pdf
RFP 23128 - Attachment 3 - Indemnity and Insurance.pdf
RFP 23128 - Attachment 4 - Statement-of-Sale-AMENDMENT-12-18-2020.pdf
RFP 23128 - Attachment 5 - Coastal Plain Record of Decision.pdf
RFP 23128 - Attachment 6 - Debarment Certificate.pdf
RFP 23128 - Attachment 7 - Former Employee Certificate.pdf
23128_-_Notice_of_Cancellation SIGNED.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Electric Power Systems, Inc.
Estimated Range120,000 - 150,000
ProjectAK Intertie Snow Load Monitoring System
Pre-Bid MeetingA pre-proposal Conference/Teleconference will be held at 2:00 PM, Alaska Standard Time, on July 6, 2023 at the basement floor of the AIDEA/AEA Office building, 813 W. Northern Lights Blvd., Anchorage, Alaska. The purpose of the Conference/Teleconference is to discuss the work to be performed with the prospective Offerors and allow them to ask questions concerning the RFP. All questions raised during the meeting must be submitted in writing to the Procurement Officer and will be posted along with the answers on the Alaska Online Public Notice website as an Addenda to the RFP, as soon as possible after the meeting. Offerors with a disability needing accommodation should contact the procurement officer prior to the date set for the pre-proposal conference so that reasonable accommodation can be made. Participants may dial into the meeting using the following number: 1-888-585-9008 Conference Room Number: 351-122-943
Procurement OfficerDawn Molina
Published Date: 06/28/2023 Due Date: 07/18/2023
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 23111 - RFP Complete.pdf
23121-Addendum 1 FINAL.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to CCI Industrial Services
Estimated Range500,000-1,000,000
ProjectM&I Bulk Fuel Systems and Barge Headers
DescriptionThis is a term Contract for the Maintenance and Improvement (M&I) of existing Bulk Fuel Tank Farms in various locations in Alaska, including but not limited to: Repair, replacement or installation of containment liners, removing water from secondary containment and/or existing tanks, repair or installation of fencing, repair or installation of lighting, oil and water separators, piping repairs, painting, upgrading or replacing appurtenances each assigned project will have specific requirements. More than one Contractor and/or Engineering firm may be selected.
Pre-Bid MeetingA pre-proposal Conference/Teleconference will be held at 3:00 P.M., Alaska Standard Time, on JUNE 29, 2023 in the BIRCH conference room on the Basement floor of the AIDEA/AEA building (813 W. Northern Lights Blvd., Anchorage, Alaska). The purpose of the Conference/ Teleconference is to discuss the work to be performed with the prospective offerors and allow them to ask questions concerning the RFP. All questions raised during the meeting must be submitted in writing to the Procurement Officer and will be posted along with the answers on the Alaska Online Public Notice website as an Amendment to the RFP, as soon as possible after the meeting. Offerors with a disability needing accommodation should contact the procurement officer prior to the date set for the pre-proposal conference so that reasonable accommodation can be made. Participants may dial into the meeting using the following number: 1-888-585-9008 when prompted enter 351-122-943# If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, Dawn Molina, at (907) 771-3904 for more information. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the proposal opening.
Procurement OfficerDawn Molina
Published Date: 06/22/2023 Due Date: 07/12/2023
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 23103 - RFP Final.pdf
23103-Addendum 1.pdf
Addendum 2 FINAL.pdf
23103 - Addendum 3 FINAL.pdf
23103-Addendum 4 FINAL.pdf
23103-Addendum 5 FINAL.pdf
23103-Addendum 6 FINAL.pdf
Addendum 6 Attachment form.docx
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to CBRE, INC
Estimated Range$0 - 50,000.00
ProjectReal Estate Appraisal Services for FedEx Hanger
DescriptionAIDEA requires a qualified Appraiser, who can provide AIDEA with an appraisal of the FedEx Hanger’s current market value in “As-Is” and “At Completion” while taking into account the ~$16M in improvements approved by AIDEA’s board in Resolution 23-05, please see attached Exhibit A, recommend a market base lease rate, provide a business forecast for the airfreight and logistic industry, and recommend a potential sale price. The Appraiser must have expertise in current market analysis, knowledge of airport leasing practices, contracts, and lease agreement, and commercial appraisals. It is beneficial to have knowledge of airfreight and logistics industry. Appraiser shall hold a current certification, issued by the State of Alaska, as a general real estate appraiser with an MAI designation.
Procurement OfficerKelly Noble (907) 771-3909
Published Date: 06/21/2023 Due Date: 07/18/2023 @3:00PM AKST
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1 (06/29/2023)
Addendum #2 (07/05/2023)
Attachments: 23138 - Request for Quotation.pdf
23138 - Addendum 1.pdf
23138 - Addendum 2.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Anixter, General Pacific, Inc.
Estimated Range$0 - $100,000
ProjectNelson Lagoon Electrical Distribution Equipment
DescriptionNelson Lagoon Electric Distribution Equipment - pre-order long lead electrical distribution equipment including transformers, ground sleeves, and sectionalizing cabinets.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerDawn Molina
Published Date: 06/13/2023 Due Date: 07/06/2023
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: RFQ 23129 Electrical Distribution Equipment Purchase.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to CRW Engineering
Estimated Range$250,000-$500,000
ProjectContract for Engineering Services –Kipnuk Distribution
DescriptionThe primary goal is to provide engineering services in support of the pre-design, design, bidding, and construction administration for the Electrical Distribution System Upgrade in Kipnuk, Alaska. The contracted engineering firm may be asked to coordinate with concurrent energy projects which involve local, state, and federal agencies. All phases will require cost estimating. Estimates must include accurate quantity surveys and cost estimates for all design disciplines, including civil, architectural, structural mechanical, and electrical.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 06/07/2023 Due Date: 07/05/2023 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 23114-Engineering Services-Kipnuk Distribution.pdf
23114- Engineering Services –Kipnuk Distribution Addendum 1.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Gray Stassel Engineering
Estimated Range$1,000,000 or greater
ProjectTerm Contract for Engineering Services – RPS Maintenance & Improvement
DescriptionThe primary goal of this program is to provide engineering services for AEA’s Rural Power System Maintenance and Improvement Program. This program will contract with an engineering firm to provide engineering design services from Conceptual Design through Construction. The contracted engineering firm may be asked to do design, construction administration, regulatory compliance, and other AEA‐assigned tasks associated with Rural Power Systems (RPS).
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 06/07/2023 Due Date: 07/05/2023 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 23115-Term Contract for Engineering Services RPS M and I.pdf
23115-Term Contract for Engineering Services – RPS M and I Addendum 1.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to PND Engineers
Estimated Range$250,000 - $500,000
ProjectAmbler Access Project Port Technical Feasibility Study
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) is seeking professional services to prepare a Technical Feasibility Study, including a comparative operating & capital cost analysis of different modes of transportation, of the Ambler Road transportation corridor and proposed tidewater export terminals that can be accessed via rail link. This feasibility study will evaluate ore concentrate transportation routes from the terminus of the proposed Ambler Road and through the Dalton Highway intersection to marine vessels docking in Southcentral Alaska.
Pre-Bid MeetingPlease submit proposals electronically to prior to the closure date posted in the RFP. If hard copy delivery is required for the proposal, the RFP contains instructions accordingly.
Procurement OfficerKelly Noble
Published Date: 05/23/2023 Due Date: June 24,2023 2pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum 1 posted 06/07/23
Attachments: 23124-Ambler Port Studies Solicitation Packet.pdf
23124-ADDENDUM 1.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to CRW Engineering Group, LLC, HDL Engineering Consultants, LLC, Taku Engineering, LLC
Estimated Range1,000,000 or greater
ProjectTerm Contract for Engineering Services - Bulk Fuel Upgrades
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting proposals from a qualified firms to upgrade aging bulk fuel facilities in Rural Alaska. This program will contract with engineering firms to provide engineering design services from Conceptual Design through Construction. The contracted engineering firms may be asked to do design, construction administration, regulatory compliance, and other AEA assigned tasks associated with Bulk Fuel.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 04/28/2023 Due Date: 05/19/2023 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 23102- Engineering Services BFU RFP.pdf
23102-Engineering Services BFU Addendum 1.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Grainger
Estimated Range$0- $3,000.00
ProjectTools/Training Itinerant Operator
DescriptionProcurement of tools for training Itinerant Operators for rural tank farms.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerDawn Molina (907) 771-3904
Published Date: 04/28/2023 Due Date: 05/05/23
Addendum Posted: N/A
Attachments: 23111 - iRFQ.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to High Standard Power Systems
Estimated Range$101,527.32
ProjectStock Power Plant Materials Emergency Inventory
DescriptionAlaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting bids to purchase commodities as indicated in Appendix A - Bid Schedule
Pre-Bid MeetingNot Applicable
Procurement OfficerDaniela Patterson (907) 771-3026
Published Date: 04/19/2023 Opening Date: 05/11/2023 @2:00PM AKST
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: ITB 23086 Stock Power Plant Material.pdf
23086 - Addendum 1.pdf
23086 - Addendum 2.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Controlled Power, Inc.
Estimated Range$200,000.00 and $300,000.00
ProjectNelson Lagoon Power System Upgrade Prime Power Switchgear Purchase
DescriptionAlaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting bids to purchase Nelson Lagoon Prime Power Furnish Complete Switchgear with SCADA System, Programming, Testing, Crating, Etc. as indicated in Appendix C - Scope of Work, Appendix D - Bid Schedule, and Appendix E - Specifications listed as: Section 26 23 00.
Pre-Bid MeetingNot Applicable
Procurement OfficerDaniela Patterson (907) 771-3026
Published Date: 04/12/2023 Opening Date: 05/16/2023 @2:00PM AKST
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: ITB 23098 Nelson Lagoon Complete Switchgear Purchase.pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Range$200,000.00 and $300,000.00
ProjectNelson Lagoon Power System Upgrade Project Module Structure Fabrication
DescriptionAlaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting bids to purchase commodities as indicated in Appendix C - Scope of Work, Appendix D - Bid Schedule, and Appendix E - Specifications. Nelson Lagoon Module Complete With All Exterior Attachments. Furnish one each fabricated steel module structure with loose-ship exterior attachments including stairs, landings, loading docks, and radiator/cooler platforms along with all associated fasteners.
Pre-Bid MeetingNot Applicable
Procurement OfficerDaniela Patterson (907) 771-3026
Published Date: 04/06/2023 Opening Date: 04/27/2023 @2:00PM AKST
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: ITB 23096 Nelson Lagoon Module Structure Fabrication.pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Range $100,000.00 and $200,000.00
ProjectNelson Lagoon Power System Upgrade Project Pad Mount Transformer Purchase
DescriptionAlaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting bids to purchase commodities as indicated in Appendix C - Scope of Work, Appendix D - Bid Schedule, and Appendix E - Specifications. Furnish pad mount transformers and ground sleeves. SCOPE A. This specification covers electrical characteristics and mechanical safety features of mineral-oil immersed, self-cooled, padmounted transformers with separable insulated high voltage bushings. All characteristics, voltage designations and tests shall be in accordance with the latest editions of the standards specified herein. B. Transformers shall be designed in accordance with RUS requirements and shall be of new construction. C. The transformers will be non-evaluated units but shall be provided with minimum efficiencies as specified herein. D. Quantities and ratings shall be as indicated on the Bid Schedule. E. Transformers shall be suitable for step-down service except where specifically indicated for step-up service on the Bid Schedule. F. Transformers shall be provided with ground sleeves as specified herein.
Pre-Bid MeetingNot Applicable
Procurement OfficerDaniela Patterson (907) 771-3026
Published Date: 04/06/2023 Opening Date: 05/25/2023 @2:00PM AKST
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1 - (05/17/2023)
Attachments: ITB 23099 Nelson Lagoon Pad Mount Transformer Purchase.pdf
23099 - Addendum 1.pdf
23099_-_Notice_of_Cancellation SIGNED.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to 49th State Power
Estimated Range$150,000.00 and $250,000.00
ProjectNelson Lagoon Engine-Generators and Radiators Purchase
DescriptionAlaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting bids to purchase commodities as indicated in Appendix C - Scope of Work, Appendix D - Bid Schedule, and Appendix E - Specifications. Appendix C: Scope – Furnish engine-generator sets and accessories and glycol radiators as indicated in Attachment D – Bid Schedule and in accordance with Attachment E – Specifications. Attachment E – Specifications: PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE A. The Work included herein shall consist of providing, fabricating, and shop testing complete engine generators as specified herein. B. The engine generators shall be delivered complete and ready for installation. C. Provide all accessories as specified for all engine generators plus any additional components listed.
Pre-Bid MeetingNot Applicable
Procurement OfficerDaniela Patterson (907) 771-3026
Published Date: 04/04/2023 Opening Date: 04/26/2023 @2:00PM AKST
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: ITB 23097 Nelson Lagoon Engine-Generators & Radiators Purchase.pdf
23097 -Addendum 1.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Anixter, Inc
Estimated Range100,000.00 - 150,000.00
ProjectNapaskiak & Rampart Power System Upgrade Projects Transformer Purchase
DescriptionAlaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting bids to purchase commodities for the project Rampart & Venetie Power System Upgrade as indicated in Appendix C - Scope of Work, Appendix D - Bid Schedule, and Appendix E - Specifications.
Pre-Bid MeetingNot Applicable
Procurement OfficerDaniela Patterson (907) 771-3026
Published Date: 03/29/2023 Opening Date: 05/10/2023 @2:00PM AKST
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: ITB 23106 Napaskiak & Rampart Pole Mount Transformer Purchase.pdf
23106-Addendum 1.pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Range1,000,000.00 - 2,000,000.00
ProjectAkiachak DERA-RPSU Project
DescriptionRenovation of an existing powerhouse, including installation of engine generators, radiators, coolers, and associated equipment. This EPA and State appropriation funded contract is for the replacement of diesel engine-generators and related improvements to the existing diesel power plant in the community of Akiachak, Alaska, as described herein and shown in the Drawings. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, supervision, equipment, tools, transportation, quality control, and supplies required to complete the work. All portions of the work shall be substantially completed by dates indicated in Section 01 11 13 - Summary of Work.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for April 10, 2022, 10:00 AM. Due to the COVID-19 the Pre-Bid Meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential bidders may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 351 122 943 # This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening.
Procurement OfficerDaniela Patterson (907) 771-3026
Published Date: 03/28/2023 Opening Date: 04/18/2023 @2:00PM AKST
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1: Posted 04/12/2023.

NOTE: All questions must be received 72 hours before the bid opening (04/15/2023 2:00PM AK Time). Questions submitted after the deadline may be rejected by the Authority.
Attachments: ITB 23084 Akiachak 2023 DERA-RPSU Design Drawings.pdf
ITB 23084 Akiachak DERA-RPSU Project Manual.pdf
23084-Addendum 1.pdf
ITB 23084 Akiachak DERA-RPSU Project Manual - to Replace Original - Addendum 1.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Accu-Type Depositions
Estimated Range8,000.00 - 12,000.00
ProjectRecording and Transcription Services for meetings
DescriptionRecording and Transcription Services for meetings for 3 teams in company for the period of 04/03/2023 through 04/02/2024. Provider to set up recording equipment, record meeting, provide a copy of the meeting audio to AEA Executive Assistant, transcribe audio recording and provide summary meeting minutes as outlined in the awarded contract. Contract Term runs for (1) One-year with the option to renewal by the Agency for (2) Two One-year renewal options, for the total for 3 years. The quotes received will be considerate for Evaluation purposes and award for this current year. Before renewal for the next year, the Agency will obtain a new quote prior to Award a new Purchase Order for the Annual Renewal.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerDaniela Patterson (907) 771-3026
Published Date: 03/24/2023 Due Date: 03/31/2023 @12:00PM AKST
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 23104 - Request for Quotation.pdf
23104-Addendum 1.pdf
23104-Addendum 2.pdf
23104-Addendum 3.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Alaska Pacific University
Estimated Range$0 - 15,000.00
ProjectHindcasting/Forecasting Dixon Glacier Runoff Trends
DescriptionDixon Glacier is a ~ 40 km2 located in the Kenai Mountains ~ 20 miles west of the city of Homer. AEA is proposing a redirection of Dixon Glacier runoff into Bradley Lake to increase future hydropower capabilities. Deliverables: A report containing details about data methods/analysis and conclusions about Dixon Glacier runoff trends will be provided. All data collected will also be provided to AEA.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerDaniela Patterson (907) 771-3026
Published Date: 03/13/2023 Due Date: 03/16/2023 @12:00PM AKST
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 23101 - IRFQ.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to ABS ALASKAN INC.
Estimated Range20,000.00 - 30,000.00
ProjectAnnual Replacement of Deep Cycle Batteries - Alaska Intertie Snow Load Monitoring System
DescriptionThese batteries are part of an annual replacement of batteries used in the Alaska Intertie snow load monitoring system to power the modems used to transfer data to the operating utilities. They are charged by solar panels mounted on the Intertie towers. Contract Term runs for (1) One-year with the option to renewal by the Agency for (2) Two One-year renewal options, for the total for 3 years. The material included in this solicitation will be purchase as need it and sometimes every other year.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerDaniela Patterson (907) 771-3026
Published Date: 03/03/2023 Due Date: 03/14/2023 @12:00PM AKST
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1: (03/08/2023)
Attachments: iRFQ 23094 - AK Intertie Deep Cycle Batteries.pdf
23094-Addendum 1.pdf
23094-Addendum 2.pdf
23094-Addendum 3.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to G3 Solutions
Estimated Range$0-$50,000.00
ProjectCommunity Liaison and Workforce Development Support Consultant
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) is soliciting proposals for a Community Liaison & Workforce Deployment Support Consultant to assist the AIDEA Communications Director in building community relations within specific villages and communities in Northwestern Alaska and throughout the state.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerCris Chavez
Published Date: 02/24/2023 Due Date: 03/08/2023
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 23090 Community Liaison IRFP.pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Range100,000.00 - 150,000.00
ProjectNapaskiak & Rampart Power System Upgrade Projects Transformer Purchase
DescriptionAlaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting bids to purchase commodities for the project Rampart & Venetie Power System Upgrade as indicated in Appendix C - Scope of Work, Appendix D - Bid Schedule, and Appendix E - Specifications.
Pre-Bid MeetingNot Applicable.
Procurement OfficerSelwin C. Ray 907-771-3026
Published Date: 02/08/2023 Opening Date: 03/16/2023 - 2:00PM AKST
Addendum Posted: 02/27/2023
Attachments: 23085 - ITB Pole Mount Transformer Purchase.pdf
23085-Napaskiak and Rampart -Addendum 1.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to BW Research Partnership
Estimated Range$100,000 or less
ProjectEconomic Impact Evaluation of the Alaska Renewable Energy Fund
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting proposals from a qualified firm (“Firm”) to collect data and perform an impact evaluation of those grants awarded through the Alaska Renewable Energy Fund (REF) from its inception through December 31, 2022 and provide recommendations to the Authority and the State to consider regarding the impact and efficacy of the program. A draft report is expected to be provided to the Authority by March 15, 2023 with a final report due no later than April 15, 2023 as this report will be submitted to requesting parties for review prior to the current statutory sunset date of the REF program of June 30, 2023. We encourage interested firms to submit a proposal
Pre-Bid MeetingA non‐mandatory pre‐proposal conference is scheduled for January 11, 2023 at 10 AM. Potential offerors may attend telephonically by calling 1‐888‐585‐9008, when prompted enter 351‐122‐943#. Please note the call‐in has a limited number of participants so if more than one person from companies are attending telephonically, we respectfully request you call in from a conference room speaker phone and have all people together. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, if you have any additional questions.
Published Date: 01/05/2023 Due Date: 1/17/23 @ 2:00pm AKST
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 23081-Economic Impact Evaluation of the Alaska Renewable Energy Fund.pdf
23081-Economic Impact Evaluation of the Alaska Renewable Energy Fund- RFP -Addendum 1.pdf
2012_REF_Impact Evaluation Report_Final_Rev B.pdf
Alaska Generation-Sales-Infrastructure Data-copy.pbix
REF Program Data Visualization - copy.pbix
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Alaska Power and Telephone Company
Estimated RangeTBD
ProjectRequest for Information (RFI) Craig-Klawock Tie Line Project
DescriptionAlaska Energy Authority (AEA) currently owns 5.5 miles of transmission line between the communities of Craig and Klawock which reside in the Prince of Wales Island of Alaska. The line began commercial operation in January 1988. The line is 3 phase constructed to 24.9 kV standards, yet it is operating at 12.47 kV. Both of the communities of Craig and Klawock are served by the Alaska Power & Telephone (AP&T) which leases the Tie Line from AEA to transmit commercial power. Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is Requesting Letters of Interest from interested entities taking possession of the Tie Line infrastructure and all agreements therein from the Alaska Energy Authority. This Request for Letters of Interest does not constitute a formal solicitation. AEA is not responsible for any costs associated with the preparation of responses. The issuance of this Request for Letters of Interest provides no guarantee that AEA will proceed with a formal solicitation. The intent of this Request for Letters of Interest is to determine the viability of a potential future agreement. AEA is gathering information via this Request for Letters of Interest to ensure that when/if a solicitation is carried out, AEA have a range of information to ensure that any solicitation will meet the needs of AEA.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerSelwin C. Ray 907-771-3035 or
Published Date: 12/20/2022 Due Date: 01/16/2023 - 2:00PM Alaska Time
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 23072 - Request for Letters of Interest.pdf
23072 - Right of Entry.pdf
PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT - Klawock Industrial Site AAI_20221206.pdf
23072-Craig to Klawock Intertie- Request for Letters of Interest -Addendum 1.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Graybar, Anixter, T&R Electric Supply
Estimated Range$0 to $50,000
ProjectEmergency Electrical Materials
DescriptionPurchase distribution materials to keep in stock at warehouse to be used for emergency distribution related power outages.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerDaniela Patterson Office: 907.771.3026 |
Published Date: 12/09/2022 Due Date: 12/16/2022 - 2:00PM Alaska TIme
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 23071 - Request for Quotation.pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Range$0 to $50,000
ProjectEmergency Electrical Materials
DescriptionThe Quotes should be returned by email: No quotes were received!
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerDaniela Patterson Office: 907.771.3026 |
Published Date: 11/30/2022 Due Date: 12/07/2022 - 2:00PM Alaska TIme
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 23045 - iRFQ.pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Range$0 to $50,000
ProjectMaterials for RPSU Projects Nikolai, Venetie, Rampart and Napaskiak
DescriptionThe Quotes should be returned by email:
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerDaniela Patterson Office: 907.771.3026 |
Published Date: 11/29/2022 Due Date: 12/06/2022 - 2:00PM Alaska TIme
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 23068 - iRFQ.pdf
23068-iRFQ-Addendum 1.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Northern Economics, Inc.
Estimated Range$125,000 or less
ProjectEconomist to Assist in the Review of the Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Applications
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting proposals for one or more consultants to assist AEA in performing economic analysis and reviews of grant applications submitted to AEA in response to the Round 15 Renewable Energy Fund Request for Applications. Additionally, economic and financial analysis may be requested for existing Renewable Energy Funds and/or successful applications on an ongoing basis. We encourage interested firms to submit a proposal.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non‐mandatory pre‐proposal conference is scheduled for December 7, 2022 at 10 AM. Potential offerors may attend telephonically by calling 1‐888‐585‐9008, when prompted enter 351‐122‐943#. Please note the call‐in has a limited number of participants so if more than one person from companies are attending telephonically, we respectfully request you call in from a conference room speaker phone and have all people together. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, if you have any additional questions
Published Date: 11/25/2022 Due Date: 12/16/2022 @ 2:00pm AKST
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 23066-Economist-RFP Rd15.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Axiom Environmental, Inc.
Estimated Range$100,000 - $250,000
ProjectWest Susitna Access Road Project Community Outreach Consultant
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development & Export Authority (AIDEA) (also referred to individually as “Authority”, is seeking proposals for a Community Outreach Consultant to assist AIDEA personnel in its public involvement process for the West Susitna Access Road Project. This project will involve working with both AIDEA and private partners throughout the public involvement process to ensure that the public, interested parties and other stakeholders remain informed and involved throughout the project.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerCris Chavez
Published Date: 11/14/2022 Due Date: 12/13/2022
Addendum Posted: Addendum No. 1, 11/29/22
Attachments: RFP23060 West susitna Access Road Project Community Outreach - Final.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to
Estimated Range$100,000 - $250,000
ProjectEconomic Study on AIDEA’s Economic, Fiscal and Functional Impacts
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (the “Authority) is seeking services from a qualified firm (“Firm”) that can collect data, perform analyses, and generate a final report on the Authority’s economic, fiscal and functional impacts on the State of Alaska since the Authority’s inception in 1967. This report will independently examine and detail the Authority’s impressive economic and investment history but also examine and highlight the Authority’s central role in facilitating, supporting, and advancing economic growth and diversification within the state.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerCris Chavez
Published Date: 11/10/2022 Due Date: 12/06/2022
Addendum Posted: Addendum No. 1, Dated 11-30-22
Attachments: 23064 RFP Economic Study 11.10.22.pdf
23064 Addendum No. 1 11-30-22.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Utility Management Assistance
Estimated Range$100,000 or less
ProjectUtility Management and Clerk Training Itinerant Electric Utility
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is looking to provide Remote Utility Management and Clerk training and technical assistance for the twenty-eight Rural Alaska Electric Utilities. The Training and Technical Assistance provided by the contractor is intended to assist the utility staff to become experienced with the best practices for managing their utility and maximizing the PCE subsidy for the benefit of their customers. The Contractor will provide this training and technical assistance remotely using telephonic, electronic, and video conferencing means.
Published Date: 11/09/2022 Due Date: 11/23/2022
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 23053-IRFQ-AEA-Utility Management and Clerk Training Itinerant Electric Utility and Cost Proposal.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Pacific Power Group
Estimated Range$500,000 to $1,000,000
ProjectEngine‐Generator & Cooler Purchase Akiachak Power System Upgrade
DescriptionAlaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting bids to purchase furnish engine-generator sets and accessories, glycol coolers, and charge air.
Pre-Bid MeetingNot Applicable
Procurement OfficerSelwin C. Ray
Published Date: 11/01/2022 Opening Date: 11/22/2022 - 2:00PM Alaska Time
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: ITB 23050 Engine-Generator & Cooler Purchase.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Lineworks LLC
Estimated Range$1,500,000-$2,000,000
ProjectQuartz Creek to Sterling 69 kVa Pole Removal
DescriptionThis State appropriation funded contract is for the retirement and removal of roughly One Hundred and Fifty Eight (158) 69-kVa poles and lines between the Quartz Creek Substation (Kenai Lake) and the Sterling Substation (at the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge boundary). Pole removal access is carried between vehicle, foot, and helicopter access. All poles to be removed are located within a 100 foot right of way just south of a 100 foot right of way for 115 kVa lines as described herein and shown in the Drawings. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, supervision, equipment, tools, transportation, quality control, and supplies required to complete the work.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for October 20, 2022, 10:30 AM. The pre-bid meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential bidders may attend telephonically by calling 1-907-313-5678, when prompted enter 243 582 207#. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contract Officer, Selwin Ray, at (907) 771-3035 for more information. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening.
Procurement OfficerSelwin C. Ray,
Published Date: 10/06/2022 Opening Date: 11/7/2022 - 2:00PM Alaska Time
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 23040-Quartz Creek to Sterling kVa Pole Removal 0000 DIVISION 0 10.6.22.pdf
23040-Quartz Creek to Sterling kVa Pole Removal 0000 DIVISION 1 No Appendices 10.6.22.pdf
23040-Quartz Creek to Sterling kVa Pole Removal APPENDIX A and B 10.6.22.pdf
23040-Quartz Creek to Sterling kVa Pole Removal APPENDIX C 10.6.22.pdf
23040-Quartz Creek to Sterling kVa Pole Removal APPENDICES D, E, F 10.6.22.pdf
23040-Addendum 2 10.24.pdf
69-kVA poles to remove.xlsx
20220510 East fm QS 18-08.jpeg
20220510 Fuller Crk QS 12-10.jpeg
20220510 Head cut erosion nr QS 14-04.jpeg
20220510 Jean Creek.jpeg
20220510 QK-212.jpeg
20220510 QK-217.jpeg
20220510 QS 13-05 Canyon.jpeg
23040-Addendum 3.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to EXP U.S., Inc
Estimated Range$250,000-$500,000
ProjectWest Susitna Access Program Manager
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) is seeking professional services to assist with AIDEA’s program management activities associated with advancing the West Susitna Access Road (Project) through environmental clearances in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
Pre-Bid MeetingOctober 19, 2022 at 2:00 P.M., Alaska Time in the Birch Room, at: 813 West Northern Lights Blvd., Anchorage, AK 99503. If you wish to participate via conference call please dial: 1-907-313-5678 and use code 333280943#.
Procurement OfficerCris Chavez
Published Date: 10/06/2022 Due Date: 10/28/2022
Addendum Posted: Addendum No. 1, 10-12-22
Addendum No. 2, 10-17-22
Addendum No. 3, 10-24-22
Attachments: 23052 West Su Program Manager 10-6-22.pdf
23052 Addendum Two.pdf
23052 Addendum No. 3 10-24-22.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Electric Power Constructors Inc.
Estimated Range$3,000,000 to $4,000,000
ProjectNapaskiak and Rampart RPSU Projects Modular Power Plant Assembly
DescriptionThis USDA and State appropriation funded Napaskiak project, and Denali Commission and State appropriation funded Rampart project is for the assembly of two module power plant modules as described in ‘Section 01 11 13 Summary of Work’
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for October 20, 2022, 10:00 AM. Due to the COVID-19 the pre-bid meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential bidders may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008 and when prompted enter 351 122 943 #. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contract Administrator, Daniela Patterson, at (907) 771-3026 for more information. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening.
Procurement OfficerDaniela Patterson Office: 907.771.3026 |
Published Date: 10/06/2022 Opening Date: 11/03/2022 - 2:00PM Alaska Time
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 23014 Rampart Module Assembly Drawings.pdf
23014 Napaskiak Module Assembly Drawings.pdf
23014 - ITB - Napaskiak and Rampart RPSU Assembley.pdf
23014 - Addendum 1 Napaskiak Revised Lighting Plan.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Alaska Demolition, LLC
Estimated Range$50,000-$100,000
ProjectDemolition of 825 W. Northern Lights Blvd formerly known as Chef's Inn or Blues Central
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) is seeking professional services to demolish, dispose of a building at 825 W. Northern Lights Blvd, formerly known as Chef’s Inn or Blues Central, in accordance with EPA and NEPA standards.
Procurement OfficerCris Chavez
Published Date: 10/05/2022 Opening Date: 10/19/2022 2:30PM
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: ITB 23027 Demo 825 N Lights.pdf
Blues Central As-Built.pdf
Site Visit 10-11-22.pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Range$100,000-$200,000
ProjectRampart and Venetie Distribution Transformer Purchase
DescriptionAlaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting bids to purchase commodities. Furnish multiple Transformers in accordance with attached specifications and deliver to AEA Warehouse in Anchorage, Alaska.
Pre-Bid MeetingNot Applicable
Published Date: 09/28/2022 Opening Date: 10/19/2022 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: ITB 23025 Rampart & Venetie Transformer Purchase.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Totalview, LLC
Estimated Range$800,000-$2,000,000
ProjectBulk Fuel and Inventory Assessment
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA), (hereafter known as the Authority), in order to comply with the requirements of 3 AAC 108.110 to provide for a current evaluation and rank of deficiencies for bulk fuel upgrades, will solicit proposals from qualified Proposers to complete a Bulk Fuel Inventory and Assessment. The purpose of the contract resulting from this solicitation is to gather required data, by the means of site visits and completion of electronic ArcGIS Survey, to inventory and assess existing bulk fuel infrastructure in approximately 183 communities. The project will result in a ranked list of infrastructure to be used when prioritizing available funding. Inventory will include all significant components of bulk fuel facility, and assessment will result in score for facility health, and remaining useful life. The assessment will also include 3D images of the facility to the extent possible.
Pre-Bid MeetingA pre-proposal conference will be held at 2 PM, Alaska Time, on 9/27/2022 VIA MS TEAMS: +1 907-313-5807,,103554393# United States, Anchorage Phone Conference ID: 103 554 393# See weblink in the attached solicitation.
Published Date: 09/22/2022 Due Date: 10/13/2022
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 23039-RFP- Bulk Fuel Inventory and Assessment with attachments.pdf
23039 - Certification of Compliance.pdf
23039- Indemnification and Insurance.pdf
23039- Debarment Certification.pdf
23039-Bulk Fuel and Inventory Assesment Addendum_1.pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Range$50,000-$70,000
ProjectRural Energy Programs Technical Support Term Contract
DescriptionThe Authority will solicit proposals from qualified proposers for the expansion of the existing geographic information system (GIS) and reality capture (RC) platforms the authority uses. The purpose of the contract resulting from this solicitation is the development, design, edit, and expand the use of the current ESRI ARCGIS and RC platforms being used by the authority.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 09/15/2022 Due Date: 10/28/2022
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 23028-AEA-IRFP-Rural Energy Programs Technical Support Term Contract.pdf
23028-Standard Agreement Form.pdf
23028-Rural Energy Programs Technical Support-Attachment A-Cost Proposal.pdf
23028-Rural Energy Programs Technical Support-Attachment B.pdf
23028-State Of Alaska Preference Guide.pdf
23028-Rural Energy Programs Technical Support Addendum_1.pdf
23028-Rural Energy Programs Technical Support Term Contract Addendum 2.pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Range$500,000 to $1,000,000
ProjectRegulatory and DERA Program Support
DescriptionThe contract resulting from this RFP is intended to provide valuable research, analysis, deliverables, and recommendations regarding the environmental regulations governing the procurement, installation, operation and regulatory compliance of new, used and re-manufactured diesel generator sets in Alaska. These regulations may include but are not limited to Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines (RICE) National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) and new source performance standards (NSPS) regulations as well as the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC) air permitting regulations. Interpretation and Clarification services will be, at times, need to be provided on an on-call basis. At times the request may need to be accelerated.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerDaniela Patterson 907.771.3026 |
Published Date: 09/09/2022 Due Date: 10/11/2022 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted: Addendum 1: (09/28/2022)
Addendum 2: (09/30/2022)
Attachments: 23026 - RFP.pdf
23026 - RFP Addendum 1-1.pdf
23026 - Addendum_1 Signed.pdf
Sample Contract document.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Superior Mechanical
Estimated Range100-250K
Project23017-813 W. Northern Lights Fan Replacement
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) is seeking professional services to solicit detailed proposals from qualified mechanical companies interested in providing fan replacement on the premises of 813 W. Northern Lights Blvd., Anchorage AK, 99503.
Pre-Bid MeetingThere will be an on-site visit on August 11, 2022 at 2pm at 813 W. Northern Lights Blvd., Anchorage, AK 99503
Procurement OfficerKelly Noble
Published Date: 08/03/2022 Due Date: 09/09/22
Addendum Posted: Addendum 1 posted 08/25/2022
Addendum 2 posted 08/26/2022
Attachments: RFP 23017-813 W. Northern Lights Fan Replacement.pdf
AIDEA Bldg Condition Survey - Final.pdf
Addendum 1.pdf
23017-Addendum 2.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to ICF Incorporated, LLC
Estimated Range$100,000-$150,000
ProjectState Energy Security Plan
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority is soliciting proposals from Contractors interested in writing a State Energy Security Plan (SESP) for Alaska. The energy sector is uniquely critical as all other infrastructure sectors depend on power and/or fuel to operate. A threat on energy infrastructure can directly affect the security and resilience within and across other critical infrastructure sectors – threatening public safety, the economy, and national security. The scope for this project is tailored to meet the requirements of the Department of Energy (DOE) as outlined in Section 40108 of the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) hereafter referred to as the “BIL.” The scope of work/guidance in this request covers DOE and AEA’s interpretation of how the six elements could be met – it is not exhaustive. Other methods for meeting the six elements are also acceptable.
Pre-Bid MeetingA pre-proposal conference will be held at 10:00 AM, Alaska Time, on AUGUST 3, 2022 via Microsoft Teams. The purpose of the conference is to discuss the work to be performed with the prospective offerors and allow them to ask questions concerning the RFP. Questions and answers will be transcribed and sent to prospective offerors as soon as possible after the meeting. Offerors with a disability needing accommodation should contact the procurement officer prior to the date set for the pre-proposal conference so that reasonable accommodation can be made. Participants may dial into the meeting using the following number: Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer or mobile app Meeting ID: 281 570 177 548 Passcode: cN3SDL Download Teams | Join on the web Or call in (audio only) +1 907-313-5807,,462830467# United States, Anchorage Phone Conference ID: 462 830 467#
Published Date: 07/28/2022 Due Date: 08/18/2022 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted: Addendum 1- 8/5/2022

Addendum 2- 8/18/2022
Attachments: 23012 State Energy Security Plan RFP.pdf
23012- State Energy Security Plans Section 40108-40109 .pdf
23012- State Energy Security Plan Additional Resources.pdf
23012- State Energy Security Plan Cost Proposal.pdf
psa-c - Standard Agreement Form.pdf
psa d - Indemnification and Insurance.pdf
psa-e - Certification of Compliance.pdf
psa-f - Debarment Certification.pdf
23012- State Energy Security Plans RFP-Submittal-Forms-.pdf
psa- Sample NTP.pdf
23012-State Energy Security Plan-Addendum 1.pdf
23012-State Energy Security Plan-Addendum 2.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to DOWL Alaska, Inc. and Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.
Estimated Range40,000,000
ProjectDixon Diversion Project Engineering Services
DescriptionBy way of this RFP, the Authority is soliciting proposals from Contractors to provide engineering and licensing services for Alaska Energy Authority owned Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Dixon Diversion Project and other Railbelt projects. Tasking will be by individual notice-to-proceeds. Scope could include engineering studies (hydrology, geology, financial, system), design, and licensing assistance.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 07/27/2022 Due Date: 08/19/2022 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted: 8/17/2022
Attachments: 23013-Dixon Diversion Engineering RFP.pdf
23013-Dixon Diversion Addendum 1.pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Range$40,000
ProjectWind Working Group
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting proposals for a contractor to facilitate the Alaska Wind Working Group (AKWWG), public outreach and education activities for the AKWWG, and AEA Wind Program in coordination with wind industry stakeholders. The AKWWG is comprised of members from across the state including state agencies, National Labs, Railbelt and rural utilities, University of Alaska staff and students, private citizens, and others. The AKWWG conducts a variety of wind-related activities throughout the year. The AKWWG facilitates quarterly working group meetings, prepares quarterly newsletters, conducts public outreach and education activities, organizes annual wind workshops, and conducts wind funding research activities. To learn more about the AEA wind program, visit the AEA website at
Pre-Bid MeetingNo pre-Bid meeting
Procurement OfficerDaniela Patterson
Published Date: 07/19/2022 Due Date: 08/16/2022 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1: (08/09/2022)
Addendum #1: (08/12/2022)
Attachments: psa-a - IRFP 23002 Wind Working Group.pdf
psa-b - Cost Proposal.pdf
psa-c - Contract Template.pdf
psa-d - Indemnification and Insurance.pdf
psa-e - Certification of Compliance.pdf
psa-f - Debarment Certification.pdf
23002-RFP-Addendum 1.pdf
23002-RFP-Addendum 2.pdf
Addendum 2 Attachement 1 - 2 - State Of Alaska Preference Guide.pdf
Addendum 2 Attachement 2- 2 - 23002 - ALASKA BIDDER PREFERENCE CERTIFICATION.pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Range150,000 - $175,000
ProjectAccounting And Audit Preparation Services
DescriptionPrepare audit work papers to support audit schedules including drafting the financial statements and footnotes, drafting the federal single audit report, and preparing related special reports.
Pre-Bid MeetingA pre-proposal conference will be held at 2 PM, Alaska Time, on JULY 22, 2022 VIA TELECONFERENCE. Join by entering a meeting Teams: Meeting ID: 257 422 654 175 Passcode: j7HwvD Or call in (audio only) +1 907-313-5807,,795133321# United States, Anchorage Phone Conference ID: 795 133 321#
Procurement OfficerDaniela Patterson
Published Date: 07/18/2022 Due Date: 08/16/2022 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1: (08/02/2022)
Attachments: 23005 Cost Proposal.pdf
23005 RFP - Accounting and Audit Preparation.pdf
psa-c - Contract Template.pdf
psa-d - Indemnification and Insurance.pdf
psa-e - Certification of Compliance.pdf
psa-f - Debarment Certification.pdf
23005-RFP-Addendum 1.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Glacier Sign & Lighting
Estimated Range$0-$50,000.00
ProjectFurnish Monument Sign
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) and Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) request quotes from qualified sign contractors to provide AIDEA and AEA with fabrication and installation services for the completion of one new monument sign in a base bid format. The Base Bid format will have two (2) choices in layout. Attachment A Sign Photo Concept #1, fabrication & installation of new monument sign at the corner of Northern Lights Blvd and Arctic Blvd. OR Attachment B Sign Photo Concept #2, fabrication & installation of new monument sign at the corner of Northern Lights Blvd and Arctic Blvd. Additive Alternate #1 is for Attachment C, AIDEA and AEA Existing Box Sign Photo (East Elevation), removal, disposal and installation of new signage. Additive Alternate #2 is for Attachment D, AIDEA and AEA Existing Box Sign Photo (Southeast Elevation), removal, disposal, and installation of new signage. The Contractor shall provide all services including labor, materials, equipment, permitting, and travel necessary to fabricate and install an AIDEA and AEA monument sign at the site, as well as removal and disposal of two existing box signs in accordance with the specifications detailed in this contract and its attachments. As Per Attached Specifications and Attachments. Provide quotes on or before 21 July 2022. If you have any questions, please contact the Contracting Administrator above. If schedule (either bid or contract) are unachievable, please notify the Contracting Administrator prior to quote due date. If you will not be providing a bid, please notify the Contracting Administrator of your “no bid” All quotes totaling more than $25,000.00 must include State of Alaska Department of Labor Wages included in pricing. Wages can be found at: . 2022Pamphlet600_spring.psd (
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerCris Chavez
Published Date: 07/15/2022 Due Date: 07/21/2022 @ 2:00PM
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 23008 Monument Sign RFQ 7.15.22.pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Range75000
ProjectBiomass Feasibility Studies
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerDaniela
Published Date: 07/01/2022 Due Date: 07/25/2022
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 23001-IRFP-AEA-Biomass Support Services.pdf
23001 - PSA Template.pdf
iRFP 23001 - Cost Proposal.pdf
PSA-f - Debarment Certification.pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Range$100,000
ProjectBradley Lake Hydro Project- Special Purpose Financial Service Audit
DescriptionThe Contractor shall provide a special-purpose financial statement audit of the operating and revenue funds of the BPMC in accordance with the accounting requirements of the operating and revenue funds established under the Alaska Energy Authority Power Revenue Bond Resolution.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 06/06/2022 Due Date: 07/21/2022 @ 2:00pm AKST
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1- 06/27/2022
Addendum #2- 07/07/2022
Attachments: 22102-Bradley Lake Hydro Project- Special Purpose Financial Statement Audit.pdf
22102-Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project- BPMC Addendum 1.pdf
22102-Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project- BPMC Addendum 2.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Pacific Power Group
Estimated Range$300,000-$500,000
ProjectNapaskiak RPSU Engine‐Generator Purchase
DescriptionAlaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting bids to purchase commodities as indicated in Appendix C ‐ Scope of Work, Appendix D ‐ Bid Schedule, and Appendix E ‐ Specifications.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 05/31/2022 Opening Date: 06/21/2022 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: ITB 22111 Napaskiak Power System Upgrade Project Engine Generator Purchase.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to 49th State Power LLC
Estimated Range$200,000-$300,000
ProjectRampart RPSU Engine Generator Purchase
DescriptionAlaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting bids to purchase commodities as indicated in Appendix C ‐ Scope of Work, Appendix D ‐ Bid Schedule, and Appendix E ‐ Specifications.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 05/24/2022 Opening Date: 06/14/2022 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 22099-ITB- Rampart Engine Generator Purchase.pdf
22099-ITB- Rampart Engine Generator Drawings.pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated RangeUnknown
ProjectAmbler Access Project Port Technical Feasibility Study
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) is seeking professional services to prepare a Technical Feasibility Study of the Ambler Road transportation corridor and proposed tidewater export terminals that can be accessed via rail link. This feasibility study will evaluate ore concentrate transportation routes from the Ambler Road and Dalton Highway intersection to marine vessels docking in Southcentral Alaska. Four tidewater export terminals are to be included in this study: • Port MacKenzie • Port of Alaska (Anchorage) • Seward • Whittier AIDEA is seeking an engineering consultant to define all stages in the logistics supply chain from the intersection of the Dalton Highway MP 168 & future Ambler Road to each of the tidewater export location. The consultant will also provide a comparative analysis of each tidewater export location. The proposed plan is to truck ore concentrate from the Ambler Mining District to a trans-loading point in Fairbanks, where it will be loaded onto rail flatcars and freighted to a staging area at one of the four export terminals. From the staging area, the containers will be emptied into bulk carrier vessels, cleaned as necessary, and returned to the staging area to be backhauled to the mine site.
Pre-Bid MeetingPlease submit proposals electronically to prior to the closure date posted in the RFP. If hard copy delivery is required for the proposal, the RFP contains instructions accordingly.
Procurement OfficerKelly Noble
Published Date: 05/23/2022 Due Date: 06/24/2022
Addendum Posted: 06/01/2022 Addendum 1
Attachments: 22106-Ambler Access Project Port Technical Feasibility Study Solicitation.pdf
22106-Addendum 1.pdf
psa-a General Conditions.pdf
Sample Contract document.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Sampson Steel Company, Inc.
Estimated Range$300,000-$600,000
ProjectNapaskiak and Rampart Power System Upgrade Project Module Structure Fabrication
DescriptionAlaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting bids to purchase commodities as indicated in Appendix C ‐ Scope of Work, Appendix D ‐ Bid Schedule, and Appendix E ‐ Drawings.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 04/28/2022 Opening Date: 05/19/2022 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 22086 ITB Napaskiak and Rampart Upgrade Project Module Structure Fabrication.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Gray Stassel Engineering, Inc.
Estimated Range$250,000-$500,000
ProjectManokotak Rural Power System Upgrade (RPSU)
DescriptionThis is a State Funded project. Anticipated period for performance-Begin/End: Manokotak Phase 1 CDR August 30, 2022 through September 30, 2022 for the Final Completion. Phase 2, 95% Final Design completed by April 1, 2023. Final Design competed by June 30, 2023. Contract may be renewed in order to complete the project scope, and phases, at the discretion of the Authority.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-proposal meeting is scheduled for May 4, 2022 at 10:00 AM. Due to the COVID-19 the pre-proposal meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential Offerors may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 811-444-870#. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, Selwin C. Ray, at (907) 771-3035 for more information.
Published Date: 04/27/2022 Due Date: 05/19/2022 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 22080-Manokotak RPSU CDR and Design RFP.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Sturgeon Electric Company, Inc.
Estimated Range$250,000-$300,000
Project FFY 20 DERA Platinum and Ruby
DescriptionThis EPA, Volkswagen, and State appropriation funded contract is for the replacement of older diesel engines with new Tier 3 marine diesel engines in the communities of Platinum and Ruby, Alaska. The Work is described herein and shown on the Drawings. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, supervision, equipment, tools, transportation, quality control, and supplies required to complete the work.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for May 5, 2022, 10:00 AM. Due to the COVID-19 the pre-bid meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential bidders may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 811 444 870#. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contract Officer, Selwin Ray, at (907) 771- 3035 for more information. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening.
Published Date: 04/26/2022 Opening Date: 05/17/2022 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 22085 ITB FFY 20 DERA Platinum and Ruby Project Manual.pdf
22085 ITB FFY 20 DERA Platinum and Ruby Drawings.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to DOWL ALASKA
Estimated Range2,500,000 or greater
ProjectBradley Lake Hydroelectric Engineering
DescriptionBy way of this RFP, the Authority is soliciting proposals from consultants who are qualified to provide engineering and licensing services for Alaska Energy Authority owned Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. Scope will include dam, generation plant, and transmission line inspections and engineering, safety inspection, license amendments and permitting support, project progress inspections, and preparing documents for submission to FERC. Contractor shall be familiar with FERC Dam Safety and Inspections regulations, guidelines and manuals.
Published Date: 04/05/2022 Due Date: 04/27/2022 @ 2:00pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1 (Posted: 04/22/2022)
Attachments: 22056 Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Engineering.pdf
22056 - Addendum 1-3 - Items.pdf
22056 - Addendum 2-3 - rfp-c.pdf
22056 - Addendum 3-3 - Appendix D - Indemnification and Insurance.pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Range2,000,000 or greater
ProjectPort Heiden Electrical Distribution System Upgrade Project Phases 1&2
DescriptionThis Denali Commission and State appropriation funded contract is for the installation of a new underground electrical power distribution system in the community of Port Heiden, Alaska as described herein and shown in the Drawings. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, supervision, equipment, tools, transportation, quality control, and supplies required to complete the work.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for April 1, 2022, 10:00 AM. Due to the COVID-19 the pre-bid meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential bidders may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 811 444 870#. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contract Officer, Selwin Ray, at (907) 771-3035 for more information. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening.
Published Date: 03/22/2022 Due Date: 04/12/2022 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1: (Posted 04/05/2022)
Addendum #2: (Posted 04/13/2022)
Addendum #3: (Posted 04/18/2022)
Attachments: ITB 22044 Drawings Pt Heiden Distribution Phases 1&2.pdf
ITB 22044 Staking Sheet Pt Heiden Distribution Phases 1&2.pdf
ITB 22044 Project Manual Pt Heiden Distribution Phases 1&2.pdf
22044-RFP-Addendum 1 - Part 2-2 - Pt Heiden Distribution Ph 1 2 Staking Sheet.xls
22044-RFP-Addendum 1 - Part 1-2.pdf
22044-RFP-Addendum 2.pdf
22044-RFP-Addendum 3.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Michael Baker International, Inc.
Estimated Range$200,000
ProjectEV Working Group Coordinator
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is seeking a EV Working Group Coordinator term contractor to facilitate the Alaska Electric Vehicle Working Group (AKEVWG), and EV related public outreach and education. It is anticipated that the Agency will award a one (1) year contract with four (4) one (1) year extensions term agreements for these services. Tasks 1-3 are specific to a contractor interested in the scope as it relates to the AKEVWG facilitation, public outreach, and education. The Authority reserves the right to select contractors based on the strengths demonstrated to complete the tasks in these areas.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 03/11/2022 Due Date: 04/06/2022 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1: Posted 03/25/2022
Addendum #2: Posted 03/30/2022
Addendum #3: Posted 03/31/2022
Attachments: 22046-AEA- EV Program Support RFP.pdf
22046-AEA-EV Working Group Coordinator-Addendum 1.pdf
22046-RFP-Addendum 2.pdf
22046-AEA- EV Working Group Coordinator - Addendum 3 - Part 1-2.pdf
22046-AEA- EV Working Group Coordinator - Addendum 3 - Part 2-2.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Michael Baker International, Inc.
Estimated Range$500,000.00
ProjectEV Program Support
DescriptionTask 4: EVSE Planning and Implementation Task 4.1: Statewide EVSE Plan Development The IIJA NEVI Formula Program requires the development of a plan for disbursing funds to strategically deploy publicly accessible EVSE each federal fiscal year (FY) from FY22 through FY26. It is estimated at this time that Alaska will receive approximately $50 million under this program. The Contractor shall support the Authority in developing a statewide plan each fiscal year for the strategic deployment of publicly available EV charging infrastructure following the guidelines issued by the Federal Highway Administration. Plan development will include stakeholder outreach, gathering and summarizing baseline data (e.g., registered EVs, EVSE inventory), GIS geodatabase development, and map production. Task 4.2: Statewide EVSE Plan Implementation The Contractor shall assist the Authority in implementing the required annual plan referenced above in Task 4.1. This may include developing partnerships with stakeholders; identifying EVSE site hosts; drafting requests for information (RFl’s) and/or requests for proposals (RFPs) or requests for applications (RFAs); gathering and summarizing performance metric data; and preparing draft annual reports.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 03/11/2022 Due Date: 04/06/2022 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1: Posted 03/30/2022
Addendum #2: Posted 03/31/2022
Addendum #3: Posted 04/01/2022
Addendum #4: Posted 04/05/2022
Attachments: RFP 22074 - AEA- EV Program Support.pdf
22074-RFP-Addendum 1.pdf
22074-EV Program Support-Addendum 2 - Part 1-2.pdf
22074-EV Program Support-Addendum 2 - Part 2-2.pdf
22074-EV Program Support-Addendum 3 - Part 1-4.pdf
22074-EV Program Support-Addendum 3 - Part 2-4 RFP – Shell.pdf
22074-EV Program Support-Addendum 3 - Part 3-4 RFP – Sample Contract document.pdf
22074-EV Program Support-Addendum 3 - Part 4-4.pdf
22074-EV Program Support-Addendum 4.pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Range40000
ProjectFivemile Creek Hydro Project Vegetation Clearing
DescriptionThis Statement of Services entails clearing vegetation along the diversion and intake structure, access road, overland penstock route, powerhouse area, and two staging/spoils areas, with high priority areas as defined below to be completed no later than April 15, 2022, prior to clearing restrictions associated with the nesting period of migratory birds. Low priority areas, as defined below, must be cleared outside of the migratory bird nesting window (May 1 – July 15) and completed no later than August 15, 2022. Attachment 2 includes drawings of the clearing limits. The Contractor shall perform tree/brush clearing of the clearing limits along the diversion and intake structure, access road, overland penstock route, powerhouse area, and two staging/spoils areas as shown in Attachment 2 clearing limits drawings.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerSelwin C. Ray
Published Date: 03/10/2022 Due Date: 03/21/2022 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1: Posted 2022-03-21
Attachments: 22071-AEA-Five Mile Creek Vegetation Clearing 3.10.22.pdf
22071-RFP-Addendum 1.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Array Hi, dba Employers Options
Estimated Range1,000,000 or greater
ProjectAEA Leased Employees Staffing Services
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is seeking professional Leased Employee staffing services to assist with filling various needs of the Authority. Requirements range from clerical employees to professional and senior management employee. The location of the services is statewide depending on the specific task awarded through future Notice To Proceed (NTP). The most likely location will be in Anchorage. Travel may be necessary at times with some positions.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 02/11/2022 Due Date: 3/4/2022
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1: (2022-03-01)
Attachments: 22059-AEA-RFP- Leased Employees Staffing Services.pdf
22059-RFP-Addendum 1.pdf
22059-RFP-Addendum 1 Question 10 - Sample Contract Document.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Kleinschmidt Associates, Inc, Stantec Consulting Services Inc, HDR Alaska, Inc.
Estimated Range1,000,000 or greater
ProjectBradley Lake Hydroelectric-Environmental
DescriptionBy way of this RFP, the Authority is soliciting proposals from consultants who are qualified to: (a) prepare the documents that must be filed with FERC, including but not limited to license amendment(s) and additional information requests; (b) complete agency and stakeholder consultation and study planning; (c) implement FERC-approved studies and all required technical reporting; (d) complete impact assessment and development of protection, mitigation, and enhancement measures; (e) assist the Authority in obtaining and compliance with other required permits (e.g., Clean Water Act Section 404); (f) maintain the consultation and administrative record throughout the process; and (g) provide environmental services to assist the Authority in complying with the BLHP license terms and conditions and Sterling to Quartz Creek transmission line right-of-way. In addition to FERC licensing experience, the majority of technical expertise is expected to be needed in fisheries, in-stream flow, water quality, wetland/vegetation inventory and mapping. This RFP is for a term contract for these services. The duration may be up to six years with a maximum contract value of $5,000,000. The Authority may award more than one term contract. RFPs for specific services will be issued to the selected term contractors as need arises.
Published Date: 01/27/2022 Due Date: 03/10/2022 @ 2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1: Posted 02/08/2022
Addendum #1: Posted 02/28/2022
Attachments: 22045-RFP-Bradley Lake Hydroelectric.pdf
22045-RFP-Bradley Lake Hydroelectric-Environmental - Addendum 1.pdf
22045-RFP-Addendum 2.pdf
22045-RFP-Addendum 2 Question 7 - Sample Contract Document.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to GDS ASSOCIATES, INC.
Estimated Range1,000,000
ProjectRequired Project Work Analysis
DescriptionThis request for proposal is for consulting services from an independent engineer, engineering firm, or corporation having a nationwide and favorable reputation and demonstrated experience in electric power systems engineering and consulting. Additionally, the consultant shall have specific experience since 2010 analyzing power projects, agreements, economics, and/or transactions on the Alaska Railbelt Grid.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 01/25/2022 Due Date: 2/22/2022 no later than 2:00pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1: Posted (02/04/2022)

Addendum #2: Posted (02/15/2022)

Addendum #2: Posted (02/18/2022)
Attachments: 22050-RFP- Required Project Work Analysis.pdf
22050-RFP- Required Project Work Analysis Addendum 1.pdf
22050-RFP- Required Project Work Analysis Addendum 2.pdf
22050-RFP- Required Project Work Analysis Addendum 3.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Northern Economics, Inc.
Estimated Range$125,000.00
ProjectEconomist to Assist in the Review of the Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Applications
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting proposals for one or more consultants to assist AEA in performing economic analysis and reviews of grant applications submitted to AEA in response to the Round 14 Renewable Energy Fund Request for Applications. Additionally, economic and financial analysis may be requested for existing Renewable Energy Funds and/or successful applications on an ongoing basis. We encourage interested firms to submit a proposal
Pre-Bid MeetingA non‐mandatory pre‐proposal conference is scheduled for January 24, 2022 at 10:00 am.
Procurement OfficerSelwin C. Ray
Published Date: 01/19/2022 Due Date: 01/31/2022
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1: Posted January 24, 2022
Addendum #2: Posted January 27, 2022
Attachments: 22043-AEA-RFP-Economist to assist in the review of the Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Applications.pdf
22043 - RFP Addendum 1.pdf
22043 Addendum 2.pdf

StatusAwarded to 49TH STATE POWER LLC
Estimated Range$260,000
ProjectProject Engine-Generator Purchase Platinum And Ruby Alaska
DescriptionAlaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting bids to purchase commodities as indicated in Appendix C ‐ Scope of Work, Appendix D ‐ Bid Schedule, and Appendix E ‐ Specifications.
Pre-Bid MeetingNot Applicable
Procurement OfficerSelwin C. Ray
Published Date: 12/15/2021 Opening Date: 01/14/2022
Addendum Posted: 1/6/2022
Attachments: ITB 22027 FFY20 DERA Platinum & Ruby Engine-Generator Purchase.pdf
ITB 22027 FFY20 DERA Platinum & Ruby Engine-Generator Purchase Addendum 1.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to
Estimated RangeIDIQ
ProjectIDIQ AIDEA Staffing Services
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) is seeking professional staffing services to assist with filling various needs of the Authority. A description of sample (but-not-limited-to) labor categories are supplied at the end of this document. Requirements range from administrative, and clerical support all the way through to the level of professional management services. Staffing needs may vary from Short-Term Temporary, Long-Term Temporary, to Long Term for much more extended period of time. Minimum length for short term services shall be no-less than 40 hours. Long Term staffing requirements will not exceed one-year in length, but can be renewed annually during the life of the contract. The location of the services is statewide depending on the specific task awarded through future Purchase Order (PO). The most likely locations will be in Anchorage or Fairbanks. Travel may be necessary at times with some positions. This Request for Proposal (RFP) is intended to provide interested employment staffing firms (hereinafter referred to as Staffing Agency(s)) with sufficient information for the preparation and submission of a proposal (hereinafter referred to as PROPOSAL) for consideration by the Authority. The intent of the Authority is in accordance with 3 AAC 100.120 make multiple awards under Indefinite-Delivery-Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) term contracts to potentially multiple Staffing Agencies. This document does not and is not intended to include or address every item that will be included or addressed in the contract for professional services. The base period of this contract shall be one year from date of AWARD, with (3) subsequent annual option years.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerTravis Oaks (907) 771-3909
Published Date: 11/24/2021 Due Date: 12/27/2021
Addendum Posted: Addendum #2, Dated 12/14/2021
Addendum #1, dated 12/02/2021
Addendum #3, dated 12/20/2021
Attachments: 1. AIDEA Staffing RFP A .pdf
2. AIDEA Staffing RFP B.pdf
3. AIDEA Staffing RFP C.pdf
4. AIDEA Staffing RFP.pdf
5. Debarment Certification.pdf
7. AIDEA Staffing PSA.pdf
9. AIDEA Sample Contract (1).pdf
6. AIDEA Staffing SOS.pdf
8. 001440 EEO CERT 25A_304.pdf
RFP 22021-22023 ANNDENDUM 1.pdf
RFP 22023 ADDENDUM 3.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Ridge Contracting Inc.
Estimated Range$6,000,000 or greater
ProjectNikolai and Venetie Power System and Bulk Fuel Upgrade Projects
DescriptionThis Denali Commission and State appropriation funded contract is for the installation of new electrical power generation systems, upgrade of electrical power distribution systems, and installation of a new bulk fuel system in the communities of Nikolai and Venetie, Alaska as described in the project manual and shown in the Drawings. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, supervision, equipment, tools, transportation, quality control, and supplies required to complete the work.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for November 18 at 2pm. Attendance is not required. The pre-bid meeting will be conducted in telephonically. Potential Bidders may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008 when prompted enter 351 122 943#. The purpose of the conference is to discuss the work to be performed with the prospective bidders and to allow them to ask questions concerning the ITB. Questions and answers will be transcribed and sent to prospective bidders as soon as possible after the meeting.
Procurement OfficerSelwin Ray
Published Date: 11/04/2021 Opening Date: 12/7/2021 no later than 2:00pm
Addendum Posted: November 01, 2021 - 22021-Nikolai_and_Venetie_Power_System_and_Bulk_Fuel_Upgrade_Projects_Addendum_1

November 23, 2021 - 22021-
Attachments: ITB 22021 Nikolai & Venetie RPSU & BFU Project.pdf
ITB 22021 Nikolai RPSU Part 1 Civil Arch Struct.pdf
ITB 22021 Nikolai RPSU Part 2 Mechanical Electrical.pdf
ITB 22021 Venetie BFU Part 1 General.pdf
ITB 22021 Venetie BFU Part 2 Civil Electrical.pdf
ITB 22021 Venetie RPSU Part 1 Civil Arch Struct.pdf
ITB 22021 Venetie RPSU Part 2 Mechanical Electrical.pdf
22021-Nikolai_and_Venetie_Power_System_and_Bulk_Fuel_Upgrade_Projects_Addendum 2.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to HDR
Estimated RangeTime & Expense (T&E)
ProjectWest Susitna Access Predevelopment and Permitting Services
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) is seeking professional services to assist with pre-development activities associated with advancing the West Susitna Access Road (Project) through environmental clearances and federal permit application. One of the purposes of AIDEA is to develop and provide financing for industrial development of Alaska’s natural resources and long-term economic growth of the State that will directly and indirectly alleviate unemployment in Alaska. AIDEA’s Economic Development Account (AS 44.88.172) was created to promote and provide financing for Alaska development projects. The intent of the Project is to provide a multi-user, public access corridor to access natural resources and create opportunities for development, jobs, and economic benefits in the western Susitna region. The Project pre-development components will include but may not be limited to: a full review of existing data and engineering already compiled and owned by AIDEA, data gap analysis, engineering refinement, alternative route options, cultural and historical, wetland, fish, hydrological baseline studies, project stakeholder support, and permit application submission. This contract will advance the project through environmental clearances, assist AIDEA with permit application and submission, provide NEPA support to AIDEA, and ultimately assist AIDEA in achieving a Record of Decision. The contractor will be required to identify all pre-application work remaining to complete prior to permit submission. The contractor will work with AIDEA to propose a scope, schedule, and budget to achieve project milestones and support staff with Board presentations and requests for expending funds for advancing the project. Board updates may be required on occasion. SCOPE Obtain the services of qualified and experienced professionals to assist AIDEA in applying for a federal permit to build the West Susitna Access Road, support AIDEA through the NEPA review, and guide AIDEA through the process to achieving a Record of Decision. Work items include, but are not limited to: • Data gap analysis • Alternative route baseline analysis • Stakeholder outreach and engagement assistance • Engineering refinement to support permit application • Baseline studies of wetlands, hydrology, fish, and historical/cultural • Submit permit application • NEPA support for AIDEA Proposed project timeline: • December 2021 – March 2022 o On-board Contractor, Data Download, Develop 2022 program • March 2nd, 2022 o Obtain Board Approval for West Susitna Access Program • May 2022 – September 2022 o Conduct field work for remaining data to be collected prior to permit application • October 2022 – December 2022 o Finalize data and submit permit to USACE o Develop 2023 Plan o Procure 3rd Party EIS • January 2023 – December 2023 o Develop 2024 Plan o Support and advise AIDEA through NEPA process • January 2024 – December 2024 o Support and advise AIDEA through NEPA process o Achieve Record of Decision o Develop project delivery plan post 2024 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS The Contractor shall provide services as identified and authorized by sequentially numbered Notices to Proceed (NTP’s). The Contractor shall not perform services or incur billable expense except as authorized by a NTP. The Contractor shall be responsible for all tasks and services authorized by a NTP signed by the Project Manager and shall perform such services in accordance with the project schedule. Project Staff. All services must be performed by or under the direct supervision of the following individuals. Only prior written approval from the Authority shall accomplish replacement of, or addition to, the Project Staff named below: Name Project Responsibilities (list here key individual and their project assignments) Professional Registration. Where applicable, all reports, plans, specification, estimates and similar work products provided by the Consultant shall be prepared by or under the supervision of the Registered Engineer, Architect or Land Surveyor in responsible charge for the services. These Engineers, Architects, or Land Surveyors shall be currently registered in the State of Alaska and they shall sign and seal as to the accuracy of each final work product for which they are responsible. Consultant Name on Plan Sheets and Documents. No Consultant logos shall be allowed on any electronic or hard copy document produced for AIDEA. The Consultant company name shall be included in the box above or below the engineer’s seal on each plan sheet. Documents produced for AIDEA shall include the Consultant’s company name at the bottom right of the first page, cover sheet or title sheet only. Consultant letterhead shall be allowed only as exhibits in document appendices. The Consultant name shall be in the same font as other lettering on the plan sheet or document, shall be 1/16” or less in height on 11”x17” plan sheets, and shall be in the following format: PLANS DEVELOPED BY: COMPANY NAME Standards, Guidelines, References, and Software. As applicable, the Consultant shall use the most current editions of any publications of standards, guidelines, or references that have been adopted by the State of Alaska at the time that design services begin. Major changes in design guidance during the course of the project that change the design criteria may be addressed by amendment. Standard software programs used by AIDEA include, but are not limited to, the following: • AutoCAD • Microsoft Office Suite: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project The most current version of AutoCAD adopted by AIDEA shall be used for all line-work and modeling. Consultant styles will be clearly differentiated by name so that AIDEA can review the styles for conformance to their standards. The AutoCAD drawing files will contain all assemblies, vertical and horizontal geometry, alignments, corridors, styles, surface models (existing, proposed and all pertinent intermediate). The Consultant will provide the file directory to AIDEA in a way that all dependencies among files are maintained. The consultant will recommend GIS software and assist AIDEA in developing a GIS data-base for the project. Submittal Requirements. Deliverables shall be compatible with AIDEA standard software, and submitted in their original electronic format as well as PDF. Hard copies shall be submitted for everything requiring an original seal, and as required by the project managers of the specific projects. Specific deliverables will be identified for each project added to the agreement.
Pre-Bid MeetingPlease submit proposals electronically to prior to the closure date posted in the RFP. If hard copy delivery is required for the proposal the RFP contains instructions accordingly.
Procurement OfficerTravis Oaks (907) 771-3909
Published Date: 11/03/2021 Due Date: 12/3/2021
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, Dated 11/08/2021
Addendum #2, Dated 11/08/2021
Addendum #3, Dated 11/08/2021
Addendum #4, Dated 11/17/2021
Attachments: 1. AIDEA West Susitna Access RFP A 10_21_2021.pdf
2. AIDEA West Susitna RFP B 10_21_2021.pdf
3. AIDEA West Susitna Access RFP C 10_21_2021.pdf
7. AIDEA West Susitna Access PSA D 6_21_2021.pdf
8. 001440 EEO CERT 25A_304.pdf
5. Debarment Certification.pdf
4. AIDEA West Susitna RFP D 06_21_2021.pdf
6. AIDEA West Susitna Access SOS 10_21_2021.pdf
ADDENDUM 1. AIDEA West Susitna Access RFP C 11_08_2021.pdf
ADDENDUM 2. AIDEA West Susitna Access SOS 11_08_2021.pdf
ADDENDUM 3. AIDEA Sample Contract (1).pdf
ANNDENDUM 4 and 5.pdf
AIDEA West Susitna Page
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Fairweather Science LLC
Estimated Range10,000
ProjectOil Discharge Prevention and Contingency Plan (C-Plan)
DescriptionMustang Holding LLC (MHLLC) a wholly owned subsidiary of the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) is requesting support related to the revision of the Southern Miluveach Unit (SMU) Oil Discharge Prevention and Contingency (C-Plan). Though a non-judicial foreclosure process in September 2020 and approval by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources in December 2020, MHLLC became the named operator of the Southern Miluveach Unit (SMU) which includes Mustang Pad. The Mustang Project has been placed and remains in cold shutdown status pursuant to the “Southern Miluveach Unit – 8th Plan of Development, Disapproval with Proposed Modifications”. MHLLC is seeking responses for a study of the well information for those wells on the Mustang Pad and the writing of a request to the appropriate State regulatory agencies for an exception to the Response Planning Standard (RPS) volumes pursuant to 18 AAC 75.434. Scope of Work The contracted party shall: 1. Analyze the SMU well data (4 wells currently freeze protected and suspended) and 2. Based upon the analysis, if deemed appropriate, prepare a documented and technically supportable request for an exception regarding minimum volumes required under 18 AAC 75.434, Response Planning Standard (RPS), volumes to the Alaska Oil & Gas Conservation Commission (AOGCC) and the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation(DEC). a. MHLLC will, as the SMU operator, formally request the exception to those agencies noted above. Schedule 2 business weeks for procurement process, up to 3 weeks for review of well data, 1 week to draft a report and formal exception request to be submitted to MHLLC.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerTravis Oaks (907) 771-3909
Published Date: 09/23/2021 Due Date: 10/13/2021
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: AAC 75.434 Response Planning Standard (00000002).docx
22015 - RFQ.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to STG Incorporated
Estimated Range$2,000,000 or greater
ProjectNunapitchuk BFU- Construction
DescriptionThis Denali Commission and State funded contract is for a new bulk fuel tank farm, complete with pile supported foundations, fuel dispensing systems, dock, fuel piping, decking, and all electrical work required in ‘Section 01 11 13 Work Covered by Contract Documents’. Note that the fuel tanks, foundation piles, and much of the structural decking are Owner Provided. See Section 01 64 00 Owner Furnished Materials.
Pre-Bid MeetingOctober 4th 2021 @ 10:30am October 15 2021 @ 10:30am
Published Date: 09/13/2021 Opening Date: 10/22/2021 @ 2:00pm AKST
Addendum Posted: 9/29/21
Attachments: ITB Const Nunapitchuk BFU Project Manual.pdf
Nunapitchuk BFU Drawings.pdf
22012_Nunapitchuk BFU Construction Addendum 2.pdf
22012-Nunapitchuk_BFU_Construction_Addendum 6.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Utility Management Assistance (UMA)
Estimated Range$10,000.00
ProjectUtility Management and Clerk Training Arctic Village Electric Utility
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is looking to provided Utility Management and Clerk training and technical assistance for the community of Arctic Village. The Technical Assistance and training, provided by the contractor, is intended to assist the utility staff to become experienced with the best practices for managing their utility and maximizing the PCE subsidy for the benefit of their customers. The Contract will provide training and technical assistance on-site in the community and remotely using telephonic, remote desktop, and video conferencing.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerSelwin Ray
Published Date: 09/01/2021 Due Date: 9/16/2021 @ by 2:00pm
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 22007-RFQ-AEA-Utility Management and Clerk Training Arctic Village.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Citizen Solutions dba Public Input
Estimated Range$60,000.00
ProjectSoftware as a Service (SaaS)
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) is looking to provide Software as a Service (SaaS) in support of expanding and modernizing communication and the public. Provide public engagement tools that expand and modernize the ways in which AIDEA communicates and engages with the public. Key features should include the ability to: receive, organize, and support responses to digital public comments, including ability to upload historical comments, create and distribute branded project- and program-specific e-newsletters with performance metrics, create and host branded project-specific websites to ensure visual and content consistency across all AIDEA projects with performance metrics, extend access to consultants and subcontractors, send email and text notifications, facilitate online event registrations, and produce dashboards and reports.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerTravis Oaks
Published Date: 09/01/2021 Due Date: 09/27/2021
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 22010-AIDEA-RFQ-Public Engagement Software as a Service (SaaS).pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Cange
Estimated Range$1,000,000 or greater
ProjectProperty Management Services
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development & Export Authority (AIDEA) (also referred to individually as “Authority”, is seeking proposals from Property Management Services qualified to perform a broad range of tasks for the Authority at 813 W. Northern Lights Blvd, Anchorage AK 99503. However, if during the period of performance of the contract other property in the Municipality of Anchorage comes under management by the Authority, the Authority may negotiate an add-on to the Contract. There is no guarantee that any other properties would be added during the contract term. The Authority is an equal opportunity employer.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-proposal meeting is scheduled for July 21, 2021 at 10:00 AM. Attendance is highly encouraged. The pre-proposal meeting will be conducted in telephonically. Potential Offerors may attend telephonically by calling 1-907-313-5678, when prompted enter 351 807 847#. The purpose of the conference is to discuss the work to be performed with the prospective offerors and to allow them to ask questions concerning the RFP. Questions and answers will be transcribed and sent to prospective offerors as soon as possible after the meeting.
Published Date: 07/19/2021 Due Date: 8/8/2021 @ 10:00am Alaska Time
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: AIDEA RFP Property Management July.2021 FINAL.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to SAExploration
Estimated Range$1,000,000 or greater
ProjectSection 1002 Area Oil and Gas Leases Project: Pre-Development Permitting Services
DescriptionThe intent of the Section 1002 Area Oil and Gas Lease Project (Project) is to develop and provide financing for the industrial development of the 7 leases, covering 365,775 acres, purchased by AIDEA through the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lease sale that was completed on January 6, 2021. The Project permitting components will include but may not be limited to responsible development and impact studies, data collection, and the required regulatory permitting to support a phased, multi-year seismic acquisition program. Estimated period for performance of the Agreement is approximately August 2021 – October 31, 2022
Procurement OfficerSelwin Ray
Published Date: 06/24/2021 Due Date: 7/8/2021
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 21131-Section 1002 Area Oil and Gas Leases Project Pre Development Permitting.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Kuna Engineering, LLC
Estimated Range$1,000,000 or greater
ProjectAmbler Access Project: Stakeholder Outreach Services
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA), is seeking a consultant to provide stakeholder outreach services for Ambler Access Project. The intent of this project is to construct a 211-mile gravel road from the Dalton Highway to the Ambler Mining District. The project geotechnical design components will include but may not be limited to geotechnical investigations, reporting, and drilling. Estimated period for performance of the Agreement is approximately June 2021 – December 31, 2024
Procurement OfficerSelwin Ray
Published Date: 05/17/2021 Due Date: 06/7/2021
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 21100 AIDEA Ambler Access Project Stakeholder Outreach RFP.pdf
AIDEA Sample Contract.pdf
RFP 21100 Addendum #1 Ambler Access Project-Stakeholder Outreach.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to HDR Alaska, Inc.
Estimated Range$1,000,000 or greater
ProjectAmbler Access Project: Environmental Permitting
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) is seeking professional services to complete and prepare the required environmental field work and documentation for the Ambler Road Project. The intent of this project is to construct a 211-mile gravel road from the Dalton Highway to the Ambler Mining District. The project geotechnical design components will include but may not be limited to geotechnical investigations, reporting, and drilling. Estimated period for performance of the Agreement is approximately June 2021 – December 31, 2024
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerSelwin Ray
Published Date: 05/17/2021 Due Date: 06/8/2021
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 21102 AIDEA Ambler Access Project Enviornmental Permitting.pdf
AIDEA Sample Contract.pdf
RFP 21102 Addendum #1 Ambler Access Project Environmental Permitting.pdf
RFP 21102 Addendum #2 Ambler Access Project Environmental Permitting.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Recon LLC dba, Rowland Engineering Consultants
Estimated Range$1,000,000 or greater
ProjectAmbler Access Project: Logistics
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA), is seeking a contractor to provide engineering project support services for AIDEA owned assets and infrastructure The intent of this project is to construct a 211-mile gravel road from the Dalton Highway to the Ambler Mining District. The project geotechnical design components will include but may not be limited to geotechnical investigations, reporting, and drilling. Estimated period for performance of the Agreement is approximately June 2021 – December 31, 2024
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerSelwin Ray
Published Date: 05/17/2021 Due Date: 06/9/2021
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 21128 Ambler Access RFP- Logistics.pdf
AIDEA Sample Contract.pdf
RFP 21128_Addendum #1-Ambler Access Project-Logistics.pdf
21128-Addendum_Three_-_Ambler Access Project_Logistics.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Kuna Engineering, LLC
Estimated Range$1,000,000 or greater
ProjectAmbler Access Project: Facilities & Communication Tower Design
Description The Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA), is seeking a contractor to provide engineering project support services for AIDEA owned assets and infrastructure The intent of this project is to construct a 211-mile gravel road from the Dalton Highway to the Ambler Mining District. The project geotechnical design components will include but may not be limited to geotechnical investigations, reporting, and drilling. Estimated period for performance of the Agreement is approximately June 2021 – December 31, 2024
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerSelwin Ray
Published Date: 05/17/2021 Due Date: 06/10/2021
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 21129- Ambler Access Project-Facilities & Communication Tower Design.pdf
AIDEA Sample Contract.pdf
RFP 21129-Addendum #1-Facilities and Communication Tower Design.pdf
RFP 21129-Addendum #2-Facilities and Communication Tower Design.pdf
RFP 21129-Addendum #3_Facilities and Communication Tower Design.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to PND Engineers, Inc.
Estimated Range$1,000,000 or greater
ProjectAmbler Access Project: Geotechnical Investigations & Drilling
Description The Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA), is seeking a contractor to provide engineering project support services for AIDEA owned assets and infrastructure The intent of this project is to construct a 211-mile gravel road from the Dalton Highway to the Ambler Mining District. The project geotechnical design components will include but may not be limited to geotechnical investigations, reporting, and drilling. The following reports/data related to this project area provided are: 1. Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Negotiation 2. Preliminary Alignment data Estimated period for performance of the Agreement is approximately June 2021 – December 31, 2024
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement Officer
Published Date: 05/11/2021 Due Date: 6/1/2021 @ 2:00 pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: RFP 21126 Geotechnical Investigations and Drilling.pdf
AIDEA Sample Contract.pdf
RFP 21126 Addendum #1-Geotechnical Investigations and Drilling.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Pinnacle Construction, Inc
Estimated Range$250,000 to $340,000
ProjectKasaan Bulk Fuel Upgrade
DescriptionThis State funded contract is for a new fleet and retail dispensing facility, complete with gravel pad foundation and all associated dispensing , piping, and electrical work required to provide a complete and fully operational dispensing system in accordance with the drawings and specifications. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, supervision, equipment, tools, transportation, quality control, and supplies required to complete the work.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for May 19, 2021, 10:30 am. Due to the COVID-19 the pre-bid meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential bidder may attend telephonically by calling 1-907-313-5678, when prompted enter 255 654 147#. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the procurement section, at (907) 771-3000 for more information. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening.
Published Date: 05/10/2021 Opening Date: 6/3/2021 @2:00 pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: ITB 21125 Kasaan Bulk Fuel Upgrade.pdf
Kasaan BFU IFC Drawings.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to CCI Industrial Services, LLC
Estimated Range$300,000 to $400,000
ProjectPort Heiden Fuel Header Upgrade
DescriptionThis Denali Commission, and State appropriate funded contract is for relocating the existing barge fuel header and above-ground fuel header pipelines, installing a new pipeline road crossing, furnishing and installing new pipe coating on damaged sections of the above-grade fuel header pipelines and stored pipe. The Contractor is to provide the construction and completion of every detail of work described in the Contract Documents and shown in the Drawings. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, supervision, equipment, tools, transportation, quality control, and supplies required to complete the work.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for May 12, 2021, 2:00 pm. Due to the COVID-19 the pre-bid meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential bidder may attend telephonically by calling 1-907-313-5678, when prompted enter 533 144 842#. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, Lois Lemus, at (907) 771-3909 for more information. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening.
Published Date: 05/05/2021 Opening Date: 5/26/2021 @ 2:00 PM Alaska Time
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: ITB 21124 Port Heiden Fuel Header Upgrade.pdf
Port Heiden Fuel Header Pipline Upgrades plan set.pdf
ITB_21124_Addendum #1.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to HDR Alaska, Inc.
Estimated Range$1,000,000 or greater
ProjectAmbler Access Project: Design, Hydrologic & Hydraulic Analysis, and Survey
Description The Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA), is seeking professional environmental services for cultural resource surveys and related services for the Ambler Access Project (AAP). The intent of this project is to construct a 211-mile gravel road from the Dalton Highway to the Ambler Mining District. The project design components will include but may not be limited to roadway design, runway design, bridge design and culvert design. The following reports/data related to this project area provided are: 1. Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Negotiation 2. Preliminary Alignment data
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 05/05/2021 Due Date: 6/04/2021 @ 2:00PM Alaska Time
Addendum Posted: Addendum 1: Dated 5/12/21

Attachments: RFP 21101 Ambler Access Project, Design, Hydrologival and Hydraulics , and Survey.pdf
AIDEA Sample Contract.pdf
RFP 21101 Addendum #1.pdf
RFP 21101 Addendum 2.pdf
RFP 21101 Addendum #3-Design H&H and Survey.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to
Estimated Range50,000
ProjectAIDEA Building Maintenance Plan
DescriptionThe Authority is requesting a quote to produce a Building Maintenance Plan that will highlight a scheduled maintenance plan for AIDEA’s office building located at 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard for the next twenty (20) years. The Contractor shall prepare the Maintenance Plan and completed within 21 days after contract award for review by AIDEA’s Executive Director and/or delegate(s) and subject to approval by the Authority. Estimated Period of performance: 6 months (May 2021 - October 2021)
Pre-Bid Meetingn/a
Procurement OfficerLex Sargento
Published Date: 05/03/2021 Due Date: May 11, 2021
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 21123 RFQ Facilities Manager.pdf
21123 Addendum One.pdf
21123 - Intent to Award .pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Northern Land Use Research Alaska, LLC
Estimated Range$1,000,000 or Greater
ProjectAmbler Access Project: Cultural Resource Survey
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) is seeking professional environmental services for cultural resource surveys and related services for the Ambler Access Project (Project). The intent of the Ambler Access Project is to construct a 211-mile gravel road from the Dalton Highway to the Ambler Mining District. This will include construction of roadways, runways, bridges, and culverts.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 04/27/2021 Due Date: 5/20/2021 @ 2:00 PM
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: RFP 211103 Ambler Access Project, Cultural Resources.pdf
AIDEA Sample Contract.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Bloom Communications
Estimated Range$250,000. to $500,000.
ProjectAmbler Access Project, External Communications Manager
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development & Export Authority (AIDEA) (also referred to individually as “Authority”, is seeking proposals for an External Communications Manager to assist AIDEA personnel in its public involvement process for the Ambler Access Project. This project will involve working with both AIDEA and private partners throughout the public involvement process to ensure that the public, interested parties, and other stakeholders remain informed and involved throughout the project.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 04/19/2021 Due Date: 5/4/2021 @ 2:00 pm AK Time
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated 4/23/2021
Attachments: RFP AIDEA Ambler Access Project External Communications Manager.pdf
AIDEA Sample Contract.pdf
21106 Addendum One_v1.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to
Estimated Range0.00
ProjectRequest for Letters of Interest Shungnak - Kobuk Tie Line Project
DescriptionAlaska Energy Authority (AEA) is Requesting Letters of Interest from interested entities taking possession of the Tie Line infrastructure and all agreements therein from the Alaska Energy Authority.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 04/19/2021 Due Date: 6/30/2021 @ 2:00 PM AK time
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 21120 LOI Shugnak to Kobuk Tieline.pdf
Executed Agreement for Joint Use of Poles (Kobuk Shungnak).pdf
ROW Easement Shungnak to Kobuk (fully executed).pdf
Shungnak to Kobuk Meeting Agenda.pdf
Specs & Dwgs for Proj Erection & Materials.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Michael Baker Inc.
Estimated Range$1,000,000.00 or greater
ProjectAmbler Access Project Outreach & Independent Cost Estimating (ICE)
DescriptionThe Authority is seeking professional engineering services to provide Outreach and Independent Cost Estimating (ICE) services for the Ambler Access Project (AAP). Estimated period for performance of the Agreement is approximately April 2021 – December 31, 2024
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 04/12/2021 Due Date: 4/20/2021 @ 2:00 pm
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: RFP 21087 Ambler Access Project Outreach and Independent Cost Estimating.pdf
AIDEA Sample Contract.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Electric Power Constructors Inc
Estimated Range$500,000.00 to 2,000,000.00 One year with four one-year optional renewals
ProjectTerm Contract for Rural Power System M & I Switchgear Upgrade Projects
DescriptionThis Denali Commission federal funded, and State funded is a multi-year term contract to perform construction services to upgrade existing low-voltage, paralleling switchgear controls in rural Alaska communities. Akiachak, Angoon, Chignik Bay, Koyukuk, Kwethluk, Chitina, Igiugig, and Tenakee Springs will be the pilot projects; the current scope of work is listed in the specifications and drawings.
Pre-Bid MeetingNon- mandatory pre-proposal meeting is scheduled for April 20, 2021, 9:00 am. Do to the COVID-19 the pre-proposal meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential Offerors may attend telephonically by calling +1 907-313-5678, when prompted enter 278 562 109#. We respectfully request you call in from a conference room speaker phone and have all people together. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, Lois Lemus, at (907) 771-3909 for more information. This is a non-mandatory meeting, there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the proposal due.
Published Date: 04/07/2021 Opening Date: 5/12/2021@ 2:00 pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum #2, Dated 4/23/2021
Addendum #1, dated 4/22/2021
Attachments: RFP 21116 Term Contract for Rural Power System M & I Switchgear Upgrade Projects.pdf
M&I Switchgear Upgrades Project Base Bid Design Drawings.pdf
M&I Switchgear Upgrades Project Alternates Design Drawings.pdf
M&I Switchgear Upgrades Project Example Design Drawings.pdf
ITB 21116 Addendum 1.pdf
ITB 21116 Addendum #2 .pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Rangen/a
ProjectSale of 825 W. Northern Lights Blvd., Anchorage, AK 99503
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development & Export Authority (AIDEA) (also referred to individually as “Authority”, is seeking proposals from Contractors, Developers, or Lessors to purchase the property located at 825 W. Northern Lights Blvd, Anchorage AK 99503 legal description CG Barnet, Lot 3.
Pre-Bid MeetingThe pre-proposal meeting is scheduled for April 1, 2021 at 2:00 P.M. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic the pre-proposal meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential Offerors may attend telephonically by calling 1-907-313-5678, when prompted enter 773251322#.
Procurement OfficerSelwin Ray
Published Date: 03/25/2021 Due Date: 4/29/2021
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: RFP 21097 Sale of Blues Central for AIDEA.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Sturgeon Electric Company, Inc
Estimated Range1,000,000 to $1,200,000
ProjectFFY 19 Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) Arctic Village and Chenega Bay
DescriptionThis Denali Commission, Volkswagen, EPA, and State appropriate funded contract is for the replacement of older diesel engines with new Tier 3 marine diesel engines in the communities of Arctic Village and Chenega Bay, Alaska work described herein and shown in the Drawings. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, supervision, equipment, tools, transportation, quality control, and supplies required to complete the work.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for March 31, 2021, 2:00 pm. Due to the COVID-19 the pre-bid meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential bidder may attend telephonically by calling 1-907-313-5678, when prompted enter 595 016 677#. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, Lois Lemus, at (907) 771-3909 for more information. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening.
Published Date: 03/22/2021 Opening Date: April 13, 2021 @2:00pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted: Addendum #2, dated 4/8/2021
Addendum #1, dated 4/7/2021
Attachments: ITB 21098 FFY 19 DERA Arctic Village and Chenega Bay Project .pdf
FFY19 DERA Design Drawings.pdf
ITB 21098 Addendum #1 Arctic Village and Chenega DERA.pdf
ITB 21098 FFY 19 DERA Arctic Village and Chenega Bay Addendum #2.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Anchorage Loussasac
Estimated Range0
ProjectElectric Vehicle Direct Current Fast Charging Network Program, Request for Applications to Select Fast Charging Sites
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting a Request for Applications (RFA) 21107 to select electric vehicle (EV) fast charging site(s) as part of AEA’s Direct Current Fast Charging Network Program to develop a fast charging corridor from the Kenai Peninsula to Fairbanks.
Pre-Bid MeetingInformation Webinar AEA will host an informational webinar on March 30, 2021 at 2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Alaska Time to review the process for submitting applications and answer any questions. Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to join the meeting Or call in (audio only) +1 907-313-5807,,796188577# United States, Anchorage Phone Conference ID: 796 188 577#
Published Date: 03/16/2021 Due Date: May 5, 2021 @ 4:00 pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted: Addendum #4, dated 5/5/2021
Addendum #3, dated 5/3/2021
Addendum #2, dated 4/30/2021
Notification, dated 4/30/2021
Addendum #1, dated 4/16/2021
Attachments: RFA_21107_EVSE_Select_Fast_ChargingSites.pdf
RFA 21107 Notification.pdf
RFA 21107 Addendum #1.pdf
RFA 21107 Notification dated 4-27-21.pdf
RFA 21107 Addendum #2.pdf
RFA_21107_EVSE_FastChargingApplication Addendum #2.pdf
RFA 21107 Addendum #3.pdf
Addendum #3 RFA_21107_EVSE_FastCharging_BudgetForm_Unprotected.xlsx
Addendum #4 RFA_21107_EVSE_FastCharging_BudgetForm_Unprotected_fixed.xlsx
RFA 21107 Addendum #4 .pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Range$1,000,000.00 and above
ProjectProperty Management Services
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development & Export Authority (AIDEA) (also referred to individually as “Authority”, is seeking proposals from Property Management Services qualified to perform a broad range of tasks for the Authority at 813 W. Northern Lights Blvd, Anchorage AK 99503. However, if during the period of performance of the contract other property in the Municipality of Anchorage comes under management by the Authority, the Authority may negotiate an add-on to the Contract. There is no guarantee that any other properties would be added during the contract term. The Authority is an equal opportunity employer.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-proposal meeting is scheduled for July 21, 2021 at 10:00 AM. Attendance is highly encouraged. The pre-proposal meeting will be conducted in telephonically. Potential Offerors may attend telephonically by calling 1-907-313-5678, when prompted enter 351 807 847#. The purpose of the conference is to discuss the work to be performed with the prospective offerors and to allow them to ask questions concerning the RFP. Questions and answers will be transcribed and sent to prospective offerors as soon as possible after the meeting.
Published Date: 03/08/2021 Due Date: 8/8/2021 @ 10:00am Alaska Time
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: RFP 21094 Property management Term Agreement.pdf
RFP 21094 Addendum 1 .pdf
Addendum #1 RFP 21094 Property Management Term Agreement.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Regal Tanks USA, Inc
Estimated Range$500,000 to $700,000
ProjectNunapitchuk Bulk Fuel Upgrade Project Tank Procurement
DescriptionAlaska Energy Authority AEA is looking to purchase fuel tanks to be used in construction of a new Bulk Fuel Facility in Nunapitchuk Alaska.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for February 26, 2021, 10:00 am. Due to the COVID-19, the pre-bid meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential bidder may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 508-917-314#. We respectfully request you call in from a conference room speakerphone and have all people together. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, Lois Lemus, at (907) 771-3909 for more information. This is not a mandatory meeting. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening.
Published Date: 02/19/2021 Opening Date: March 11, 2021 @ 2:00 pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated 3/5/2021
Attachments: ITB 21095 Nunapitchuk BFU Tank Procurement.pdf
Tank Procurement Drawings 2-10-21.pdf
Nunapitchuk LTd. Tank Farm Diagram.pdf
FRP tank diagram.pdf
ITB 21095 Addendum #1 .pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Turnagain Marine Construction Corp
Estimated Range$400,000 to $500,000
ProjectNunapitchuk Bulk Fuel Upgrade Project Pile Procurement
DescriptionAlaska Energy Authority AEA is looking to purchase Steel H-Piles, Steel Plate and Steel Pipe to be used in construction of a new Bulk Fuel Facility in Nunapitchuk Alaska.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for February 25, 2021, 10:00 am. Due to the COVID-19, the pre-bid meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential bidder may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 508-917-314#. We respectfully request you call in from a conference room speakerphone and have all people together. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, Lois Lemus, at (907) 771-3909 for more information. This is not a mandatory meeting. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening.
Published Date: 02/18/2021 Opening Date: 3/11/2021 @ 2:00PM
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated 3/5/2021
Attachments: ITB 21090 Nunapitchuk Bulk Fuel Upgrade Project Pile Procurement.pdf
ITB 21090 Addendum #1 .pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Eide Bailly LLP
Estimated Range1,000,000.00
ProjectAuditing and Accounting Services
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development & Export Authority (AIDEA) and the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) (also referred to individually as “Authority” or collectively as “Authorities”), both separate public corporations of the State of Alaska, are seeking proposals from Certified Public Accounting firms qualified to perform specific auditing and accounting services for both of the Authorities.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-proposal meeting is scheduled for February 18, 2021 at 10:00 AM. Do to the COVID-19 Pandemic the pre-proposal meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential Offerors may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 508-917-314#. The purpose of the conference is to discuss the work to be performed with the prospective offerors and to allow them to ask questions concerning the RFP. Questions and answers will be transcribed and sent to prospective offerors as soon as possible after the meeting.
Published Date: 02/01/2021 Due Date: 3/9/2021
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated 2/24/2021
Attachments: RFP 21045 Term Agreement Audit Services for AIDEA and AEA 1-29 ll.pdf
Sample Contract.pdf
RFP 21045 Addendum 1 .pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Range$100,000.00 to $250,000.00
ProjectEkwok Bulk Fuel Upgrade (BFU)
DescriptionThe Contractors shall provide engineering services in support of Ekwok BFU concept design review (phase 1) and design (phase 2) if funding allows. The Contractor may have to coordinate with current energy projects, which involve local, state, and federal agencies.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-proposal meeting is scheduled for January 20, 10:30 am. Do to the COVID-19 the pre-proposal meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential Offerors may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 508-917-314#. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, Lois Lemus, at (907) 771-3909 for more information.
Published Date: 01/11/2021 Due Date: Canceled
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated 1/15/2021
Addendum #2, dated 2/8/2021
Attachments: RFP 21080 Ekwok BFU.pdf
RFP 21080 Addendum #1 .pdf
RFP 21080 Addendum #2 .pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to CCI Industrial Services, LLC
Estimated Range$500,000 to $1,000,000 1 year with 4 renewal
ProjectTerm Contract for Maintenance & Improvement
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA), (hereafter known as the Authority is soliciting proposals for a Contractor for a multi-year term contract to perform construction services for multiple small Maintenance & Improvement projects. The selected Offeror (also referred to as “Contractor”) will also provide limited pre-construction phase services in concert with a separate engineering firm contracted by the Authority. Akiak Barge Header & Fill Lines Maintenance and Improvement Project will be the pilot project; the current scope of work is listed in the Plans and specifications.
Pre-Bid MeetingThis is a mandatory pre-proposal meeting is scheduled for January 14, 2021, 10:30 am. Do to the COVID-19 the pre-proposal meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential Offerors may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 508-917-314#. We respectfully request you call in from a conference room speaker phone and have all people together. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, Lois Lemus, at (907) 771-3909 for more information.
Published Date: 01/07/2021 Due Date: 1/28/21 @ 2:00 pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated 1/13/2021
Addendum #2, dated 1/22/2021
Addendum #3, dated 1/27/2021
Attachments: RFP 21076 Term Contract M & I.pdf
RFP 21076_Akiak-Drawings-12-8-2020.pdf
RFP 21076 Addendum #1 .pdf
RFP 21076 Addendum #2.pdf
RFP 21076 Addendum #3.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to AccuType Depositions
Estimated Range$164,000.00 4 years
ProjectRecording and Transcription Services
DescriptionAlaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) and Alaska Energy Authority (AEA), together (Authorities), are soliciting proposals for a firm who has the capacity and capability of providing recording and transcription services.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerSelwin Ray @ 907.771.3035
Published Date: 12/24/2020 Due Date: 1/14/2021 @ 2:00 pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated 1/7/2021
Addendum #2, dated 1/11/2021
Attachments: RFP 21070 AIDEA & AEA Recording & Transcription Srvcs.pdf
RFP 21070 Addendum 1 .pdf
RFP 21070 Addendum 2.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to HDR Alask, Inc
Estimated Range$250,000 to $500,000
ProjectFivemile Creek Hydroelectric Project, Final Design, Permitting and Hydrology Data Collection Services
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA), (hereafter known as the Authority is soliciting proposals for a Contractor to complete the final permitting and NEPA analysis, hydrology data collection, and final design of the Fivemile Creek Hydroelectric Project (Project), building off of the work that has already been completed. Award is only for Task 1-3. Construction Administration, Project Commissioning, and unspecified procurement assistance as needed may be awarded if funding is available.
Pre-Bid MeetingNone
Published Date: 12/07/2020 Due Date: 1/12/2021 @ 2:00 pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated 12/21/2020
Addendum #2, dated 12/23/2020
Addendum #3, dated 12/30/2020
Attachments: RFP 21067 Fivemile Creek Hydroelectric Project.pdf
RFP 21067 Addendum #1 .pdf
RFP 21067 Addendum #2 .pdf
RFP 21067 Addendum #3 .pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Latitude 63, LLC
Estimated Range$860,000.00
ProjectBeaver and Chalkyitsik Bulk Fuel System Upgrades Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC)
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA), is soliciting proposals to solicit for CMGC services for Beaver and Chalkyitsik Bulk Fuel system upgrade. The selected Offeror (also referred to as “Contractor”) will provide preconstruction phase Construction Management (“CM”) services and will have the opportunity to be selected as the General Contractor (“GC”) during the construction phase. However, the construction contract is not guaranteed, and is dependent on successful Construction Agreed Price (CAP) negotiation with the Authority (“AEA”).
Pre-Bid MeetingA mandatory pre-proposal meeting is scheduled for October 29, 2020, 10:00 am. This is a mandatory pre-proposal conference. All potential Offerors must email me your anticipation to attend. Failure to send an email may be considered non-responsive and their proposal may be rejected. Do to the COVID-19 the pre-proposal meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential Offerors may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 508-917-314#. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, Lois Lemus, at (907) 771-3909 for more information.
Published Date: 10/23/2020 Due Date: 11/12/2020 @ 4:00pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated 11/2/2020
Addendum #2, dated 11/5/2020
Addendum #3, dated 11/12/2020
Attachments: RFP 21012 Beaver and Chalkyitsik CM - GC.pdf
Addendum 2 RFP 21012 Beaver and Chalkyitsik Cm -GC.pdf
Addendum 1 RFP 21012 Beaver and Chalkyitsik CM -GC .pdf
Addendum 3 RFP 21012Beaver and Chlkyitsik CM-GC.pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Range$30,000-$75,000
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA or the Authority) is seeking proposals from qualified professionals (“Consultant”) to install and maintain a stream gage on Fivemile Creek, located in Chitina, AK.
Pre-Bid Meetingnone
Procurement OfficerMichele Hope
Published Date: 10/07/2020 Due Date: 10/13/2020
Addendum Posted: Addendum 1, issued 10/9/2020
Attachments: 21039 Fivemile Creek Chitina Stream Gaging.pdf
RFP 21039 Addendum 1 .pdf

Estimated Range$140,000 - $165,000
ProjectAIDEA & AEA Recording and Transcription Services
DescriptionAlaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) and Alaska Energy Authority (AEA), together (Authorities), are soliciting proposals for a firm who has the capacity and capability of providing recording and transcription services.
Pre-Bid Meetingn/a
Procurement OfficerMichele Hope
Published Date: 10/01/2020 Due Date: 11/5/20
Addendum Posted: 10/16/20 Addendum 1
10/23/20 Addendum 2
10/29/20 Addendum 3
Attachments: RFP 21023 AIDEA & AEA Recording & Transcription Srvcs.pdf
RFP 21023 Recording and Transcription Services Addendum 1 .pdf
21023 Addendum 2 Recording and Transcriptions Services.pdf
21023 Addendum 3 Recording and Transcriptions Services.pdf

StatusAwarded to 49th State Power, LLC
Estimated Range$125,000 to $150,000
ProjectEmergency Inventory Maintenance Engines
DescriptionAlaska Energy Authority (AEA) is looking to purchase two 4045 John Deere engines of different horse powers and two fully enclosed engine generator sets (gensets) with fuel tanks to be used in responding to smaller rural Alaska utility electrical emergency generation power outages.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for October 6, 2020, 9:00 am. Due to the COVID-19 the pre-bid meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential bidder may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 508-917-314#. We respectfully request you call in from a conference room speaker phone and have all people together. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, Lois Lemus, at (907) 771-3909 for more information.
Procurement OfficerLois Lemus
Published Date: 09/24/2020 Opening Date: 10/27/2020 @ 2:00 pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated 10/9/2020
Addendum #2, dated 10/13/2020
Addendum #3, dated 10/14/2020
Addendum #4, dated 10/20/2020
Addendum #5, dated 10/21/2020
Attachments: ITB-21036 Emergency Inventory Maintenance Engines 9-24-20.pdf
ITB 21036 Addendum 1.pdf
ITB 21036 Addendum 2.pdf
ITB 21036 Addendum 3.pdf
ITB 21036 Addendum 4.pdf
ITB 21036 Addendum 5.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Gray Stassel Engineering, Inc.
Estimated Range$250,000.00 to $500,000.00
ProjectRampart & Nelson Lagoon Rural Power System Upgrade (RPSU)
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA), (hereafter known as the Authority is soliciting proposals for a Contractor to provide engineering services in support of support Nelson Lagoon Phase 1 (CDR). The Contractor may have to coordinate with concurrent energy projects, which involve local, state and federal agencies.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-proposal meeting is scheduled for October 7, 2020, 10:00 am. Do to the COVID-19 the pre-proposal meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential Offerors may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 508-917-314#. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, Lois Lemus, at (907) 771-3909 for more information.
Procurement OfficerLois Lemus
Published Date: 09/23/2020 Due Date: 10/15/2020 @ 2:00pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated 10/9/2020
Attachments: RFP 21033 Rampart and Nelson RPSU.pdf
RFP 21033 Addendum 1 .pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Electric Power Systems, Inc.
Estimated Range$90,000.00 to $100,000.00
ProjectAK Intertie Snow Load Monitoring System
Description The Alaska Energy Authority (AEA), (hereafter known as the Authority is soliciting proposals for a Contractor to perform snow patrols, weather reporting, and maintenance of the Alaska Intertie Snow Load Monitoring System. The tasks include Routine Maintenance (TASK 1), Battery Replacement (Task 2), Automatic Alaska-Intertie Snow Conditions Patrols (Task 3), Call out directed by ML&P dispatcher (Task 4), and Daily Weather Reporting (Task 5).
Pre-Bid MeetingA pre-proposal conference will be held at 2:00PM, Alaska Time, on August 26, 2020 by teleconference. Due to the COVID-19 the pre-proposal meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential Offerors may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 508-917-314#. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, Lois Lemus, at (907) 771-3909 for more information. The purpose of the conference is to discuss the work to be performed with the prospective offerors and allow them to ask questions concerning the RFP. Questions and answers will be transcribed and sent to prospective offerors as soon as possible after the teleconference. Offerors with a disability needing accommodation should contact the contracting officer prior to the date set for the pre-proposal conference so that reasonable accommodation can be made.
Procurement OfficerLois Lemus @ 771-3909
Published Date: 08/20/2020 Due Date: September 17, 2020 @ 2:00 pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated 9/1/2020
Addendum #2, dated 9/4/2020
Addendum #3, dated 9/11/2020
Attachments: Talkeetna A-1.pdf
Talkeetna Mountains A-6.pdf
Talkeetna Mountains B-6.pdf
Alaska Intertie Safety Patrol Snow Conditions Report.docx
RFP 21028 AK Intertie Snow Load Monitoring System.pdf
Addendum #1 .pdf
Addendum #2 .pdf
Addendum 3 .pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Gray Stassel Engineering, Inc.
Estimated Range$250,000.00 to $500,000.00
ProjectNikolai & Napaskiak Rural Power System Upgrade (RPSU)
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA), (hereafter known as the Authority is soliciting proposals for a Contractor to provide engineering services in support of Nikolai RPSU Phase 1 (CDR) and Phase 2 (Final Design). The Contractor shall provide engineering Services in support Napaskiak Phase 1 (CDR). The Contractor may have to coordinate with concurrent energy projects, which involve local, state and federal agencies.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-proposal meeting is scheduled for August 27, 2020, 10:30 am. Do to the COVID-19 the pre-proposal meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential Offerors may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 508-917-314#. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, Lois Lemus, at (907) 771-3909 for more information.
Procurement OfficerLois Lemus @ 771-3909
Published Date: 08/20/2020 Due Date: 9/15/2020
Addendum Posted: Addendum 1, dated 9/3/2020
Attachments: RFP 21026 Nikolai & Napaskiak RPSU.pdf
RFP 21026 Addendum #1.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Linda Learly Consulting, Inc.
Estimated Range$7,000-$10,000
ProjectStrategic Planning Facilitator
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development & Export Authority (AIDEA) is soliciting proposals for a Strategic Planning Facilitator to work with AIDEA’s Board Members and Executive Director in defining our strategic objectives and path forward. Therefore, the purpose of this IRFP is to solicit proposals from consultants experienced in effectively facilitating strategic planning sessions at the board and executive management level. AIDEA seeks the expertise of a consultant to achieve the objectives of the organizational assessment process and the planning process. The consultant will facilitate and lead all steps of the process, including two in-person half-day retreat initially with staff followed by a separate half-day session with management. The primary deliverable should be a clear, accessible, strategic planning roadmap that includes a timeline and implementation and evaluation methodology.
Pre-Bid MeetingThere is no Pre-Bid Meeting scheduled.
Procurement OfficerLex Sargento
Published Date: 08/12/2020 Due Date: 8/18/20 @ 2PM
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 21021 AIDEA IRFP Strategic Planning Facilitator.pdf
21021 AIDEA Facilitator - ADDENDUM 1.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Mutliple
Estimated Range$200,000 - $250,000
ProjectEconomist to Assist in the Review of the Alaska Renewable Energy Fund Applications
DescriptionThe AEA is soliciting proposals for one or more consultants to assist AEA in performing economic analysis and reviews of grant applications submitted to AEA in response to the Renewable Energy Fund Request for Applications. Additionally, economic and financial analysis may be requested for existing Renewable Energy Funds and/or successful applications on an ongoing basis. We encourage interested firms to submit a proposal.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-proposal conference is scheduled for August 11, 2020 10:00 am. Do to the COVID-19 the pre-bid meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential offerors may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 508-917-314#. Please note the call-in is limited to participants so if more than one person from companies are attending telephonically, we respectfully request you call in from a conference room speaker phone and have all people together. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, if you have any additional questions
Procurement OfficerLex Sargento @ 907-771-3951
Published Date: 08/04/2020 Due Date: 9/1/2020
Addendum Posted: Addendum 3 posted 8/28/20
Addendum 2 posted 8/25/20
Addendum 1 posted 8/19/20
Attachments: Economist project summary template.pdf
EvaluationModel REF R13.xlsx
Fivemile Creek Hydro REF IX Application & Supporting Docs Posting.pdf
21016 AEA Economist REF - ADDENDUM 1.pdf
RFP 21016.pdf
21016 AEA Economist REF - ADDENDUM 2.pdf
21016 AEA Economist REF - ADDENDUM 3.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to GDS Associates, Inc
Estimated Range$50,000.00 - $100,000.00
DescriptionThis request for proposal is requesting that the consultant shall be an independent engineer, engineering firm, or corporation having a nationwide and favorable reputation and demonstrated experience in the field of consulting engineering for power systems. Additionally, the consultant shall have specific experience since 2010 analyzing power projects, agreements, economics, and/or transactions on the Alaska Railbelt Grid. This Contract will be for one year with three renewal options. The initial scope of services as listed below. The Authority will work with the winning contractor to develop scope of services for Phase 2 and the renewal years. Phase 1 is not to exceed $26,000.00. Phase 2 and the renewal years cannot exceed a combine total of $100,000.00. The Authority does not guarantee additional work after phase 1 or renewal years.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Procurement OfficerLois Lemus @907-771-3909
Published Date: 07/16/2020 Due Date: 7/23/2020 @ 2:00 pm
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: RFP 21006 Consulting Engineer Review.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Ridge Contracting, Inc.
Estimated Range$900,000.00 - $1,000,000.00
ProjectTatitlek Bulk Fuel Upgrade
DescriptionThis State and Denali Commission funded contract is for a new bulk fuel tank farm, complete with gravel pad foundation and lines concrete dike secondary containment systems, all associated dispensing , piping, and electrical work required in ‘Section 01 11 13 Work Covered by Contract Documents’. Bids are due July 22, 2020 @ 2:00 pm Alaska prevailing time.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for July 15, 2020, 10:30 am. Do to the COVID-19 the pre-bid meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential bidders may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 508-917-314#. Please note the call-in is limited to participants so if more than one person from companies are attending telephonically, we respectfully request you call in from a conference room speaker phone and have all people together. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, Lois Lemus, at (907) 771-3909 for more information. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening.
Procurement OfficerLois Lemus
Published Date: 06/30/2020 Opening Date: July 22, 2020 @2:00 pm Alaska Time
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated July 15, 2020
Attachments: Tatitlek BFU Specifications.pdf
Tatitlek BFU - IFB Design Drawings 6-25-2020.pdf
Addendum #1 Tatitlek BFU.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to CRW Engineering Group
Estimated Range$100,000 to $250,000
ProjectVenetie Rural Power System Upgrade (RPSU) and Bulk Fuel Upgrade (BFU)
DescriptionThe Contractors shall provide engineering services in support of the concept design (CDR) (phase 1), RPSU design (phase 2), BFU design (phase 3), Bid Services (phase 4), and construction administration (phase 5) for RPSU and BFU in Venetie, Alaska. The Contractor may have to coordinate with concurrent energy projects, which involve local, state and federal agencies
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-proposal meeting is scheduled for July 8, 2020, 10:30 am. Do to the COVID-19 the pre-proposal meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential Offerors may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 508-917-314#. Please note the call-in is limited to participants so if more than one person from companies are attending telephonically, we respectfully request you call in from a conference room speaker phone and have all people together. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, Lois Lemus, at (907) 771-3909 for more information.
Procurement OfficerLois Lemus @
Published Date: 06/25/2020 Due Date: July 16, 2020 @ 2:00 pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated July 10, 2020
Attachments: RFP 20059 Venetie RPSU & BFU.pdf
Venetie Bulk Fuel Assessment 2015.pdf
Addendum #1.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to HDR Engineering, Inc & ASRC Energy SErvices Alaska, Inc
Estimated Range$1,000,000 or greater
ProjectAIDEA Engineering Project Support Services Term Agreement
DescriptionContractor(s) shall provide engineering project support services for AIDEA owned assets and infrastructure. Awards made by this solicitation will be Primary and Secondary Term Agreements.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-proposal conference is scheduled for June 30, 2020 10:00 am. Do to the COVID-19 the pre-bid meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential offerors may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 508-917-314#. Please note the call-in is limited to participants so if more than one person from companies are attending telephonically, we respectfully request you call in from a conference room speaker phone and have all people together. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, if you have any additional questions.
Procurement OfficerMichele Hope
Published Date: 06/23/2020 Due Date: 7/14/20
Addendum Posted:
Addendum 2 - July 10, 2020
Addendum 1 - July 8, 2020
Attachments: 21001 AIDEA Engineering Project Support Services TA.pdf
21001 AIDEA Engineering Project Support TA Addend 1.pdf
21001 AIDEA Project Support Services TA Addendum 2.pdf

StatusAwarded to Gray Stassel Engineering, Inc.
Estimated Range$250,000 - $500,000
Project2019 DERA Diesel Engine Replacement Engineering
DescriptionThis RFP is for professional design services, and construction administration to design, and administer, the repower or replacement of diesel engines and generator sets if required at Arctic Village (3), Chenega Bay (2) and up to five additional communities or ten prime power diesel engines in the rural Alaska Communities.. Each of the communities shall receive money from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Diesel Program and Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA), and other funding sources through the Alaska Energy Authority.
Pre-Bid MeetingNone
Procurement OfficerLois Lemus @
Published Date: 06/11/2020 Due Date: 7/8/2020
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: RFP 20075 2019 DERA Engine Replacement Engineering.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Pinnacle Construction, Inc.
Estimated Range$100,000. - $150,000.
ProjectKasaan Bulk Fuel Tank Fabrication
DescriptionThis State funded contract is for fabrication of one (1) new three thousand (3,000) gallon nominal volume, UL-2085 listed, double wall, horizontal, skid mounted, protected, aboveground storage tank for diesel service, and one (1) new, five thousand (5,000 ) gallon, double wall, dual product, UL-2085 protected dispensing tank with integral dispensing system for diesel and gasoline service. Work required in ‘Section 01 11 13 Summary of Work’.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for June 10, 2020 10:00 am. Do to the COVID-19 the pre-bid meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential bidders may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 508-917-314#. Please note the call-in is limited to participants so if more than one person from companies are attending telephonically, we respectfully request you call in from a conference room speaker phone and have all people together. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, Lois Lemus, at (907) 771-3909 for more information. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening.
Procurement OfficerLois Lemus
Published Date: 06/01/2020 Opening Date: June 23, 2020 @ 2:00pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated June 11, 2020
Addendum #2, dated June 19, 2020
Attachments: ITB 20074 Kasaan BFU.pdf
Kasaan BFU - Revised Specification 5-29-2020 DL1.pdf
2020-5-29 Revised Kasaan Tank Procurement Drawings.pdf
Addendum #1 Kasaan BFU.pdf
Addendum #2 Kasaan BFU .pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Rangen/a
ProjectAnchorage Warehouse and Office Lease Space
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA), (hereafter known as the Authority), is requesting information on available warehouse and office space in Anchorage, Alaska. AEA is seeking letters of interest from contractors, developers, or lessors, interested in providing approximately 8,000 sf of exterior storage yard, 7,000 sf of Warehouse, and 2,000 sf of Class B to C office space.
Procurement OfficerLex Sargento
Published Date: 05/26/2020 Due Date: 9/16/20 2PM
Addendum Posted: Addendum 1 Posted 8/5/2020
Attachments: 20078 RFI Anchorage Warehouse-Office Space Lease.pdf
20078 AEA Anchorage Warehouse-Office Space Lease - ADDENDUM 1.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Scott's Heating & Plumbing Services
Estimated Range1,200,000.00 - 1,400,000.00
ProjectGambell Barge Header Upgrade
DescriptionThis State and Denali Commission funded contract is for a new Barge Header Pipelines work required in ‘Section 01 11 13 Work Covered by Contract Documents’.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for May 19, 2020, 10:30 am. Do to the COVID-19 the pre-bid meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential bidders may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 508-917-314#. Please note the call-in is limited to participants so if more than one person from companies are attending telephonically, we respectfully request you call in from a conference room speaker phone and have all people together. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, Lois Lemus, at (907) 771-3909 for more information. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening.
Procurement OfficerLois Lemus @ 907-771-3909
Published Date: 05/14/2020 Opening Date: May 28, 2020 @ 2:00 pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated May 21, 2020
Attachments: ITB Gambell Barge Header Upgrade Div. 0.pdf
Technical Specification 5-11-20.pdf
ITB Gambell Barge Header Project Drawing .pdf
ITB Gambell Addendum 1.pdf
Plan Holders List

Estimated Range$100,000 - $150,000
ProjectKasaan Bulk Fuel Tank Fabrication
DescriptionThis State funded contract is for fabrication of one (1) new three thousand (3,000) gallon nominal volume, UL-142 listed, double wall, horizontal, skid mounted, aboveground storage tank for diesel service, and modification of one (1) owner-provided, five thousand (5,000 ) gallon, double wall, dual product, UL-2085 dispensing tank. Work required in ‘Section 01 11 13 Summary of Work’.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for April 24, 2020, 10:30 am. Do to the COVID-19 the pre-bid meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential bidders may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 508-917-314#. Please note the call-in is limited to participants so if more than one person from companies are attending telephonically, we respectfully request you call in from a conference room speaker phone and have all people together. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, Lois Lemus, at (907) 771-3909 for more information. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening.
Published Date: 04/24/2020 Opening Date: May 7, 2020 @ 2:00pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated April 13, 2020
Addendum #2, dated April 22, 2020
Addendum #3, dated April 23, 2020
Addendum #4, dated April 24, 2020
Attachments: ITB 20062 Kasaan Bulk Fuel Fabrication.pdf
Kasaan BFU -Tank Procurement Specification 1-6-20.pdf
ITB 20062 Kasaan BFY Addendum 1 .pdf
Technical Specifications Addendum #1.pdf
Addendum #2 Kasaan and Tatitlek BFU Tank Fabrication.pdf
Addendum #3 .pdf
Addendum #3 Kasaan and Tatitlek ITB 20062.pdf
Addendum #3 Kasaan and Tatitlek BFU - Specifications.pdf
Addendum #3 Kasaan and Tatitlek BFU - Drawing.pdf
Addendum #4.pdf
Appendix A - Kasaan 5000 gallon Tank Shop Drawings.pdf
Appendix B - Tatitlek 11600 gallon Tank Shop Drawings.pdf

StatusAwarded to Vigor Alaska LLC
Estimated Range$200,000 - $280,000
ProjectKetchikan Shipyard CeRam-Kote Installation
DescriptionThis State and Federally funded project includes all labor, materials, equipment, and supervision required for the surface preparation, application, and touch up of coatings for the Dry Dock 2 Pontoon deck in Ketchikan, Alaska. The project scope covers recoating of the exterior surfaces of the Drydock. Work required is as described in ‘Section 01 11 13 Summary of Work’. If you downloaded this solicitation from the AIDEA’s Website, you must register on the online planholders list to receive subsequent addenda. Failure to register may adversely affect your bid. It is the Bidder’s responsibility to insure that they have received all addenda affecting this ITB. To register, go to and provide the project name & number, company name & contact person, address, phone number & fax number. Individuals with disabilities, including the hearing impaired, who may need auxiliary aids, services, and/or special modifications to submit a proposal should contact the TTD number: (907) 269-0473, no later than one week prior to the submittal date to make any necessary arrangements.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for April 20, 2020, 2:00 pm. Do to the COVID-19 the pre-bid meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential bidders may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 508-917-314#. Please note the call-in is limited to participants so if more than one person from companies are attending telephonically, we respectfully request you call in from a conference room speaker phone and have all people together. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, Michele Hope, at (907) 771-3036 for more information. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening.
Published Date: 04/24/2020 Opening Date: 5/5/2020
Addendum Posted: Addendum 1 - 4/24/20
Attachments: DIV 0 2066 KSY CeRam Kote.pdf
DIV 1 2066 KSY CeRam Kote.pdf
AIDEA-AEA COVID-19 Notice to Contractors.pdf
20066 KSY Ceramkote Install Addend 1.pdf

StatusAwarded to HDL Engineering Consultants, LLC
Estimated Range$100,000 to $250,000
ProjectScammon Bay Rural Power System Upgrade (RPSU) and Bulk Fuel Upgrade (BFU)
DescriptionThe Contractors shall provide engineering services in support of the concept design (phase 1), design (phase 2), bid services (phase 3, and construction administration (phase 4) for RPSU and BFY in Scammon Bay, Alaska. The Contractor may have to coordinate with concurrent energy projects, which involve local, state and federal agencies.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-proposal meeting is scheduled for May 6, 2020, 10:30 am. Do to the COVID-19 the pre-proposal meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential Offerors may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 508-917-314#. Please note the call-in is limited to participants so if more than one person from companies are attending telephonically, we respectfully request you call in from a conference room speaker phone and have all people together. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, Lois Lemus, at (907) 771-3909 for more information.
Published Date: 04/24/2020 Due Date: May 18, 2020 @2:00 pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated April 29, 2020
Addendum #2, dated May 8, 2020
Addendum #3, dated May 13, 2020
Attachments: RFP Scammon Bay BFU Engineering services.pdf
Attachment A - Scammon Bay Bulk Fuel Assessment 2015.pdf
Attachment B - Scammon Bay Pre-CDR.pdf
Addendum #1 .pdf
Addendum #2 Scammon Bay.pdf
Addendum #3 Scammon Bay BFU 20061.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Sturgeon Electric
Estimated Range$1,500,000 - $2,500,000
ProjectAkhiok RPSU Project On Site Construction Power System & Electrical Distribution
DescriptionThis Denali Commission, State, and Kodiak Area Native Association (KANA) funded contract of the construction of two projects in the community of Akhiok, Alaska: A power system upgrade project and an electrical distribution upgrade project, as described in ‘Section 01 11 13 Summary of Work’..
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for April 9, 2020, 10:30 am. Do to the COVID-19 the pre-bid meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential bidders may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 508-917-314#. Please note the call-in is limited to participants so if more than one person from companies are attending telephonically, we respectfully request you call in from a conference room speaker phone and have all people together. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, Lois Lemus, at (907) 771-3909 for more information. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening. If you downloaded this solicitation from the AEA’s Website, you must register on the online planholders list to receive subsequent addenda. Failure to register may adversely affect your bid. It is the Bidder’s responsibility to insure that they have received all addenda affecting this ITB. To register, go to and provide the project name & number, company name & contact person, address, phone number & fax number. Individuals with disabilities, including the hearing impaired, who may need auxiliary aids, services, and/or special modifications to submit a proposal should contact the TTD number: (907) 269-0473, no later than one week prior to the submittal date to make any necessary arrangements.
Published Date: 04/23/2020 Opening Date: April 21, 2020 @ 2:00 pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated April 14, 2020
Attachments: Akhiok RPSU On Site Work Specifications R2.pdf
Akhiok RPSU Project On Site Construction Design.pdf
Akhiok RPSU On Site Construction Division 0.pdf
Geotechnical Report Addendum #1.pdf
ITB 20048 Akhiok Addendum #1.pdf

StatusAwarded to Sturgeon Electric
Estimated Range$1,000,000 and $1,250,000
ProjectFFY17 -18 Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) Project
DescriptionThis Denali Commission, Volkswagen, EPA, and State appropriate funded contract is for the replacement of older diesel engines with new Tier 3 marine diesel engines in the communities of Chignik Lake, Circle, and Takotna Alaska work described herein and shown in the Drawings. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, supervision, equipment, tools, transportation, quality control, and supplies required to complete the work.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for March 31, 2020, 10:30 am. Do to the COVID-19 the pre-bid meeting will be conducted telephonically. Potential bidder may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 508-917-314#. Please note the call-in is limited to 12 participants so if more than one person from companies are attending telephonically, we respectfully request you call in from a conference room speaker phone and have all people together. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, Lois Lemus, at (907) 771-3909 for more information. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening.
Published Date: 04/22/2020 Opening Date: April 14, 2020 @ 2:00pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated 4/3/2020
Attachments: FFY 17 - 18 DERA Division 0.pdf
FFY17-18 DERA Division 1 Specifications.pdf
FFY17-18 DERA Technical Specifications.pdf
ITB 20053 FFY17-18 DERA Drawings.pdf
FFY 17-FFY 18 DERA Project Addendum #1.pdf
FFY17-18 DERA Technical Specifications Addendum #1.pdf

StatusAwarded to CU1
Estimated RangeContingent
ProjectAlaska Industrial Development & Export Authority Emergency Loan Guaranty Program
Description7/22 Addendum 10 Issued 7/17 Addendum 9 issued 7/15 Addendum 8 issued 6/22 Addendum 7 issued 6/17 Addendum 6 issued 6/11 Addendum 5 issued 6/9 Addendum 4 issued 6/8 Addendum 3 issued 6/3 Solicitation Reopened via Addendum 2 5/6/2020 Intent to Award issued Term Sheet and AK Cares Funding Program documents are loaded in the documents section. The Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (“AIDEA”) seeks to establish a direct lending program for those Alaskan based businesses and non-profit organizations that have been excluded, do not qualify or otherwise not able to access the Small Business Administration (SBA) Payroll Protection Program (PPP) or other applicable federal programs under the CARES Act. AIDEA is looking for a Program Operator to provide the structure for the origination, underwriting, and servicing of the Emergency Loan and Guarantee program. AIDEA anticipates awarding one to five contracts, or however many is needed to meet the geographic and lending needs of the program. A complete description of services is contained in the RFP Package. Estimated period for performance of the Agreement is approximately April 30, 2020 through the tenor of the loans. If you download this solicitation from the AIDEA Website, you must register on the online planholders list to receive subsequent addenda. Failure to register may adversely affect your proposal. It is the Offeror’s responsibility to insure that they have received all addenda affecting this RFP. To register, go to and provide the project name & number, company name & contact person, address, phone number & fax number. Individuals with disabilities, including the hearing impaired, who may need auxiliary aids, services, and/or special modifications to submit a proposal should contact the TTD number: (907) 269-0473, no later than one week prior to the submittal date to make any necessary arrangements.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for Friday July 17, 10:00 a.m. Potential offerors may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 508-917-314#. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Chief Procurement Officer, Lex Sargento, at (907) 771-3951 for more information. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for Friday July 17, 10:00 a.m.
Procurement OfficerLex Sargento
Published Date: 04/22/2020 Due Date: July 27, 2020 @ 2PM
Addendum Posted: Addendum 10 posted 7/28/20
Addendum 9 posted 7/17/20
Addendum 8 posted 7/15/20
Addendum 7 posted 6/22/20
Addendum 6 posted 6/17/20
Addendum 5 posted 6/11/20
Addendum 4 posted 6/9/20
Addendum 3 posted 6/8/20
Addendum 2 posted 6/3/20
Addendum 1 posted 4/22/20
Attachments: 20067 AIDEA Emergency Loan Guaranty Program.pdf
20067 AIDEA Emergency Loan Guaranty Program Addend 1.pdf
20067 ITA - AIDEA Emergency Loan & Guaranty Program.pdf
20067 AIDEA AK CARES Program - ADDENDUM 2.pdf
20067 AIDEA AK CARES Program - ADDENDUM 3.pdf
20067 AIDEA AK CARES Program - ADDENDUM 4.pdf
20067 AIDEA AK CARES Program - ADDENDUM 5.pdf
20067 AIDEA AK CARES Program - ADDENDUM 6.pdf
20067 AIDEA AK CARES Program - ADDENDUM 7.pdf
20067 AIDEA AK CARES Program - ADDENDUM 8.pdf
20067 AIDEA AK CARES Program - ADDENDUM 9.pdf
20067 AIDEA AK CARES Program - ADDENDUM 10.pdf
Plan Holders List

StatusAwarded to Bell & Associates
Estimated Range$3,000-$5,000
ProjectAIDEA Property Survey Services
DescriptionContractor shall provide As-Built Survey (stake, provide property line & encroachments), as appropriate, for Five (5) lots located in Anchorage Alaska. At this time an ALTA survey is not needed. Underground utilities shall be shown on drawing, coordinate with Alaska Dig Line.
Pre-Bid MeetingNone.
Published Date: 04/10/2020 Due Date: 4/9/2020
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 20054 AIDEA Properties Survey Services.pdf

Estimated Range$950,000.00 and $1,100,000.00
ProjectPre-Solicitation Notice: Takotna,Chignik Lake, Tuluksak, and Circle DERA Genererator Upgrade
Description The Alaska Energy Authority has issued this notice to inform interested qualified parties that it will be seeking bids from qualified entities that can demonstrate experience in supplying and repowering of Diesel Emission Reduction Act (DERA) eligible diesel engine generator set(s) and associated equipment necessary for a complete installation. Construction projects are planned in Takotna (3 engines), Chignik Lake (2 engines), Tuluksak (1 engine) and Circle (2 engines). The information contained in this Pre-Solicitation Notice is preliminary and is subject to change. Interested parties may not rely on information in this Notice when preparing its bid. The solicitation package, once issued, will contain the relevant bidding information. Interested Parties You must register on the online plan holders list to receive subsequent information and updates. To register, go to . If you need assistance contact Lois Lemus, phone: 907 – 771-3909 or email: Disadvantage Business Enterprise firms (DBE) are encouraged to participate and will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids. Bidders will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin, in consideration for an award. This Pre-Solicitation Notice does not constitute a formal solicitation. The issuance of the Pre-Solicitation Notice provides no guarantee that the AEA will proceed with a formal award. Should a formal solicitation arise from this Pre-Solicitation Notice, respondents will be permitted to submit bids.
Published Date: 03/25/2020 Due Date: 9/30/2019
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: Takotna,Chignik Lake,Tuluksak, and Circle Deara Generator Upgrade Pre-Solicitation Notice.pdf

Estimated Range$900,000. to $900,600
ProjectTatitlek Bulk Fuel Upgrade
DescriptionThis State and Denali Commission funded contract is for a new bulk fuel tank farm, complete with gravel pad foundation and lines concrete dike secondary containment systems, all associated dispensing , piping, and electrical work required in ‘Section 01 11 13 Summary of Work’.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for February 20, 2020 at 2:00pm in the Redoubt Conference room at the AIDEA/AEA Building 813 West Northern Lights Blvd, Anchorage, AK 99503. Potential bidder may attend telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, when prompted enter 508-917-314#. Please note the call-in is limited to 12 participants so if more than one person from companies are attending telephonically, we respectfully request you call in from a conference room speaker phone and have all people together. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, Lois Lemus, at (907) 771-3909 for more information. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening.
Published Date: 03/25/2020 Opening Date: 2/27/2020 @ 2:00
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated February 24, 2020
Attachments: Tatitlek BFU Project DIV 0.pdf
Tatitlek BFU Project DIV 01-33.pdf
Tatitlek BFU Design Drawings 1-29-2020.pdf
Addendum 1.pdf

StatusAwarded to HDL & CRW
Estimated Range1,000,000 or greater
ProjectMaintenance and Improvement Buld Fuel & Barge Header Infrastructure Engineering Services
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA), (hereafter known as the Authority), is soliciting proposals for a contract to established initially be for 2 years with the option for the Authority to renew for three additional one-year periods subject to availability of funds and need. The Contractor shall provide services for the Maintenance and Improvement of existing Bulk Fuel Tank Farm and Barge Headers. Including Phase 1, Site Evaluation and Assessments, and Phase 2 will consist of Task 1 conceptual design, Task 2 design engineering, Task 3 bid services, Task 4 construction administration basic services and Task 5 additional construction administration services for various rural Alaskan communities.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-proposal conference will be held at 2 pm Tuesday, January 14, 2020 in the AIDEA/AEA Redoubt room at the AIDEA building located at 813 W. Northern Lights, Anchorage Alaska 99503. Potential offerors may attend telephonically by contracting Lois Lemus (907) 771-3909 by January 13, 2020 to register and to receive call in information. Please note the call-in is limited to 12 participants so if more than one person from companies are attending telephonically, we respectfully request you call in from a conference room speaker phone and have all people together. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, Lois Lemus, at (907) 771-3909 for more information.
Published Date: 03/20/2020 Due Date: January 30, 2020 @ 2:00pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated 1/16/2020
Attachments: RFP200~1.PDF
RFP 20043 M & I Bulk Fuel & Barge Header Infrastructure Engineer addendum #1.pdf

StatusAwarded to McDowell Group, Inc.
Estimated Range$20,000 and $40,000
ProjectSouth Denali Market Analysis
DescriptionAIDEA is soliciting proposals from firms to provide a report, which analyzes the potential for a year-round South Denali Visitor Complex (SDVC) on Alaska State Parks Land. A complete description of services is contained in the IRFP Package.
Pre-Bid MeetingNone.
Published Date: 03/13/2020 Due Date: February 26, 2020
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 20052 SDVC Market Analysis IRFP.pdf

StatusCanceled Cancellation
Estimated Range$4,000.00 - $5,000.00
ProjectStrategic Planning Facilitator
Description AEA seeks the expertise of a consultant to achieve the objectives of the organizational assessment and planning process. The consultant will be meeting with executive director to get a more define understanding of the objectives and provide suggestions to meet that goal. It will be the responsibility of the consultant to facilitate, and lead all steps of the process. The consultant shall facilitate two in person half-day retreats at the AEA place of business. The first retreat will be with AEA staff, followed by a separate half-day session with senior management and executive director. AEA would like to have the retreats completed before March 4, 2020. The primary deliverable should be a clear, accessible, strategic planning roadmap that includes a timeline and implementation and evaluation methodology.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 03/04/2020 Due Date: 2/25/2020
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated 2/24/2020
Attachments: IRFP 20055 Strategic Planning Facilitator.pdf
IRFP 20055 Strategic Planning Facilitator Addendum #1.pdf

StatusCanceled No Award
Estimated Range$4,000.00 to $5,000.00
ProjectIRFP Strategic Planning Facilitator
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting proposals for a Strategic Planning Facilitator/Consultant to guide AEA in updating our strategic plan to redefine AEA’s business strategy. Therefore, the purpose of this IRFP is to solicit proposals from consultants experienced in strategic thinking and planning. AEA seeks the expertise of a consultant to achieve the objectives of the organizational assessment process and the planning process.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 02/13/2020 Due Date: February 7, 2020 @ 2:00pm
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: IRFP 20051 Strategic Planning Facilitator.pdf

StatusAwarded to Electric Power Constructors, Inc.
Estimated Range1,000,000 - 1,250,000
ProjectAkhiok RPSU Project Modular Power Plant Assembly
DescriptionThe Authority is soliciting sealed bids for a contractor to assembly, testing, and commissioning of one power generation module for the community of Akhiok . The intent of the Contract is to provide for the construction and completion of every detail of work described in the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, supervision, equipment, tools, transportation, quality control, and supplies required to complete the work in accordance with the Contract Documents.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for January 22, 2020, 2:00pm in the Redoubt Conference room at the AIDEA/AEA Building 813 West Northern Lights Blvd, Anchorage, AK 99503. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening.
Published Date: 02/13/2020 Opening Date: January 31, 2020
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated January 24, 2020
Attachments: ITB 20039 Akhiok Mod Asmb Div 0 Final.pdf
ITB 20039 Akhiok Mod Asmb Div 1 Final.pdf
ITB 20039 Akhiok Mod Asmb Tech Specs Final.pdf
ITB 20039 Akhiok Modular Power Plant Assembly Drawings.pdf
Akhiok RPSU Project Modular Power Plant Assembly, Addendum #1.pdf

StatusAwarded to CRW
Estimated Range$400,000.00 - $500,000.00
ProjectRural Power Systems Inventory & Assessment
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA), (hereafter known as the Authority), in order to comply with the requirements of 3 AAC 108.110 to provide for a current evaluation and rank of deficiencies for power system upgrades, will solicit proposals from qualified Proposers to complete a Rural Power System Inventory and Assessment. The purpose of the contract resulting from this solicitation is to gather required data, by the means of site visits, to assure a complete and accurate record of the inventory and condition of rural Alaska power systems assets. This will enable a thorough evaluation and ranking of deficiencies of the existing Rural Power Systems to assist the Authority in determining the priority of projects.
Pre-Bid MeetingA pre-proposal conference will be held at 2:00 PM, Alaska Time, on OCTOBER 17, 2019 in AEA conference room in ANCHORAGE, Alaska. The purpose of the conference is to discuss the work to be performed with the prospective offerors and to allow them to ask questions concerning the RFP. The pre-bid teleconference number is1- 888-585-9008, code 476-406-320.
Published Date: 01/24/2020 Due Date: 11/6/2019
Addendum Posted: Addendum #2, dated 10/23/2019
Addendum #1, dated 10/16/2019
Attachments: RFP 20018 Rural Power Systems Inventory & Assessment.pdf
Attachment 5 Community List 9-27-19.xlsx
Attachment 7 Debarment Certification.pdf
Attachment 6 Inventory Assessment Form 9-27-2019.xlsx
RFP 20018 Rural Power Systems Inventory & Assessment Addendum #1.pdf
RFP 20018 Rural Power Systems Inventory & Assessment Addendum #2.pdf

StatusAwarded to Weona Corporation
Estimated Range150,000 - 200,000
ProjectAkhiok Power System Upgrade Project Module Structure Fabrication
DescriptionDescription of Work: This Denali Commission and State funded is soliciting sealed bids for one (1) fabricated steel module structure and associated loose-ship radiator platforms and stairs.
Pre-Bid MeetingNone
Published Date: 01/24/2020 Opening Date: 11/27/2019
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: ITB 20024 Akhiok Module.pdf
ITB 20024 Akhiok Module Structure Fabrication Drawings 11-5-19.pdf

StatusAwarded to SparkBox LLC
Estimated Range$80,000.00 - $90,000.00
Project2020 Electric Vehicle Working Group Facilitation
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting RFP proposals for a contractor to facilitate and develop an Alaska Electric Vehicle (EV) Working Group along with public outreach and education activities for the group.
Pre-Bid MeetingNone
Published Date: 01/24/2020 Due Date: 12/10/2019 @ 2:00 pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum 1, dated 11/20/2019
Addendum #2, dated 11/25/2019
Addendum #3, dated 11/27/2019
Addendum #4, dated 12/2/2019
Attachments: RFP 2020 Electrical Vehicle Working Group Facilitation.pdf
RFP 20026 Addendum #1.pdf
RFP 20026 Addendum #2.pdf
RFP 20026 Addendum #3.pdf
RFP 20026 Addendum #4.pdf

StatusAwarded to CRW
Estimated Range100,00.00 - $250,000
ProjectBeaver and Chalkyisik BFU Maintenance & Improvement
DescriptionThe Contractors shall provide services for Bulk Fuel Tank Farm design, engineering, construction administration and support services for maintenance and improvement of existing bulk fuel facilities in Beaver and Chalkyitsik. Preliminary scope of work defined in attached Letter Reports. Each report defines 3 potential scopes of work. This proposal should be based on Option B which mitigates the major concerns without completely replacing the existing infrastructure.
Pre-Bid MeetingNone
Published Date: 01/24/2020 Due Date: 12/3/2019 @ 2:00 PM
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated 11/20/2019
Addendum #2, dated 11/25/2019
Attachments: RFP 20028 Beaver and Chalkyisik BFU Maintenance & Improvement.pdf
Final BFU Letter Report Beaver, AK.PDF
Final BFU Letter Report Chalkyitsik, AK.PDF
RFP 20028 Addendum #1.pdf
RFP 20028 Addendum #2.pdf

StatusAwarded to PACE Financial Servicing
Estimated Range35,000.00 - 40,000
ProjectIRFP Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) Technical Advisor
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting proposals for a contractor with expertise designing and establishing administrative and financing structures for C-PACE to provide expert consultation to AEA. The contractor will serve in an advisory capacity to support AEA and the C-PACE Advisory Group in evaluating financing and administrative structures and establishing a statewide C-PACE program in Alaska. Cost of this professional services is expected to be in the range of $35,000 to $40,000. If you downloaded this solicitation from the AEA’s Website, you must register on the online planholders list to receive subsequent addenda. Failure to register may adversely affect your bid. It is the Offeror’s responsibility to insure that they have received all addenda affecting this RFP. To register, go to and provide the project name & number, company name & contact person, address, phone number & fax number. Proposals must conform to the IRFP and be submitted with specified forms. Submittals must be received no later than 2:00 pm May 7, 2019, Alaska prevailing time. Individuals with disabilities, including the hearing impaired, who may need auxiliary aids, services, and/or special modifications to submit a proposal should contact the TTD number: (907) 269-0473, no later than one week prior to the submittal date to make any necessary arrangements.
Pre-Bid Meeting A pre-proposal conference will be held at 3:00 PM, Alaska Time, on April 24, 2019 in the Alaska Energy Authority conference room on the basement floor of the AEA building, 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard building in Anchorage, Alaska. Offeror’s can also access the conference by teleconference by arranging with the procurement officer prior to the conference. The purpose of the conference is to discuss the work to be performed with the prospective offerors and allow them to ask questions concerning the IRFP. Attendance at the pre-proposal conference is not mandatory, but all interested Offeror’s are STRONGLY encouraged to attend and actively participate in order to facilitate the proposers understanding of the IRFP Requirements. Questions and answers will be and sent to prospective offerors as soon as possible after the meeting. Offerors with a disability needing accommodation should contact the contracting officer prior to the date set for the pre-proposal conference so that reasonable accommodation can be made.
Published Date: 12/03/2019 Due Date: May 7, 2019
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated 5/1/2019
Attachments: IRFP Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) Technical Advisor4-16.docx
Addendum #1 IRFP 19055 Technical Advisor.pdf

StatusAwarded to McDowell Group
Estimated Range20,000 - 25,000
ProjectIRFP Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) Survey
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting proposals for a contractor to conduct a market survey of eligible commercial building owners and managers in the Municipality of Anchorage (MOA), Fairbanks North Star Borough (FNSB), City and Borough of Juneau (CBJ), Kenai Peninsula Borough (KPB), and Matanuska Susitna Borough (MSB). To determine their interest in using the C-PACE finance program to pay for building energy upgrades, including the installation of energy efficiency measures and renewable energy systems.
Pre-Bid MeetingA pre-proposal conference will be held at 2:00 PM, Alaska Time, on April 10, 2019 in the Alaska Energy Authority conference room on the basement floor of the AEA building, 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard building in Anchorage, Alaska. The purpose of the conference is to discuss the work to be performed with the prospective offerors and allow them to ask questions concerning the IRFP. Questions and answers will be and sent to prospective offerors as soon as possible after the meeting. Offerors with a disability needing accommodation should contact the contracting officer prior to the date set for the pre-proposal conference so that reasonable accommodation can be made.
Published Date: 12/03/2019 Due Date: April 30, 2019
Addendum Posted: Addendum #3, dated 4/19/19
Addendum #2, dated 4/17/19
Addendum #1, dated 4/10/19
Attachments: IRFP Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) Survey.pdf
19046 C-PACE Survey Addendum #1 .pdf
19046 C-PACE Survey Addendum #2.pdf
19046 C-PACE Survey Addendum #3.pdf

StatusAwarded to Sturgeon Electric Company, Inc.
Estimated Range1,500,000 - 2,500,000
ProjectClarks Point and Port Heiden RPSU Projects Modular Power Plant Assembly
DescriptionThis project is for the assembly of power plant modules for Port Heiden and Clarks Point, Alaska.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for February 12, 2019, 2:00pm in the Aspen Conference room at the AIDEA/AEA Building 813 West Northern Lights Blvd, Anchorage, AK 99503. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening
Published Date: 12/03/2019 Opening Date: 2:00PM February 22, 2019
Addendum Posted: TWO - 2/21/2019
ONE - 2/19/2019
Attachments: 19041 Spec.pdf
ITB 19041 Modular Power Plant Assembly Drawings.pdf
Plan Holders List 2.22.2019.JPG
Unchecked Bid Results 19041.pdf
Certified Bid Results 19041.pdf

StatusAwarded to PFM Foinancial Advisors, LLC
Estimated Range1,000,000.00
ProjectFinancial Advisor Services Term Contract
DescriptionThe purpose of this RFP is to award a multi-year term contract providing the Authority (AIDEA or AEA) with Financial Advisor Services to assist the Authority on an as needed basis with regard to carrying out the Authority’s financial responsibilities as a public corporation of the State of Alaska
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 12/03/2019 Due Date: 9/17/2019
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated 9/6/2019
Attachments: RFP Financial Advisor Services .pdf
Addendum #1.pdf

StatusAwarded to Callan, LLC
Estimated Range900,000
ProjectAIDEA/AEA Investment Advisory Services
DescriptionThe purpose of this RFP is to award a contract to a consultant that will provide the Authority (AIDEA/AEA) with ongoing evaluation of investment policy, strategies, procedures, and asset allocations; monitor and evaluate performance of three (3) investment portfolios; assist with portfolio manager selection, monitoring, and evaluation; and other investment related projects as assigned.
Pre-Bid MeetingNone
Published Date: 12/03/2019 Due Date: October 9, 2019 3PM
Addendum Posted: ADDENDUM ONE - POSTED 9/30/2019
Attachments: ATTACHMENT 1 AIDEAInvestmentPolicy.pdf
ATTACHMENT 2 Manager Report.pdf
20014 Financial Advisor Services.pdf
20014 Addendum One.pdf

StatusAwarded to Biomass Services
Estimated RangeNot to exceed $70,000
ProjectOperating Cordwood System Audits & Itinerant Training
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority is soliciting proposals for one or more qualified contractor(s) to perform audits to biomass cordwood systems in rural Alaska and to provide training to community members including maintenance staff, operators, among others.
Pre-Bid MeetingNone
Published Date: 12/03/2019 Due Date: September 27, 2019 2PM
Addendum Posted: Addendum #2, posted 8/25/2020

Addendum #1, dated 8/23/2020
Attachments: 20016.pdf
20016 Operating Cordwood System Audit & Itinerant Training, Addendum 1.pdf

StatusAwarded to Sturgeon Electric Company, Inc
Estimated Range$230,000 and $250,000
ProjectTuluksak Power Plant 2019 DEARA - Maintenance & Improvement Project
DescriptionThis Denali Commission and EPA appropriate funded contract is for the construction and completion of every detail of work described herein and shown in the Drawings. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, supervision, equipment, tools, transportation, quality control, and supplies required to complete the work at Tuluksak, AK,.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 10/02/2019 Opening Date: 9/10/2019 @ 2:00 pm
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: Project No. 20007 Tuluksak Power Plant 2019 DERA - Maintenance & Improvement Project .pdf
Tuluksak DERA-M&I Project Final Design 8-7-19.pdf

StatusAwarded to GB Services
Estimated Range150,000 - 250,000
ProjectManagement Information Systems Analysis and Project Management Services
DescriptionThe purpose of this RFP is to award a multi-year term contract for an IT Services firm, group, or small company who possesses the expertise to assist AIDEA and AEA staff in IT Support Services. The Contractor help with special projects related to custom design, development, and programming on existing software; and providing advanced IT Services and IT Support for new and existing hardware, including but not limited to Microsoft Enterprise and Cisco based products. It is anticipated that the Agency may award more than one term agreement for these services.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 09/03/2019 Due Date: July 30, 2019 @ 2:00 pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated July 18, 2019
Attachments: RFP 19063 Management Information System Analysis and Project Management Services .pdf
RFP 19063 Addendum #1.pdf

StatusAwarded to BeardenBookkeeping Services
Estimated Range$12,000 and $15,000
ProjectAccounting Support for Annual Financial Statement Audit
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is looking to solicit proposals with a firm who has the capacity and capability of providing Accounting Support.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 09/03/2019 Due Date: July 31, 2019
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: IRFP Accounting Suppot for Annual Financial Statement Audit.pdf

StatusAwarded to Sturgeon Electric
Estimated Range80,001 - 100,000
ProjectTakotna Power Plant M&I Project
DescriptionThe intent of the Contract is to provide for the construction and completion of every detail of work described herein and shown in the Drawings. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, supervision, equipment, tools, transportation, quality control, and supplies required to complete the work.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 08/22/2019 Due Date: July 30, 2019 @ 2:00 p.m.
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated July 17, 2019
Attachments: Takotna M&I Project Final Design 7-11-19.pdf
RFQ 20001 Takotna M&I Project.pdf
RFQ 20001 Takotna M&I Project Addendum #1.pdf

Estimated RangeLess than $20,000
ProjectSkagway Ore Terminal Condition Assessment & Maintenance Plan
DescriptionThe project will provide a condition assessment for the Skagway Ore Terminal Facilities.
Pre-Bid MeetingNone
Published Date: 08/21/2019 Due Date: June 18, 2019
Addendum Posted: None
Attachments: RFP 19061 Skagway Ore Terminal Assessment.pdf
Exhibit - R&M Ore Loader Inspection (reduced size).pdf

StatusAwarded to REAP
Estimated Range40000
ProjectWind Program Partnership Facilitation
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting proposals for a contractor to facilitate the Alaska Wind Working Group (AKWWG), the Wind Advisory Group (WAG), and public outreach and education activities for the AKWWG, WAG, and AEA Wind Program in coordination with these groups, the Islanded Grid Resource Center and other Alaska wind industry stakeholders. The AKWWG was reformed in 2016 and meets on a quarterly basis, the WAG was formed in 2017 and meets monthly. Public outreach and education activities are to be determined in coordination with the entities listed above. To learn more about the AEA wind program, visit the AEA website at
Pre-Bid MeetingNone
Published Date: 07/29/2019 Due Date: June 26, 2019 2:00PM
Addendum Posted: ONE - June 20, 2019
Attachments: IRFP 19067 - As Advertised.pdf
19067 Addendum One.pdf

Estimated Range$50,001 - $80,000
ProjectTuluksak Power Plant M&I Project
DescriptionThe Authority is soliciting quotes for the Contractor to provide for the construction and completion of the scope of work of the owner furnished equipment in Tuluksak, AK. The RFQ are due July 2, 2019 at 2:00 PM
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 07/16/2019 Due Date: 7/9/2019
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated June 28, 2019
Attachments: RFQ 19068 Tuluksak M & I Project.pdf
Tuluksak M&I Project Final Design 6-17-19.pdf
RFQ 19068 Tulujsak M&I Project Amendment #1.pdf

StatusAwarded to Ridge Contracting
Estimated Range1,500,000 - 2,040,000
ProjectClarks Point and Port Heiden RPSU Project Site Construction
Description The Authority is soliciting sealed bids for the construction of two each electric power generation systems; one for the community of Clark’s Point and one for the Community of Port Heiden. The ITB Opens May 21, 2019 at 2:00 PM The Invitation to Bid (ITB) Package is available from the AIDEA/AEA FTP website at: If you need assistance obtaining these documents, contact Lois Lemus @ email: or phone 907. 771.3909 If you downloaded this solicitation from the AEA’s Website, you must register on the online planholders list to receive subsequent addenda. Failure to register may adversely affect your bid. It is the Bidder’s responsibility to insure that they have received all addenda affecting this ITB. To register, go to and provide the project name & number, company name & contact person, address, phone number & fax number. Individuals with disabilities, including the hearing impaired, who may need auxiliary aids, services, and/or special modifications to submit a proposal should contact the TTD number: (907) 269-0473, no later than one week prior to the submittal date to make any necessary arrangements.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for May 9, 2019, 2:00pm in the Aspen Conference room at the AIDEA/AEA Building 813 West Northern Lights Blvd, Anchorage, AK 99503. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening.
Published Date: 06/12/2019 Opening Date: May 21, 2019
Addendum Posted: Addendum #2, dated 5/20/2019
Addendum #1, dated 5/15/2019
Attachments: Clarks Point On Site Drawings Final 4-19-19.pdf
Port Heiden PPU On Site Drawings Final 4-16-19.pdf
ITB 19056 Clarks Point and Port Heiden RPSU Projects Site Construction.pdf
Fully Signed Addendum #1.pdf
Addendun #2.pdf

StatusAwarded to Under Review
Estimated Range50,000-125,000
ProjectAIDEA/AEA Boardroom Audio/Video Buildout
DescriptionThis project is for the purchase, design, and installation of audio, video, and conference capabilities in a new Board Room. See attached ‘Statement of Services – Appendix B’ for further details.
Pre-Bid MeetingA Non-mandatory meeting will be held May 8, 2019 at 2:00PM in the existing Board Room (813 West Northern Lights Blvd). This pre-proposal Conference will include on-site visit of the new Board Room (construction area) in the same building.
Published Date: 06/04/2019 Due Date: May 23, 2019 2PM
Addendum Posted: TWO - POSTED 5/21/2019
ONE - POSTED 5/16/2019
Attachments: 19057 As Advertised.pdf
19057 Addendum One.pdf
19057 Addendum Two.pdf

StatusAwarded to Turnagain Press
Estimated Range$20,000
ProjectManagement Guide for PCE-eligible Utilities
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is requesting proposals from Offerors to assist AEA personnel in producing a “Guidebook for Managing a Power Cost Equalization (PCE)-eligible Electric Utility.” AEA is looking for a contractor that will be able to work with AEA staff to mold the current material into a product that will be useful for managers of PCE-eligible utilities. The contractor will also produce a new section.
Published Date: 05/31/2019 Due Date: March 22, 2019 @ 2:00pm AK LOCAL
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: IRFP Solicitation 19044.pdf
Sample AEA Contract.pdf
Debarment Certification.pdf
DRAFT--Part 1 Guidebook for Management of PCE eligible utility.docx
DRAFT--Part 2 Guidebook for Management a PCE eligible utility.docx
DRAFT--Part 3 Guidebook for Management of a PCE eligible utility.docx
DRAFT--Part 4 Guidebook for management of PCE eligible utility.docx
DRAFT--Part 6 Guidebook for management of PCE eligible utility.docx
Guide to creating the customer ledger.pptx
Guide to submitting PCE UMR.pptx

StatusAwarded to CRW
Estimated Range250,000 to 500,000
ProjectAkhiok Rural Power System Upgrade
DescriptionAEA requires an engineering contractor to provide Conceptual Design Report (CDR), design, and construction administration services for the Akhiok Rural Power System upgrade project. This RFP is a joint venture with AEA and Kodiak Area Native Association (KANA). The successful candidate may be awarded the Electrical Distribution System work which will be awarded and managed by KANA. If you downloaded this solicitation from the AEA’s Website, you must register on the online planholders list to receive subsequent addenda. Failure to register may adversely affect your bid. It is the Bidder’s responsibility to insure that they have received all addenda affecting this RFP. To register, go to and provide the project name & number, company name & contact person, address, phone number & fax number. Individuals with disabilities, including the hearing impaired, who may need auxiliary aids, services, and/or special modifications to submit a proposal should contact the TTD number: (907) 269-0473, no later than one week prior to the submittal date to make any necessary arrangements.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 05/15/2019 Due Date: December 20, 2018 @ 2:00 pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, dated 12/17/2018
Attachments: RFP 19027 Akhiok Rural Power System Upgrade.pdf
Attachment A NREL Findings and Recommendations Report 14 October 2015.pdf
Attachment B Rebuild Underground System (RUS Environmental Questionnaire.pdf
Attachment C KONA Contract Control Form.pdf
Attachment D KONA Insurance Requirements.pdf
Attachment E CATEX Checklist.pdf
Addendum #1 Akhiok Rural Power System Upgrade #19027.pdf

StatusAwarded to Anixter
Estimated Range$50,000 - $70,000
ProjectRequest for Quotation - Multiple Site Transformer Purchase
DescriptionFurnish multiple Transformers and Ground Sleeves in accordance with attached specifications and deliver to AEA Warehouse in Anchorage, Alaska.
Pre-Bid MeetingNone
Published Date: 04/10/2019 Due Date: 3PM April 5, 2019
Addendum Posted: One - 4/2/2019
Attachments: 19053 As Advertised.pdf
Bid Schedule Calculation.xls
Addendum One.pdf

StatusAwarded to NewFields
Estimated Range100,000 - 150,000
ProjectAmbler Mining District Interior Access Project - Health Impact Assessment - Third Party Contractor
DescriptionAIDEA is seeking an Environmental Consultant to conduct a Health Impact Analysis (HIA) to be included in the 'Ambler Mining District Interior Access Point' Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Note: This work will be done for and at the direction of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) as part of their ongoing EIS.
Pre-Bid MeetingNone
Published Date: 02/22/2019 Due Date: January 22, 2019 3:00PM
Addendum Posted: ONE - ISSUED January 14, 2019
Attachments: 19033 AMDIAP HIA.pdf
Ambler Scoping Summary Report Appendix A.pdf
Ambler Road Environmental Impact Statement Scoping Summary Report.pdf
Technical Guidance for HIA in Alaska.pdf
Addendum One.pdf

StatusAwarded to Northern Powerline
Estimated Range2,000,000 - 3,000,000
ProjectKetchikan Shipyard Medium Voltage Loop
DescriptionThis Federally funded project includes all labor, materials, equipment, and supervision required to relocate the electrical substation located at the Ketchikan Shipyard. There are (4) four additive alternates. Reference E1.0 Electrical Location Plan - Scope of Work Summary.
Pre-Bid MeetingSeptember 25th, 2018 1:00pm ASPEN Conference room.
Published Date: 02/12/2019 Opening Date: October 26, 2018 @2:00PM
Addendum Posted: ADDENDUM THREE - OCTOBER 23, 2018
Attachments: 19014 KSY Medium Voltage Loop - AS ADVERTISED.pdf
KSY Medium Voltage Power Relocation-22x34.pdf
Notice to Bidders One.pdf
Notice to Bidders TWO.pdf
19014 Plan Holders list as of 10_4_2018.JPG
Addendum 1 KSY.pdf
Addendum #2 10-12-18.pdf
Addendum 3 KSY mh.pdf
Notice to Bidders 3.pdf
Bid Results.pdf

StatusAwarded to Absolute Services
Estimated Range150,000 - 300,000
ProjectAIDEA/AEA Noise Control Tenant Improvement
DescriptionThis State funded project includes all labor, materials, equipment, and supervision required to construct PHASE I of the Noise Control Tenant Improvement at 813 W. Northern Lights Blvd in Anchorage, AK, as described in the Construction Documents.
Pre-Bid MeetingSeptember 17, 2018, 1:00PM (See Special Notice to Bidders)
Published Date: 02/12/2019 Opening Date: 09/28/2018 2:00PM
Addendum Posted: ONE - September 14, 2018
TWO - September 20, 2018
Attachments: AIDEA Bldg Hazmat Survey Final 2011.pdf
Asbestos Inspection Report 2005.pdf
Parking Map Staging Area.PNG
19003 AIDEA AEA Noise Control Tenant Impr - AS ADVERTISED.pdf
AIDEA-AEA Noise Control TI 100% Drawings.pdf
ADDENDUM ONE _ 19003.pdf
ADDENDUM TWO _ 19003.pdf
Plan Holders List as of 9_27_2018.JPG
Certified Bid Results 19003.pdf

StatusAwarded to STG Incorporated
Estimated Range3,000,000-4,000,000
ProjectTwin Hills Power System Upgrade
DescriptionWork under this Contract is for the construction of an electrical intertie in Twin Hills, Alaska. There are 3 additive alternates that include the construction of distribution system upgrades, standby power module, and distribution South extension. See Specification Section 011000 Summary of Work for detailed descriptions of each bid item and additive alternate.
Pre-Bid MeetingSeptember 27, 1:00pm (See Special Notice to Bidders)
Published Date: 02/12/2019 Opening Date: October 25, 2:00pm
Addendum Posted: ADDENDUM TWO - 10/12/2018
ADDENDUM ONE - 10/8/2018
Attachments: 19023 Twin Hills Power System Upgrade AS ADVERTISED.pdf
TH-Dist-Stake Sheet_IFC 8-2018.pdf
TH-TileLine-StakeSheet_IFC 8-2018.pdf
19023 Twin Hills_Addenda 1.pdf
Plan Holders Listed 10-8-18.JPG
Pre-Bid Meeting Sign in Sheet.pdf
19023 Twin Hills Addenda 2.pdf
Twin Hills Intertie Geotechnical Repot Attachment #4.pdf
Bid Results.pdf

StatusAwarded to Weona Corporation
Estimated Range300,000 to 350,000
Project Port Heiden and Clarks Point RPSU Modules Fabrication
DescriptionThe Authority is soliciting sealed bids for the construction of two Rural Power System Upgrade (RPSU) Modules Fabrication at Port Heiden and Clarks Point. The ITB Opens November 29th, 2018 at 2:00 PM The Invitation to Bid (ITB) Package is available from the AIDEA/AEA FTP website at: If you need assistance obtaining these documents, contact Lois Lemus @ email: or phone 907. 771.3909 If you downloaded this solicitation from the AEA’s Website, you must register on the online planholders list to receive subsequent addenda. Failure to register may adversely affect your bid. It is the Bidder’s responsibility to insure that they have received all addenda affecting this ITB. To register, go to and provide the project name & number, company name & contact person, address, phone number & fax number. Individuals with disabilities, including the hearing impaired, who may need auxiliary aids, services, and/or special modifications to submit a proposal should contact the TTD number: (907) 269-0473, no later than one week prior to the submittal date to make any necessary arrangements.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 02/01/2019 Opening Date: December 5, 2018 @ 2:00 pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum Four dated December 2, 2018

Addendum Three dated November 29, 2018

Addendum Two dated November 27, 2018

Addendum One dated November 21, 2018
Attachments: ITB 19032 Port Heiden and Clarks Point RPSU.pdf
Port Heiden and Clarks Point Module Drawings - ITB Appendix B.PDF
Addendum #2 19032 Port Heiden and Clarks Point RPSU Modules Fabrication.pdf
Addendum #1 19032 Port Heiden and Clarks Points RPSU Modules Fabrication.pdf
Addendum #3 Port Heiden and Clarks Point RPSU Modules Fabrication.pdf
Addendum #4 19032 Port Heiden and Clarks Point RPSU Modules Fabrication.pdf

StatusAwarded to Gray Stassel
Estimated Range$100,000.00 - $200,000.00
Project2018 DERA Diesel Engine Replacement Projects (s)
DescriptionThis RFP is for professional design services, and construction administration to design, and administer, the repower or replacement of diesel engines and generator sets if required at Takotna (3 engines), Circle (2 engines), Tuluksak (1 engine), and Chignik Lake (2 engines). Each of the four communities shall receive money from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Diesel Program and Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA), and other funding sources through the Alaska Energy Authority. A complete description of services is contained in the RFP Package. Anticipated period for performance – Phase I Date of Award through February 15, 2018, Phase II March 1, 2019 through September 31, 2019. Cost of this professional services is expected to be in the range of $100,000.00 to $200,000.00. If you downloaded this solicitation from the AEA’s Website, you must register on the online planholders list to receive subsequent addenda. Failure to register may adversely affect your bid. It is the Bidder’s responsibility to insure that they have received all addenda affecting this ITB. To register, go to and provide the project name & number, company name & contact person, address, phone number & fax number. Individuals with disabilities, including the hearing impaired, who may need auxiliary aids, services, and/or special modifications to submit a proposal should contact the TTD number: (907) 269-0473, no later than one week prior to the submittal date to make any necessary arrangements.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 02/01/2019 Due Date: November 29, 2018
Addendum Posted: Addendum #2 dated November 28, 2018
Addemdum #1 dated November 21, 2018
Attachments: RFP 19029 2018 DERA Diesel engine Replacement Project (s).pdf
Attachment A How to Maintain or REbuild Engines Certified to EPA Standards.pdf
Attachment B FFY17-18 AEA Notice of Intent to Participate.pdf
Attachment C Current EPA DERA Work Plan.pdf
Attachment D AEA Letter to EPA request for DERA waiver.pdf
Attachment E EPA Waiver Approval Letter for the DERA waiver.pdf
Attachment F U.S. EPA Diesel Emission Reduction Program .pdf
Amendment #1 2018 DERA Diesel Engine Replacemenrt Project (s).pdf
Addendum #2 2018 DERA Diesel Engine Replacement Project (s).pdf

StatusAwarded to KeyBank
Estimated Range$1,000,000
DescriptionAddendum #1 issued 9/5/18 The Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (“AIDEA”) and Alaska Energy Authority (“AEA”) together the “Authority”, “Authorities”, or “AIDEA and AEA” are requesting proposals for Banking and Trust Services from Alaskan financial institutions. A complete description of services is contained in the RFP Package. Estimated period for performance of the Agreement is approximately September 2018 to August 2020 with the option for three additional two-year extensions (August 2026). Cost of these professional services is expected to be in the range of $1,000.000 or greater. The Request for Proposals (RFP) Package is available and may be obtained in person from the Agency at 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 before 4:00 pm or from the AIDEA/AEA website at: Proposals must conform to the RFP and be submitted with specified forms. Submittals must be received no later than 2:00 pm September 14, 2018, prevailing time. Individuals with disabilities, including the hearing impaired, who may need auxiliary aids, services, and/or special modifications to submit a proposal should contact the TTD number: (907) 269-0473, no later than one week prior to the submittal date to make any necessary arrangements.
Pre-Bid MeetingNONE
Published Date: 01/04/2019 Due Date: 9/14/2018
Addendum Posted:
Attachment 1.pdf
Attachment 2.pdf
Attachment 3.pdf
Attachment 4.pdf
Attachment 5.pdf
Attachment 6 AIDEA.pdf
Attchment 6 AIDEA2.pdf
Attachment 7 BankRFP-CostSheetFinal.xls
Addendum 1 .pdf

StatusAwarded to Kaktovik Enterprises
Estimated Range$37,265.78
ProjectDiesel Engine Parts Stockpile
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is requesting quotes from Offerors to provide Diesel Engine Replacement Parts as specified in attached Request for Quotation (RFQ) #19031 documents.
Published Date: 11/29/2018 Due Date: November 26, 2018
Addendum Posted: November 16, 2018
Attachments: Solicitation RFQ 19031 Diesel Engine Parts.pdf
Amendment 1 Solicitation RFQ 19031 Diesel Engine Parts.pdf
Revised Elec Emer Assist Engine Parts RFQ 19031.xlsx
RFQ 19031 Abstract.pdf

Estimated Range<$5,000/year
ProjectAIDEA/AEA Courier Services
DescriptionAIDEA/AEA is requesting courier pick-up and delivery services in the Anchorage area.
Published Date: 11/13/2018 Due Date: September 27, 2018 by 12:00pm
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: Solicitation RFQ 19022 Courier Services.pdf

StatusAwarded to Coffman Engineers, Energy Audits of Alaska, NORTECH, and Siemens Industry, Inc.
Estimated Range$50,000 to $100,000
ProjectRemote Alaskan Community Energy Efficiency (RACEE) Energy Audit Services Term Agreement
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (Authority) intends to award multiple (3 to 5) contracts to service providers for technical assistance with ASHRAE level I and Level II energy Audits. These audits will be performed in remote Alaskan communities that are awarded technical assistance under the U.S. Department of Energy’s Remote Alaskan Community Energy Efficiency (RACEE) competition, which is currently in process. This three-phased competition is intended to improve energy efficiency in the selected communities, including building and facility efficiency. Alaska Energy Authority will be providing technical assistance to the selected communities via a combination of in-house and contracted expertise. DOE’s Notice of Technical Assistance application will close on March 31; DOE intends to announce as many as twenty selected communities on April 25.
Pre-Bid MeetingNone
Published Date: 07/24/2018 Due Date: April 7, 2016 - 3:00 PM Prevailing Time
Addendum Posted: Addendum One, 4/6/2016
Attachments: RFP 16132 RACEE Energy Audit Services.pdf
Addendum 1.pdf

StatusAwarded to Kaktovik Enterprises, LLC
Estimated Range100,000-200,000
ProjectChignik Lagoon DERA Engine Generator Installation
DescriptionWork under this Contract consists of the installation of the new engine-generator and associated mechanical and electrical systems, testing and commission in Chignik Lagoon, Alaska. There is one (1) additive alternate. Additive Alternate 1: Includes the demolition of existing engine coolant system and installation of new engine coolant system. Due to the schedule of completion, a reduced advertisement period is being used and bidders are advised the award process may be compressed as well.
Pre-Bid Meetingn/a
Published Date: 07/10/2018 Opening Date: 6/26/2018 @2pm
Addendum Posted: None
Attachments: 18063 Chignik Lagoon As-Advertised.pdf
18063 Chignik Lagoon Drawings & Technical Specifications.pdf
Unchecked Bid Results 18063.pdf
Certified Bid Results 18063.pdf

StatusAwarded to Kaktovik Enterprises, LLC
Estimated Range$79,281
ProjectChignik Lagoon Engine Generator Package
DescriptionThis Request for Quotes is for furnishing one complete engine generator with accessories, and one complete engine, fabricated, assembled, tested, and packaged in strict compliance with the specifications herein.
Published Date: 07/05/2018 Due Date: May 8, 2018 @ 12:00pm
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: Solicitation RFQ 18058 Chignik Lagoon Engine Generator.pdf

StatusAwarded to RAM Protective Coatings
Estimated Range$75,845
ProjectKetchikan Shipyard Main Deck Preservation - RE-ISSUE
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development & Export Authority is requesting quotes for furnishing spray-able grout for the Ketchikan Shipyard Dry Dock #2. The materials shall be furnished in strict compliance with the specifications in the attached Scope of Work.
Published Date: 07/05/2018 Due Date: April 18, 2018 @ 2pm
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: Solicitation RFQ 18055 Ketchikan Shipyard Main Deck Preservation REISSUE.pdf

StatusAwarded to HMS, Inc.
Estimated RangeNot-To-Exceed $7,500
ProjectDiesel Engine Genset Review & Cost Estimates
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is requesting proposals from Offerors to review a short list of no more than ten diesel engine generator sets provided by AEA to determine the cost to complete the FY17 & FY18 State DERA Program recommendations. AEA has a budget not-to-exceed $7,500.
Published Date: 07/05/2018 Due Date: June 15, 2018 @ 12:00pm
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: DERA Cost Estimate-SAMPLE.XLSX
Debarment Certification.pdf
Solicitation IRFP 18070 DERA Cost Estimates.pdf

Estimated Range$400,000-$500,000
ProjectMertarvik Phase I Power System: Power Plant Module
DescriptionWork under this Contract consists of the construction of the Phase I Power Plant Module for the community of Mertarvik, Alaska. The Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment required to construct the Mertarvik Phase I Power System Power Plant Module.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for February 20, 2018, 11:00 am in the Aspen Conference room. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening. Attend by teleconference dial 1-888-585-9008 and when prompted enter code 434756425#.
Published Date: 06/26/2018 Opening Date: April 4, 2018, 1:00pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum One, Posted 2/21/2018, General Question and Answer
Addendum Two, Posted 2/28/2018, Modifications to Section 00 80 00
Addendum Three, Posted 3/1/2018, General Question and Answer
Addendum Four, Posted 3/6/2018, Changes Bid Opening Date, replaces a Form, Modifications to Section 00 80 00
Addendum Five, Posted 3/19/2018, General Question and Answer
Notice to Bidders, Posted 3/20/2018, Changes Bid Opening Date and Time.
Attachments: 18045.pdf
16-035_00_Final Design Module 2-12-2018.pdf
Addendum One.pdf
Addendum Two.pdf
Addendum Three.pdf
Planholders List.pdf
Addendum Four.pdf
Addendum Five.pdf
Notice to Bidders One.pdf
Unchecked Bid Results 18045.pdf

StatusAwarded to ABR, Inc.
Estimated Range$80,000-$140,000
DescriptionAIDEA is seeking a professional environmental Consultant to use Hydrogeomorphic (HGM)-based or similar wetland and riverine functional assessment models and apply the models to evaluate the functional quality of wetlands along two proposed road alignment alternatives through Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve (GAAR). A complete description of services is contained in the RFP Package. Estimated period for performance of the Agreement is approximately August to December 2016. Cost of these services is expected to be in the range of $80,000 to $140,000. A non-mandatory pre-proposal conference will be held at 2 pm Wednesday, July 13, 2016 in the AIDEA/AEA Board room at the AIDEA building located at 813 W. Northern Lights, Anchorage Alaska 99503. Potential offerors may attend telephonically. Proposals must conform to the RFP and be submitted with specified forms. Submittals must be received no later than 2 pm, July 27, 2016, prevailing time. Individuals with disabilities, including the hearing impaired, who may need auxiliary aids, services, and/or special modifications to submit a proposal should contact the TTD number: (907) 269-0473, no later than one week prior to the submittal date to make any necessary arrangements. If you have any questions, or need any further assistance, please feel free to contact me, or 907-771-3036. Sincerely, Michele Hope Contracting Officer
Pre-Bid Meeting ** UPDATE ** new call-in number 1-888-585-9008 Conference Room number 898-158-211 A non-mandatory pre-proposal conference will be held at 2 pm Wednesday, July 13, 2016 in the AIDEA/AEA Board room at the AIDEA building located at 813 W. Northern Lights, Anchorage Alaska 99503. Potential offerors may attend telephonically by calling 1-800-315-6338 and enter code 3036#. Please note the call-in is limited to 12 participants so if more than one person from companies are attending telephonically, we respectfully request you call in from a conference room speaker phone and have all people together. If calling in, please be respectful of other callers and call from a phone that can be muted so as to cancel out background noise and the possibility of feedback. Contact the Contracting Officer, Michele Hope, at (907) 771-3036 for more information
Published Date: 06/12/2018 Due Date: 7/27/16
Addendum Posted: Addendum One, Posted 7/21/2016
Addendum 1.pdf

StatusAwarded to
Estimated RangeTerm Service
ProjectInsurance and Risk Management Services for Bradley Lake Hydro Project and Alaska Intertie
DescriptionPlease register if your firm is interested in responding to this Request for Proposal. The Purpose of the solicitation is to establish a multi year contract for Insurance services that will result in providing risk management services; and property, boiler, and machinery insurance coverage for the Bradley Lake Hydro Facility located in South Central Alaska and the Alaska Intertie located between Willow and Healy in the Susitna Valley on behalf of the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) and the utilities that purchase power from the facility. A complete description of services is contained in the RFP Package. Estimated period for performance of the Agreement is approximately January 2016 to June 2022. Cost of these services is expected to be in the range of $1,000,000 or greater. Proposals must conform to the RFP and be submitted with specified forms. Submittals must be received no later than 2 pm, November 17, 2015, prevailing time. Individuals with disabilities, including the hearing impaired, who may need auxiliary aids, services, and/or special modifications to submit a proposal should contact the TTD number: (907) 269-0473, no later than one week prior to the submittal date to make any necessary arrangements. If you have any questions, or need any further assistance, please feel free to contact me, or 907-771-3036. Sincerely, Michele Hope Contracting Officer
Pre-Bid MeetingNone
Published Date: 06/12/2018 Due Date: 2-pm Alaska Time December 9, 2015
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1 11/13/15
Addendum #2 11/20/15
Addendum #3 12/3/15
Attachments: Bradly Intertie Insurance RFP 16059 .pdf
addendum 1 bradley & intertie insurance 16059.pdf
Bradley and Intertie Insurance & Risk Management Addendum #2.pdf
Addendum 3.pdf

StatusAwarded to Orion Marine
Estimated Range$30-$50M
DescriptionUNNOFICIAL BID RESULTS ARE LINKED BELOW. This State funded project will comprise of the construction of facilities and structures to divert and convey water from the West Fork Upper Battle Creek (WFUBC) to Bradley Lake. The Bradley Lake West Fork Upper Battle Creek Diversion Project is designated by the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) as Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII) under the regulations of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) at 18 C.F.R. § 388.113(c)(1). These provisions govern the use of materials prepared in connection with the development of the Bradley Lake Hydropower Project P-8221. In order to obtain the Invitation to Bid documents for this project, please download, sign and return the CEII General Non-Disclosure Agreement to Michele Hope at ************************************************************************************************************************************* ONCE YOUR NON-DISCLOSURE FORM IS RECEIVED YOU WILL BE PROVIDED A USERNAME, PASSWORD, AND LINK FOR ACCESS TO THE SHAREPOINT SITE THAT CONTAINS THE PROJECT DOCUMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU MAY NOT SHARE ANY OF THESE DOCUMENTS WITH ANY FIRM WHO DOES NOT HAVE A NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT ON FILE WITH AEA FOR THIS PROJECT. **************************************************************************************************************************************
Pre-Bid Meeting1. A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for September 22, 2017, 1:30pm in the AIDEA Boardroom. This is not a mandatory meeting. Attend by teleconference dial 1-888-585-9008 and when prompted enter code 434756425#. ************************************************************************************************************************************* 2. A non-mandatory site visit will be offered to Contractors on Tuesday September 26th. Helicopter flights will start on or near 9am to the proposed Battle Creek Diversion site and access road. Each flight will have one Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) representative to point out locations of interest. Weather permitting helicopter will make two 15 minute landings (one overlooking diversion site and one at the proposed location of a construction camp). Site visit transportation will be by helicopter from Pathfinder Aviation in Homer, Alaska. Pathfinder Aviation will have a signup list for Contractors for an approximate time slot. Number of seats is limited by helicopters and weather may impact how many helicopter flights may be able to occur. No more than two people per Contractor can sign up for a site visit flight. Early signup is encouraged Contractors will need to pay seat fare for site visit to Pathfinder Aviation. ************************************************************************************************************************************* 3. A second non-mandatory site visit will be offered to Contractors on Friday, October 6, 2017. Helicopter flights will start on or near 10 am to the proposed Battle Creek Diversion site and access road. Each flight will have one Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) representative to point out locations of interest. Weather permitting helicopter will make two 15 minute landings (one overlooking diversion site and one at the outlet site). Site visit transportation will be by helicopter from Pathfinder Aviation in Homer, Alaska. Pathfinder Aviation will have a signup list for Contractors for an approximate time slot. Number of seats is limited by helicopters and weather may impact how many helicopter flights may be able to occur. No more than two people per Contractor can sign up for a site visit flight. Early signup is encouraged. Contractors will need to pay seat fare for site visit to Pathfinder Aviation. Pathfinder Aviation is located at 2238 Kachemak Dr. Homer, AK and can be contacted at 226-2800 Monday through Friday from 7am to 4pm. Ravn Alaska has an early morning and mid-morning flight Anchorage to Homer. Pathfinder Aviation is located at 2238 Kachemak Dr. Homer, AK and can be contacted at 226-2800 Monday through Friday from 7am to 4pm. Ravn Alaska has an early morning and mid-morning flight Anchorage to Homer.
Published Date: 06/12/2018 Opening Date: 11/8/17 2:00 pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum Five Posted December 26, 2017.
Addendum Four Posted November 1, 2017. Located on the AIDEA/AEA SharePoint site.
Addendum Three Posted October 23, 2017. Located on the AIDEA/AEA SharePoint site.
Addendum Two Posted October 17, 2017. Located on the AIDEA/AEA SharePoint site.
Addendum One Posted October 6, 2017. Located on the AIDEA/AEA SharePoint site.
NTB ONE Posted September 22, 2017.

Attachments: Bradley CEII Non-Disclosure Agreement.pdf
Planholders List 11-7-17.pdf
18018 WFUBC Diversion Project unofficial bid results.pdf
Bid Tabulation w preferences.pdf

StatusAwarded to URS Alaska LLC
Estimated RangeLess than $100,000
ProjectMarine Type Engineering and Estimating Services - Ketchikan Shipyard
DescriptionPosted July 28, 2014 State of Alaska, Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA), Request for Proposals (RFP) for Solicitation 15020, for Marine Type Engineering and Estimating Services. Important - Interested parties must complete the information requested on the opening page of the RFP and return it AIDEA. Questions about the RFP should be directed to Althea Clapp at or by telephone at (907) 771-3018. Register to receive future addenda. Hard copies of the RFP may be obtained by contacting: Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, AK 99503 907-771-3000 or Fax 907-771-3044 Responses, one (1) original and [delete-four-4]REPLACE with Three (3)copies along with one (1) electronic copy in PDF or MS Word format on a CD or USB drive, must be physically received at the issuing office no later than 2:00 p.m. local time on August 26, 2014. The issuing office reserves the right to reject any and all proposals received as a result of this solicitation. Small and Minority businesses, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area firms are encouraged to participate. The State of Alaska is an EEO/ADA employer. Individuals requiring accommodations should call 1-800-587-0430 or 465-4095 in Juneau or (907) 465-3412 (TTY).
Pre-Bid MeetingNone
Published Date: 06/12/2018 Due Date: September 4, 2014 2-pm
Addendum Posted: August 7, 2014 Addendum 1 - Includes 2011 Maintenance Schedule Sample
August 13, 2014 Addendum 2
August 27, 2014 Addendum 3
August 27, 2014 Informational Report dated 7-2011
Attachments: 15020-3 RFP D AIDEA.docx
RFP-15020 Engineering and Cost Est Services.pdf
Addendum 1-1.pdf
Addendum 1-2.pdf
Addendum 1-3.pdf
Addendum 1-4.pdf
Addendum 2.pdf
Addendum 3.pdf
KSY CP Field Inspection Final Report 7-2011.pdf

StatusAwarded to STG Inc.
Estimated Range$250,000-$500,000
ProjectAtmautluak Freight, Foundation Installation, and Generator Module Installation
DescriptionJuly 18, 2014 Issued Intent to Award to STG, Incorporated. July 8th, 2014 Addendum 1; July 9th, 2014 Addendum 2; July 15th, 2014 Addendum 3; This project includes 3 specific work items (1) Transporting a power generation module and miscellaneous construction materials as described in the freight manifest below from Anchorage, Alaska, to Atmautluak, Alaska; (2) Installing steel H-Pile foundations in Atmautluak, Alaska; and (3) Placing the power generation module on the foundation piles.
Pre-Bid MeetingNone
Published Date: 06/12/2018 Opening Date: July 18, 2014 2:30-P.M. Alaska Time
Addendum Posted: Jul 21 2014 2:24 PM
Attachments: ATM 15003 Bid Book.pdf
15003 Atmautluak Addendum 1.pdf
ITB 15003 - Addendum 2.pdf
15003 Atmautluak Addendum 3.pdf
ITB 15003 ITA ATM FFG.pdf

StatusAwarded to Homer Electric Association
Estimated Range$1,000,000 or greater
ProjectBradley Lake Hydropower Project Operator
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA or Authority) is soliciting interested proposers to operate the Bradley Lake Hydropower Project (Project) for AEA and the utility power purchasers. The current Project operator is Homer Electric Association (Operator). The operating agreement ends December 31, 2018. The selected operator (Contractor) will need to be ready to take over Project duties January 1, 2019 (Effective Date).
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 06/12/2018 Due Date: April 17, 2018, 3:00pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum No. 1 [posted 3/27/2018] General Q&A, Form Edits, Replaces a Form.
Addendum No. 2 [posted 4/4/2018] General Q&A.
Attachments: 18043.pdf
2018 BradleyBudget-Approved-031717-accelerated payments.pdf
Addendum 1.pdf
Addendum Two.pdf

StatusAwarded to DOWL
Estimated Range$1,000,000 or greater
ProjectTerm Agreement for Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Engineering Services 2018
DescriptionThe Consultant shall perform facility inspection, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) licensing or regulatory technical assistance, engineering design services, safety inspections, training of project personnel on license or regulatory compliance, and annual document preparation.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 06/12/2018 Due Date: May 1, 2018, 2:00pm
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 18049.pdf

Estimated Range$65,000-$71,000
ProjectKetchikan Shipyard Main Deck Preservation-Sprayable Grout
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development & Export Authority is requesting quotes for furnishing spray-able grout for the Ketchikan Shipyard Dry Dock #2. The materials shall be furnished in strict compliance with the specifications in the attached Scope of Work.
Published Date: 04/11/2018 Due Date: April 10, 2018 @ 2:00pm
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: Solicitation RFQ 18052 Ketchikan Shipyard Main Deck Preservation.pdf

StatusAwarded to Energy Audits of Alaska
Estimated Range$10,000-$75,000
ProjectRural Commercial Building Energy Audits
DescriptionThe Authority is seeking qualified energy auditors to complete American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air‐Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Level I energy audits of as many as 40 eligible buildings, depending on the building size and location. In addition to the typical major systems assessments common in commercial energy audits, auditors under this program shall examine and report on other often overlooked energy efficiency opportunities.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 03/29/2018 Due Date: February 8, 2018, 3:00pm
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 18016.pdf

StatusAwarded to HDL Engineering
Estimated Range$18,000
ProjectAboveground Storage Tank Operator’s Manual Upgrade
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is requesting proposals from Offerors to update the Aboveground Storage Tank Operator Handbook, Third Edition. Services to be provided include research, writing, editing and re-design of the current handbook.
Published Date: 02/14/2018 Due Date: January 26, 2018
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: adec-ast-operator-handbook-2016.pdf
IRFP Solicitation 18037.pdf
Sample AEA Contract.pdf
Debarment Certification.pdf

StatusAwarded to Griffin Communications Inc.
Estimated Range$15,000-$20,000
ProjectBradley Lake & Alaska Intertie Insurance Review
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is requesting proposals from Offerors to review the current Bradley Lake Hydro facility and Alaska Intertie coverages and recommend changes that are necessary or appropriate with the Projects.
Published Date: 12/15/2017 Due Date: November 29, 2017 @ 2pm
Addendum Posted: November 20, 2017 @ 3pm
Attachments: IRFP Solicitation 18032 Bradley-Intertie Insurance Review.pdf
Attachment 1 Bradley Lake Insurance Policy.pdf
Attachment 2 Alaska Intertie Insurance Policy.pdf
Attachment 3 Earthquake Probable Max Loss Risk Profile Memo.pdf
Attachment 4 BRLK Bond Resolution- section 714.pdf
Debarment Cert.pdf
AEA PSA Sample Contract.pdf
18032 Addendum 1.pdf

StatusAwarded to Gray Stassel Engineering
Estimated Range$250,000 to $500,000
ProjectRegulatory Air Quality Compliance Term Agreement
DescriptionThe contract resulting from this RFP is intended to provide valuable research, analysis, deliverables, and recommendations regarding the environmental regulations governing the procurement, installation, operation and regulatory compliance of new, used and re-manufactured diesel generator sets in Alaska. These regulations may include, but are not limited to Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines (RICE) National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) and new source performance standards (NSPS) regulations as well as the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC) air permitting regulations. Interpretation and clarification services will be, at times, need to be provided on an on-call basis. At times the request may need to be accelerated.
Pre-Bid MeetingA pre-proposal conference will be held August 24, 2017, 1:00pm at 813 West Northern Lights Blvd, Anchorage, AK 99503. You may attend via teleconference by calling 1-888-585-9008, conference room #434-756-425.
Published Date: 11/27/2017 Due Date: September 8, 2017, 2:00pm
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 18001.pdf

Estimated Range$150,000-$200,00.00
ProjectChignik Lagoon DERA Clean Diesel Engine Replacement – Design/Build Project - Cancelled
DescriptionThis contract requires the contractor to provide the necessary design and installation of a new diesel engine into the existing switchgear, fuel, exhaust, and cooling systems. Please disregard references to Tazlina, this is an administrative oversight and will be corrected by the next addendum.
Pre-Bid MeetingNone
Published Date: 11/15/2017 Due Date: November 30, 2017, 2:00pm
Addendum Posted: Notice to Proposers One, Posted 11/13/2017
Attachments: 18008.pdf
Notice to Proposers One.pdf

StatusAwarded to CE2 Engineers, Inc.
Estimated Range$200,000 to $300,000
ProjectTazlina District Heat System Biomass Boiler – Design/Build
DescriptionThis contract requires the contractor to provide the necessary design and construction services for a Biomass Boiler system to provide heat for the Native Village of Tazlina (NVT). The Design-Builder may elect to provide up to two Owner described enhancements as part of their proposal which will be scored as part of the proposal evaluation process.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 09/06/2017 Due Date: August 10, 2017 2:00PM
Addendum Posted: Addendum One, Posted July 28, 2017
Attachments: 18004.pdf
Addendum One.pdf
VendorList (14).csv

StatusAwarded to MB General Contractor
Estimated Range$50,001-$80,000
ProjectFedEx Hanger Floor Slab Joint and Crack Repair
DescriptionThis work is intended to result in the repair and sealing of constructed joints and random cracks that have developed in the concrete slab-on-grade within the Line Maintenance Hanger that AIDEA is leasing to FedEx. All the repair and sealing work is within the footprint of the hanger building.
Pre-Bid MeetinguA site visit will be held August 3, 2017, 1:00pm in order to examine the floor condition, the degree and extent of cracking and joint deterioration, and evaluate the conditions to determine the appropriate product, preparation and application the Bidder will propose to fulfill the work requirements. Offerors need to submit their name and date of birth to Rich Wooten at no later than August 2, 2017 to gain access to the work area for the site visit. The date of the visit, all attendees must first arrive at 6050 Rockwell Ave at the security screening entrance to sign-in and receive temporary badges from security. Parking should be in the visitor/vendor parking and not in customer parking. All attendees shall bring nothing they would not otherwise bring to an airport screening. All similar rules and confiscation risks apply. Cameras will be allowed provided no FedEx employees, FedEx logos or anything other than strict mechanical related data are in any photos.
Published Date: 08/25/2017 Opening Date: August 16, 2017, 2:00pm
Addendum Posted: Notice to Bidders - posted 8/2/2017
Notice to Bidders - posted 8/7/2017 - Quote due date changed.
Addendum One - Posted 8/9/2017
Notice to Bidders - posted 8/11/2017 - Quote due date changed.
Addendum Two - Posted 8/14/2017
Attachments: 18015.pdf
Notice to Bidders One.pdf
Notice to Bidders Two.pdf
Addendum 1.pdf
On-site Participant List.pdf
Addendum two.pdf
Unchecked Bid Results.pdf

StatusAwarded to Jesse Co
Estimated Range100,000 to 500,000
ProjectKetchikan Shipyard Transfer Carts - REBID
DescriptionThis invitation to bid (ITB) is intended to result in the purchase of Eleven each four-wheel keel carts assemblies complete (no wheels) and Sixteen each two-wheel Bilge carts assemblies complete (no wheels) for the Ketchikan Shipyard.
Pre-Bid MeetingPre-bid conference: July 18, 2017, 10:00am. Pre-bid will be held at 813 West Northern Lights Blvd., Anchorage, Alaska 99503. You may appear telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, conference room # 434-756-426. UPDATED: Pre-bid conference: July 20, 2017, 10:00am. You may participate telephonically by calling 1-888-585-9008, conference room # 434-756-425.
Published Date: 08/04/2017 Opening Date: July 26, 2017, 2:30pm
Addendum Posted: Notice to Bidders One, posted July 18, 2017.
Addendum One, Posted July 21, 2017
Attachments: 18007.pdf
Notice to Bidders One.pdf
Addendum 1.pdf
Unchecked Bid Results.pdf

StatusAwarded to HDR Alaska & Arcadis
Estimated Range$500,000-$1,000,000
ProjectAIDEA Project Support Services Term Agreement
DescriptionThis contract is for project support services. Those services are as follows: design and/or design review, construction management, due diligence review, valuation analyses, environmental support, and report/deep dive analysis.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 08/03/2017 Due Date: June 1, 2017, 2:00pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum One, 5/19/2017
Addendum Two, 5/25/2017
Attachments: 17071.pdf
Addendum One.pdf
Addendum 2.pdf

Estimated Range100,000 to 500,000
ProjectKetchikan Shipyard Transfer Carts
DescriptionThis invitation to bid (ITB) is intended to result in the purchase of Eleven each four-wheel keel carts assemblies complete (no wheels) and Sixteen each two-wheel Bilge carts assemblies complete (no wheels) for the Ketchikan Shipyard.
Published Date: 07/12/2017 Opening Date: July 10, 2017 @ 2:30 PM
Addendum Posted: Addendum One, Posted June 30, 2017
Notice to Bidders One, Posted July 7, 2017
Attachments: 18002.pdf
Notice to Bidders One.pdf

StatusAwarded to Myers Power Products
Estimated Range$500,000-$1,000,000
ProjectControl Enclosure for Robert Douglas Substation DOA# 2017-0800-3646
DescriptionThis contract is for a Control Enclosure to be factory fabricated, delivered, and placed (only set) on a new foundation at AEA’s Robert Douglas Substation site. Re-assembly, securing to foundation and final installation will be completed under a separate agreement with the Matanuska Electric Association.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 06/28/2017 Opening Date: March 30, 2017 - 2:00PM
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 17056.pdf
Planholders List 3-20-17.pdf
Addendum 1 17056.pdf
Addendum 2 17056.pdf
Notice to Bidders 1 .pdf
Unchecked Bid Results.pdf

StatusAwarded to LeMay Engineering & Consulting
Estimated Range$100,000 to $200,000
Project2017 Pre-Design Bulk Fuel Facility Assessments
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is soliciting consulting services at the request of the Denali Commission to perform site visits and bulk fuel tank farm inspections in the villages of Birch Creek, Ekwok, Goodnews Bay, Marshall, Minto, Scammon Bay, Shageluk, and Shungnak. The final deliverable of this effort will be pre-design bulk fuel facility assessments describing the options for improving bulk fuel facilities in these communities in cost-effective ways with the limited funding available. The letter reports will include Rough Order of Magnitude cost estimates and other information to be used by the Denali Commission and its partners to allocate future state and federal funding for bulk fuel projects.
Published Date: 06/28/2017 Due Date: 2:00 PM prevailing time, June 8, 2017
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 17073 2017 Pre-Design Bulk Fuel Facility Assessments.pdf
Addendum 1.pdf
Addendum 2.pdf

StatusAwarded to Ridge Contracting, Inc.
Estimated Range$5,000,000.00 - $7,000,000.00
ProjectKipnuk Bulk Fuel and Power System Upgrades
DescriptionWork under this Contract consists of the construction of bulk fuel upgrades (BFU) and rural power system upgrades (RPSU) in the community of Kipnuk, Alaska. The Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment required to construct the bulk fuel and rural power system upgrades.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for April 11, 2017, 11:00am in the Aspen Conference room. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening. Attend by teleconference dial 1-888-585-9008 and when prompted enter code 434756425#.
Published Date: 05/11/2017 Opening Date: April 20, 2017, 2:00pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum One, posted 4/6/2017, General question and answer and modification to insurance.
Addendum Two, posted 4/13/2017, General question and answer, update spec and drawings
Notice to Bidders One, Posted 4/14/2017
Notice to Bidders Two, Posted 4/18/2017
Attachments: 17068.pdf
2017-03-16 Kipnuk BFU Dwgs 11x17.pdf
2017-03-16 Kipnuk RPSU Dwgs 11x17.pdf
Addendum 1.pdf
Addendum 2.pdf
Notice to Bidders One.pdf
Notice to Bidders 2.pdf
Vendor List.pdf
Unchecked Bid Results.pdf

StatusAwarded to Yukon Fire Protection, Inc.
Estimated Range$100,000-$150,000
ProjectKake & Kipnuk Fire Suppression
DescriptionThis Invitation to Bid is for providing high pressure water mist fire suppression systems for two diesel power plants. Note that this solicitation is for two separate systems for two different projects – Kake and Kipnuk.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 03/28/2017 Opening Date: January 26, 2017, 2:00pm
Addendum Posted: January 18, 2017 - Changes made to specifications
Attachments: 17023.pdf
Addendum 1.pdf
Unchecked Bid Results.pdf

StatusAwarded to Hotwire LLC.
Estimated Range$2,000,000 and $2,500,000
Project17064- Kwigillingok Rural Power Systems Upgrade - Distribution System
DescriptionThis project consists of a general contract to furnish all labor, materials, equipment, consumables, supervision, transportation, freight, subsistence, expertise and incidentals necessary to complete the Kwigillingok Rural Power System Upgrade Project.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for February 8, 2017, 2:00pm in the Willow Conference room.
Published Date: 03/20/2017 Opening Date: February 24, 2017, 2:00pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum One, 2/13/2017
Addendum Two, 2/14/2017
Attachments: 17064.pdf
KWIG Drawings.PDF
Addendum One.pdf
Addendum Two.pdf
Unchecked Bid Results.pdf

Estimated Range$0 - $10,000
ProjectAIDEA Strategic & Developmental Consultant
DescriptionAIDEA’s Project Development and Asset Management (PDAM) team requires the services of an independent contractor/consultant to assist in the development of team work plans, strategic thinking and mentoring of the PDAM team. The contractor shall assist in making tactical decisions, the development of scopes of work on “deep dive” asset reports, accelerated production of reports and strategic planning.
Published Date: 03/17/2017 Due Date: 3/3/2017 by 12:00pm
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: RFP 17065 AIDEA Strategic & Developmental Consultant.pdf
Addendum 1.pdf

StatusAwarded to Anixter, Inc.
Estimated Range$19,625.00
ProjectKipnuk Transformer
DescriptionRequest for Quotes is for furnishing a transformer for Kipnuk RPSU.
Published Date: 02/03/2017 Due Date: February 1, 2017 by 12:00pm
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: Solicitation RFQ 17043 Kipnuk Transformer.pdf
RFQ 17043 Kipnuk Transformer - Bid Schedule.xls
17043 Abstract.pdf

StatusAwarded to Crescent Electric Supply Co.
Estimated Range$28,174.70
ProjectKake Transformer
DescriptionRequest for Quotes is for furnishing a transformer & ground sleeve for Kake RPSU.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 01/17/2017 Due Date: 1/13/17 @ 12:00PM
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: Solicitation RFQ 17062 RFQ Kake Transformer.pdf
RFQ 17062 Kake Transformer - Bid Schedule.xls

StatusAwarded to Pacific Power Group
Estimated Range$200,000 - $370,000
ProjectGenerator Sets on behalf of the Native Village of Kipnuk
DescriptionPublished June 22 2016 Alaska Energy Authority On behalf of the Native Village of Kipnuk Invitation to Bid 17001 is issued according to 3AAC 109 Procurement for Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) managed grants on behalf of the Native Village of Kipnuk. Funding for this procurement is from a State of Alaska grant AR-52212-17. This procurement is for Generator Sets. Please register herein, if your Company is interested in bidding this commodity. Submission of Bids - Bidders shall submit sealed bids in single (1) copy. All Bids including any modifications or withdrawals shall be received prior to the bid opening. Bids will be publically opened at Authority’s Office on July 12 at 2:00 p.m. Alaska Time, Willow Conference Room, 813 West Northern Lights Blvd, Anchorage AK 99503. Direct questions by email to: Rich Wooten, Contracting Officer, Email Small and Minority businesses, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area companies are encouraged to participate. The State of Alaska is an EEO/ADA employer. Individuals requiring accommodations should call 1-800-587-0430 or 465-4095 in Juneau or (907) 465-3412 (TTY).
Pre-Bid MeetingNone
Published Date: 12/21/2016 Opening Date: July 12, 2016, 2-pm
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: ITB 17001 Gensets Kipnuk.pdf

StatusAwarded to NC Power Systems
Estimated Range$400,301.00
ProjectKake Gensets
DescriptionThe purpose of this solicitation is to procure used, low hour diesel engine(s). The diesel engine(s) will be used in a prime power, 1800 rpm, genset application. Engines shall be delivered complete, tested, and ready for installation.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 12/21/2016 Opening Date: November 18, 2016 2:00pm
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: ITB 17042 Gensets Kake final.pdf
Unchecked Bid Results.pdf

StatusAwarded to Tesla Electric Inc
Estimated Range$362,739.60
ProjectRural Power System Upgrade (RPSU) Electrical and Mechanical Installation On Behalf Of Kipnuk and Kake
DescriptionThe State of Alaska, Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is administering two power system upgrade projects on behalf of two entities: the Native Village of Kipnuk and the Inside Passage Electric Cooperative (“IPEC”, serving Kake). The new power generation facilities will be housed in two modular steel structures: The Kipnuk module is 17’x 56’ and the Kake module is 17’ x 66’. Both modules will be assembled and tested in Anchorage at the Alaska Energy Authority shop located at 2601 Commercial Drive. The modules will then be commissioned, packaged and shipped to the communities for installation by others. This project includes installation of: diesel generators; exhaust, fuel and hydronic piping; holding and expansion tanks; automatic paralleling switchgear; and supporting mechanical, electrical, and control systems. This contract is for a licensed contractor (Contractor) to provide labor only to perform the installation of all electrical and mechanical systems.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for November 9, 2016, 10:00am at the AEA Warehouse. The AEA Warehouse is located at 2601 Commercial Dr., Anchorage, AK 99503.
Published Date: 12/21/2016 Opening Date: November 29, 2016, 2:00pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum One, 11/17/16, Bid Due Date Changed, ITB Replaced in its entirety
Attachments: 17047.pdf
Addendum One.pdf
VendorList (47).csv
Unchecked Bid Results.pdf

StatusAwarded to Pacific Power Group
Estimated Range$88,620.00
ProjectKake and Kipnuk Coolers
DescriptionThis Invitation to Bid is for furnishing Glycol Coolers (radiators), Charge Air Coolers, and Fuel Oil Coolers.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 11/29/2016 Opening Date: November 15, 2016 2:00PM
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: ITB 17024 Kake and Kipnuk Coolers.pdf
Unchecked Results.pdf

StatusAwarded to Dawson Construction, LLC
Estimated Range$5,000,000-$7,000,000
ProjectKake Bulk Fuel and Rural Power System Upgrades
DescriptionConstruct Bulk Fuel Upgrades-This work includes: site work consisting of survey, clearing, excavation and handling of petroleum contaminated soil, site grading, contaminated material liner installation, unclassified excavation, installing classified fill, crushed aggregate surface course, concrete containment dike, grounding grid system, tank farm liner, drain rock, tank foundation concrete strip footings, truckfill shelter concrete foundation, installing carrier piping at road crossing; furnishing and installing fuel tanks, pumps and appurtenances; installing chain-link fence and signs; construction of a tank farm, pumps and manifold piping; construction of a contained distribution pipeline; furnish and install above grade piping, below grade header piping, cathodic protection, transfer pumps, fuel pumps, truckfill shelter building, vehicle dispenser, marine header and spill response equipment; fuel transfer; decommissioning of existing fuel piping; lighting and controls, and other related work as described in the bid documents. Construct Rural Power System Upgrades-This work includes: site work consisting of survey, clearing, site grading, unclassified excavation, installing classified fill, crushed aggregate surface course, concrete footings, constructing a new rural power system including; mobilization and installation of the Owner ¬furnished power plant module; above grade fuel piping, modifications to the existing bulk fuel storage manifold piping, below grade contained fuel piping, electrical conduit, waste heat piping, modifications to the heating and electrical systems in the old power plant building, and related work as described in the bid documents.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-proposal meeting is scheduled for July 7, 2016, 2:00pm in the Willow Conference room.
Published Date: 09/07/2016 Due Date: August 2, 2016, 3:00pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum One, Posted 7/5/2016 - General Question and Answer and Modifications to Drawings
Notice to Proposers, Posted 7/6/2016
Addendum Two, Posted 7/11/2016 - Evaluation Criteria Updated
Addendum Three, Posted 7/15/2016 - Proposal Due Date Changed, General Question and Answer and Modifications Contract Documents and Drawings
Addendum Four, Posted 7/20/2016 - Modifications to Contract Documents
Addendum Five, Posted 7/27/2016 - Modifications to Drawings
Addendum Six, Posted 7/28/2016 - Proposal Due Date Changed and Modification to Drawings
Attachments: RFP 16155.pdf
100% FINAL SIGNED SET 6-10-2016-CONTRACTOR Schedule B.pdf
Kake Bulk Fuel Upgrades-Final Construction Drawings-Schedule A_COMBINED.pdf
Addendum Two.pdf
Addendum One.pdf
Addendum 4.pdf
Addendum 5.pdf
Planholders List.csv
Addendum 6.pdf
Notice to Proposers - 1

StatusAwarded to Ridge Contracting, Inc.
Estimated Range$750,000-$1,000,000
ProjectPerryville Rural Power System Upgrade (RPSU) Site Construction
DescriptionUNCHECKED BID RESULTS HAVE BEEN POSTED On behalf of the Native Village of Perryville provide all labor, materials, and equipment required to complete the Alaska Energy Authority (Authority) Rural Power System Upgrades. This work includes site work consisting of unclassified excavation, furnishing and installing crushed aggregate surface course, geogrid, concrete foundations, pipe supports, bollard installation, chainlink fence and gates, and signs; constructing a new rural power system including: (1) power plant module, (1) 10,000-gallon intermediate tank, above grade fuel piping, below grade contained fuel piping, heat recovery piping, underground electrical, transformer, modifications to the existing school mechanical building, and other related work as described in the Contract Documents using a combination of owner-furnished and contractor provided materials.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-proposal meeting is scheduled for July 13, 2016, 2:00pm in the Willow Conference room.
Published Date: 08/11/2016 Opening Date: July 19, 2016, 2:00pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum One, Posted 7/15/2016
Addendum Two, Poster 7/18/2016
Attachments: Addendum
Addendum Two.pdf
Unchecked Bid Results.pdf
ITB 16156.pdf
100% for construction 5-04-16.pdf

StatusAwarded to Steel Fab
Estimated Range$500,000-$1,000,000
ProjectFabricated Steel Module Structure for Kake, Alaska
DescriptionThis solicitation is for the Fabrication of a Steel Module Structure.
Pre-Bid MeetingNone.
Published Date: 08/09/2016 Opening Date: July 15, 2016, 2:00pm
Addendum Posted: 6/27/2016 - Addendum One replaced Appendix B in its entirety.
7/5/2016 - Addendum Two - General Question and Answer
Attachments: ITB 16163Module final.pdf
Addendum One.pdf
Bid Abstract.pdf
Addendum 2

StatusAwarded to PTP Management
Estimated RangeTerm Service
ProjectAIDEA Property Management Services
DescriptionSeptember 23, 2015 - PLEASE REGISTER. State of Alaska, Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA), Request for Proposals (RFP) 16023, for AIDEA Property Management Services. If your firm is interested in responding to this solicitation please register online at “Plan Holders Registration”. Proposals shall be received in accordance with this article at AIDEA office, no later than 2:00 p.m., Alaska Standard Time, October 20, 2015. Failure to meet the deadline will result in disqualification of the proposal without review. Instructions are in the RFP document. Address all questions in writing to Michele Hope, Contract Officer, Small and Minority businesses, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area firms are encouraged to participate. The State of Alaska is an EEO/ADA employer. Individuals requiring accommodations should call 1-800-587-0430 or 465-4095 in Juneau or (907) 465-3412 (TTY).
Pre-Bid Meeting October 1, 2015 1:30-pm AIDEA’s Boardroom, 813 W. Northern Lights Blvd, Anchorage, AK 99503, parking off 27th Street.
Published Date: 06/21/2016 Due Date: October 20, 2015 2-pm Alaska time
Addendum Posted: Addendum 1 -10/13/2015
Attachments: RFP 16023 AIDEA Building Management.pdf
Cost Proposal Form.xlsx
Addendum 1.pdf

StatusAwarded to Cold Climate Housing Research Center, Inc.
Estimated Range$50,000-$100,000
ProjectBiomass Fueled Greenhouse Handbook
DescriptionAlaska Energy Authority RFP please register if your company is interested in responding to this proposal. AEA is seeking a firm to develop a practical handbook to help interested communities plan, build, and manage a school biomass-heated greenhouse that will meet the overarching goal of the project partners to cultivate sustainable, self-sufficient, and resilient communities throughout Alaska. Handbook shall be in eBook format for multiple reader-technologies including hosted on AEA’s website. Offerors must submit 4-copies and 1-thumb drive or disk of their proposal to the Issuing Office, in a sealed envelope(s) clearly labeled and marked as a proposal: From: Offeror’s Return Address To: Alaska Energy Authority, ATTN: Althea Clapp 813 West Northern Lights Blvd., Anchorage, AK 99503 Biomass Fueled Greenhouse Handbook - RFP 16106, DOA 2016-0800-3410 Proposals must be received at the AEA Office, Attn: Althea Clapp, no later than 2:00-p.m., Alaska Daylight Time May 25, 2016. Failure to meet the deadline will result in disqualification of the proposal without review. Direct Questions in writing to Althea Clapp, Senior Contracting Officer, Email Small and Minority businesses, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area companies are encouraged to participate. The State of Alaska is an EEO/ADA employer. Individuals requiring accommodations should call 1-800-587-0430 or 465-4095 in Juneau or (907) 465-3412 (TTY).
Pre-Bid MeetingNone
Published Date: 06/21/2016 Due Date: May 25, 2016 2-p.m. Alaska time
Addendum Posted: Addendum 1 issued 5-May-2016
Addendum 2 issued 6-May-2016
Attachments: 16106 Biomas FGH RFP Final.pdf
Attachment D Cost.xls
16106 Biomas Addn 1.pdf
16106 Biomas Addn2.pdf

StatusAwarded to STG Inc.
Estimated Range$2,500,000-$5,000,000
ProjectBulk Fuel Upgrade Project On behalf of The City of Shishmaref, Alaska
DescriptionThe Work consists of providing all labor, materials and equipment required to complete a bulk fuel upgrade as per the specification contained herein. This project is funded by a combination of State of Alaska, Trans-Alaska Pipeline and the Denali Commission grants. All work shall be Substantially Completed by September 22, 2017 with Final Completion by October 13, 2017. Unchecked results posted, 5/23/2016, 2:35pm.
Pre-Bid MeetingA pre-bid meeting is scheduled for May 12, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. at the Alaska Energy Authority Office building located at 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard, Anchorage, AK 99503, Birch Conference Room. Parking is off Arctic and 27th. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening. Attend by teleconference dial 1-888-585-9008 and when prompted enter code 434756425#.
Published Date: 06/07/2016 Opening Date: May 23, 2016, 2:00PM
Addendum Posted: Addendum One, Posted 5/16/2016
Addendum Two, Posted 5/19/2016
Attachments: 16004.pdf
Addendum 1.pdf
Addendum 2.pdf
Unchecked Bid Results.pdf

StatusAwarded to
Estimated Range$no estimate
ProjectBond Counsel for Alaska Industrial Development & Export Authority and Alaska Energy Authority
DescriptionThe State of Alaska Department of Law on behalf of its client agencies the Alaska Industrial Development & Export Authority is soliciting responses from law firms to provide all services normally provided by bond counsel with respect to the authorization, sale, issuance, and delivery of debt securities, and all services as requested in connection with the exercise by AIDEA and AEA of their purposes and powers with regard to the financing of their programs and/or projects. Selected counsel will be assigned matters on a case by case basis in order to supplement those services already being provided by the Department of Law and other contract legal counsel. The Department of Law reserves the right to award more than one contract as a result of this solicitation. If more than one contract is awarded, work will be assigned based on the assessment of the individual firm’s ability to provide the services required in an efficient manner and at the time needed.
Pre-Bid MeetingNo pre-proposal conference is scheduled for this project; however, one may be scheduled if enough questions arise or potential proposers request a pre-proposal conference.
Published Date: 05/31/2016 Due Date: May 20, 2016 4:30-pm
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: RFP 2016-0300-3353 AIDEA-AEA BOND COUNSEL.pdf

StatusAwarded to RIM Architects
Estimated Range$500,000 to $1,000,000
ProjectAIDEA / AEA Office Building Remodel
DescriptionThe Contractor shall provide professional design services for the Remodel of the AEA/AIDEA Office Building located in Anchorage, Alaska. Services may include master planning, programming, condition surveys of the existing facilities, surveying, and design and construction related services.
Pre-Bid MeetingAn optional site visit is scheduled for Friday, February 5, 2016, at 2:00pm. AIDEA is located at 813 West Northern Lights, Anchorage, AK 99503. Please sign in at the front desk, from there we will meet in the Birch Conference Room.
Published Date: 04/26/2016 Due Date: February 17, 2016, 3:00PM
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, 1/25/2016
Addendum #2, 2/3/2016
Addendum #3. 2/4/2016
Addendum #4, 2/10/2016
Attachments: 16101.pdf
Addendum 1.pdf
Addendum 2.pdf
Addendum 3.pdf
Addendum 4.pdf

StatusAwarded to BDO
Estimated Range$1,000,000 or greater
ProjectTerm Agreement for Audit and Consulting Services
DescriptionThe Contracting Agency intends to award a single term agreement for Audit and Consulting Services.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 04/19/2016 Due Date: February 16, 2016, 3:00pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, posted 2/9/2016
Addendum #2, posted 2/12/2016
Attachments: 16104.pdf
Addendum 1.pdf
Addendum 2.pdf

StatusAwarded to UNIT COMPANY
Estimated Range$1,500,000 to $3,000,000
ProjectFedEx Hangar Mechanical and Electrical Upgrade Design-build
DescriptionThe FedEx Maintenance Hanger and supporting Fire Suppression Building were constructed in 1990 and are a key component of the FedEx distributions center. As such, it is critical to their operations that they provide aircraft maintenance in a reliable, modern facility on a 24/7 basis. To that end AIDEA (the “Authority” and facility owner) has agreed to upgrade priority elements within the facility. These elements include upgrades to the fire suppression, mechanical and electrical systems for the hanger and fire suppression building.
Pre-Bid MeetingA Site visit will be held during the advertising period at 1:00 p.m. on March 1, 2016. Offerors need to submit their name and date of birth to Rich Wooten at no later than Monday, February 29, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. to gain access to the work area for the site visit. On the date of the visit, all attendees shall park in the hangars northern parking lot (one page map attached). All attendees shall bring nothing they would not otherwise bring to an airport screening.All similar rules and confiscation risks apply. Cameras will be allowed provided no FedEx employees, FedEx logos or anything other than strict mechanical related data are in any photos.This site visit is not mandatory. An additional site visit will be held during the advertising period at 1:00 p.m. on March 14, 2016. Offerors need to submit their name and date of birth to Rich Wooten at no later than Friday, March 11, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. to gain access to the work area for the site visit. We ask that you hold all questions during the site visit, questions must be submitted in writing, via email. Companies must limit the number of their attendees to four or less. On the date of the visit, all attendees shall park in the hangars northern parking lot. All attendees shall bring nothing they would not otherwise bring to an airport screening. All similar rules and confiscation risks apply. Cameras will be allowed provided no FedEx employees, FedEx logos or anything other than strict mechanical related data are in any photos. This site visit is not mandatory.”
Published Date: 04/18/2016 Due Date: March 22, 2016 4:00 pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum One, Posted 2/24/2016
Addendum Two, Posted 2/26/2016
Addendum Three, Posted 3/1/2016
Addendum Four, Posted 3/7/2016
Addendum Five, Posted 3/10/2016 - Proposal Due Date Changed - Site Visit Added
Addendum Six, Posted 3/16/2016 - Proposal Due Date Has Changed
Addendum Seven, Posted 3/18/2016
Attachments: 16120.pdf
Addendum 1.pdf
Addendum 2.pdf
Addendum 3.pdf
Addendum 4.pdf
VendorList (28).csv
Addendum 5.pdf
Addendum 6.pdf

StatusAwarded to Alaska Line Builders LLC
Estimated Range$1,486,784.00
ProjectKongiganak Rural Power System Upgrade Project
DescriptionInvitation to Bid 16109, Kongiganak Rural Power System Upgrade Project On behalf of Puvurnaq Power Company, Kongiganak Alaska AEA is conducting this procurement as an agent for the Puvurnaq Power Company under the authority of 3 AAC 108 Financial and Technical Assistances of Energy Systems, Facilities and Equipment. Actions related to protests, claims and appeals will be handled in accordance with 3 AAC 108.910, 3 AAC 108.915, and 3 AAC 108.920. State of Alaska appropriations are funding this project. This Invitation to Bid [ITB] is for electrical distribution upgrades as indicted in the scope of work. Funding is provided through State of Alaska appropriations. Please register if your company is interested in responding to this bid. Direct Questions to - Althea Clapp, Senior Contracting Officer, Email or by telephone (907) 771-3018 Small and Minority businesses, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area companies are encouraged to participate. The State of Alaska is an EEO/ADA employer. Individuals requiring accommodations should call 1-800-587-0430 or 465-4095 in Juneau or (907) 465-3412 (TTY).
Pre-Bid MeetingPre-bid Conference – is scheduled for 2 p.m. Alaska Time, February 17, 2016, at AIDEA, 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard, Anchorage, AK 99503. AIDEA’s parking lot is off of 27th Street. The meeting will be in the Birch Conference room. There will not be a site visit.
Published Date: 04/07/2016 Opening Date: March 3, 2016 2:30p.m.
Addendum Posted: Addendum 1 published Feb-22-2016: Extends Bid date to March 3, 2016 2:30-pm.
Addendum 2 published Feb-26-2016: Answers Questions, Bid date remains March 3, 2016 2:30-pm.

Intent to award pending grant modification- March 9, 2016.
Attachments: ITB 16109 Kongiganak RPSU.pdf
Z3 Kongiginak Staking Sheets_FINAL.pdf
16109 Prebid Attend.pdf
16109 Addn 1 Kongiganak.pdf
16109 Addn 2 Kongiganak.pdf
16109 Kongiganak RPSU Bid list.pdf
16109 Bid abstract.pdf

StatusAwarded to Worldwide Growth Enterprises, Inc.
Estimated Range$50,000-$100,000
ProjectAIDEA Benchmarking and Best Practices
DescriptionThe purpose of this RFP is to solicit proposals from qualified firms with expertise in benchmarking and best practice analysis with regards to economic development organizations(EDO) and development finance authorities (DFA). This effort will constitute the first stage of a long‐range strategic planning process for the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA or “the Authority”).
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 02/22/2016 Due Date: January 29, 2016, 3:00PM
Addendum Posted: 1/22/2016 Addendum 1 - Proposal Due Date Changed.
Attachments: 16095.pdf
Addendum 1.pdf

StatusAwarded to ASRC Energy Services
Estimated RangeTerm Service
ProjectBradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Environmental Services
DescriptionThis contract is for assisting AEA in the following: providing information to various State and Federal agencies regarding new Bradley FERC License amendments; responding to FERC Additional Information Requests; Environmental Assessments; and Authority directed studies.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 02/17/2016 Due Date: 12/9/2015 3:00pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, 11/23/2015.
Attachments: 16070.pdf
Addendum 1.pdf

StatusAwarded to Under Committee Review
Estimated Rangen/a
ProjectInterior Energy Project (IEP)
Description This RFP is under review. The goal of the IEP is to provide energy relief and improve air quality through supply of low-cost energy to Interior Alaska. It is AIDEA’s intent to finance and facilitate a Project that meets the goals of the IEP, including supplying the lowest cost gas; to as many people; as quickly as possible. AIDEA will consider proposals through this solicitation that accomplishes this goal.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 01/14/2016 Due Date: 8/3/2015
Addendum Posted: Addendum #3 8/11/2015
Addendum #2 8/3/2015
Addendum #1 7/7/2015
Attachments: IEP RFP 15142.pdf
Addendum-1_RFP15142 IEP.pdf
Addendum 2_RFP15142IEP.pdf
addendum 3 rfp15142 iep.pdf

StatusAwarded to Gray Stassel Engineering
Estimated Range$20,000-$30,000
ProjectAir Quality Compliance Consulting Services
DescriptionCurrently under review. The contract resulting from this RFP is intended to provide valuable research, analysis, deliverables, and recommendations regarding the environmental regulations governing the procurement, installation, operation and regulatory compliance of new, used and re-manufactured diesel generator sets in Alaska. These regulations may include but are not limited to EPA’s RICE NESHAP and NSPS regulations as well as the Alaska DEC’s air permitting regulations.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 12/10/2015 Due Date: November 12, 2015. 3:00 P.M.
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1, posted 11/3/2015
Addendum #2, posted 11/4/2015
Attachments: RFP 16005.pdf
AEA Powerhouse
Addendum 1.pdf
Addendum Two.pdf

StatusAwarded to Weona Corporation
Estimated Range219,853.00
ProjectFabrication Steel Module Structure
DescriptionBid 16068 is issued according to 3AAC 109 Procurement for Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) managed grants on behalf of the Native Village of Kipnuk. Funding for this procurement is from a State of Alaska grant AR-52212-17. Bid documents and Contractor Registration are online at, please register to receive addenda and other information. Submission of Bids - Bidders shall submit sealed bids in single (1) copy. All Bids including any modifications or withdrawals shall be received prior to the bid opening. Bids will be publically opened at Authority’s Office on November 3, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. Alaska Time, Dogwood Conference Room, 2nd floor, 813 West Northern Lights Blvd, Anchorage AK 99503. Direct questions by email to: Althea Clapp, Senior Contracting Officer, Email Small and Minority businesses, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area companies are encouraged to participate. The State of Alaska is an EEO/ADA employer. Individuals requiring accommodations should call 1-800-587-0430 or 465-4095 in Juneau or (907) 465-3412 (TTY).
Pre-Bid Meeting None
Published Date: 11/16/2015 Opening Date: November 3, 2015 2-pm
Addendum Posted: October 22, 2015 Addendum 2
October 21, 2015 Addendum 1
Attachments: ITB 16068Module.pdf
16068 Addendum 1.pdf
16068 Addendum 2.pdf

StatusAwarded to Marshall and Stevens Corp
Estimated Range$24,000
ProjectCommercial Appraisal Services - Skagway Ore Terminal
DescriptionSeptember 30, 2015 – please register. Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) Informal Request for Proposals (RFP) 16048 Appraisal Services, Skagway Ore Terminal, Skagway AK. Documents are available herein, and if your firm is interested in responding to this solicitation please register online, “Plan Holders Registration”. Proposals shall be received in accordance with this article at AIDEA office, no later than 3:00-p.m., Alaska Standard Time, October 28, 2015. Failure to meet the deadline will result in disqualification of the proposal without review. Instructions are in the RFP document. Address all questions in writing to Althea Clapp, Senior Contract Officer, Small and Minority businesses, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area firms are encouraged to participate. The State of Alaska is an EEO/ADA employer. Individuals requiring accommodations should call 1-800-587-0430 or 465-4095 in Juneau or (907) 465-3412 (TTY).
Pre-Bid Meeting None
Published Date: 11/16/2015 Due Date: October 28, 2015 3-pm
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: IRFP 16048 SOT Appraisal Services.pdf
16048 Skagway IRFP Response Form.docx
16048 Sample contract.pdf
2005 Appraisal Report.pdf

StatusAwarded to Vermont Energy Investment Corporation
Estimated Range$100,000-$150,000
ProjectEnergy Efficiency Program Evaluation and Financing Needs Assessment
DescriptionThe contract resulting from this RFP is intended to provide research, analysis and recommendations that will help AEA better understand the availability, current need for, and potential improvements to public and private EE project implementation mechanisms, including funding and financing opportunities, capable of lowering individual and community energy costs in the AkAES study area. The sectors addressed by this study will include residential, private commercial, public commercial, and public facilities, including water and wastewater systems.
Pre-Bid MeetingAn optional preproposal conference will be held on July 28, 2015, at 1pm, in the Spruce Conference Room. The preproposal conference teleconference information is as follows: • Dial 1-888-585-9008 and enter the conference code 789-295-032#
Published Date: 10/02/2015 Due Date: August 7, 2015, 3:00pm
Addendum Posted: 7/22/2015, Addendum One
7/29/2015, Addendum Two
7/31/2015, Addendum Three
8/3/2015, Addendum Four
Attachments: 16021.pdf
Addendum 1.pdf
Addendum 2.pdf
Addendum 3.pdf
Addendum 4.pdf

Estimated Range$50,000-$100,000
ProjectFederal Express Fire Suppression Detroit Diesel Engines Rebuild
DescriptionComplete, rebuild, and replacement of parts; 6-each Detroit Diesels model 70647312, 341 HP Diesel engines for the Federal Express (FedEx) hanger fire suppression building (the “Project”) located in Anchorage, Alaska. Contractor shall only be able to work on 1 engine at a time.
Pre-Bid MeetingNone.
Published Date: 09/29/2015 Opening Date: 9/23/2015, 2:00pm
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: ITB 16049.pdf

Estimated Range$100,000.00
ProjectAIDEA Strategic Planning
DescriptionThe purpose of this RFP is to solicit proposals from qualified consultants with expertise in organizational strategic planning to lead the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA or “the Authority”) Board and staff through a long-range strategic planning process.
Pre-Bid MeetingNone.
Published Date: 09/23/2015 Due Date: August 28, 2015, 3:00PM
Addendum Posted: Addendum 1, 8/17/2015.
Attachments: 16027.pdf
Addendum 1.pdf

Estimated Range$50,000-$100,000
ProjectDemolition of 825 West Northern Lights Boulevard Formally known as The Chefs Inn or Blues Central
DescriptionThe Work consists of providing all labor, materials and equipment required to complete the demolition of the building located at 825 West Northern Lights Boulevard, formally known as The Chefs Inn or Blues Central in accordance with the specifications contained herein.
Pre-Bid MeetingPre-bid Conference and site visit – is scheduled for 2:00 p.m. Alaska Time, September 2, 2015 at AIDEA, 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard, Anchorage, AK 99503. AIDEA’s parking lot is off of 27th Street. The meeting will be in the Birch Conference room. From there, we will walk next door and visit the site.
Published Date: 09/15/2015 Opening Date: September 17, 2015, 2:30pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum 1 posted 9-4-2015
Attachments: ITB 16045.pdf
16045 Addendum 1.pdf
Addendum 2.pdf

StatusAwarded to Northern Economics
Estimated Range$50,000-$100,000
ProjectLiquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Feasibility Study
DescriptionThe purpose of this RFP is to assist AEA in determining if liquefied natural gas (LNG) can be a viable solution for bringing long-term affordable energy to the communities in the Alaska Affordable Energy Strategy’s geographic area of study, and, if so, what policy options exist that could assist communities in this transition.
Pre-Bid MeetingAn optional pre-proposal conference will be held on July 1, 2015, at 10am, in the Spruce Conference Room, located at the Contracting Agency’s address listed above.
Published Date: 08/06/2015 Due Date: 7/13/2015 3:00pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum 6/25/2015
Addendum 7/1/2015 (RFP due date changed)
Attachments: 16001.pdf
Addendum 1.pdf
Addendum 2.pdf

StatusAwarded to Under Evaluation
Estimated Rangen/a
ProjectInterior Energy Project Natural Gas Supply
DescriptionUnder direction from Governor Bill Walker (see Administrative Order 272 (AO272)), the Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development (DCCED), the Department of Revenue (DOR) and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), in conjunction with the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) are seeking information regarding your willingness and ability to sell natural gas on a long-term contractual basis for the benefit of Interior utility customers. Pursuant to AO272 and the direction of DCCED, this Request for Information (RFI) is being issued by AIDEA for purposes of the Interior Energy Project (IEP).
Published Date: 08/04/2015 Due Date: 7/16/2015
Addendum Posted: Addendum #1 7/6/15 - Retracted
Addendum #2 7/7/15
Attachments: RFP 15143.pdf
Addendum-2_RFP15143 IEP Natural Gas Study RFI.pdf

StatusAwarded to MWH Americas, Inc.
Estimated Range$75,000.00 - $100,000.00
ProjectAlaska Energy Authority Bradley Lake Hydropower Project (BLHP) Management
DescriptionThe purpose of the contract is to provide a management audit of the operations and dispatch of the project. Work shall be completed by December 31, 2015.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 07/27/2015 Due Date: June 5, 2015
Addendum Posted: Addendum 1, 5/26/2015
Attachments: 2015 Bradley Management Audit final.pdf
Addendum 1.pdf

StatusAwarded to Weona Corp
Estimated Range$126,829.00
ProjectModule Fabrication
DescriptionAlaska Energy Authority, Invitation to Bid 16003 Module Fabrication on behalf of the City of Perryville This Bid in accordance with AS 36.30 and 2 AAC 12 with Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) on behalf of the City of Perryville. Funding for this procurement is a combination of State and Denali Commission federal funding. Please register to receive addenda and other information. Submission of Bids - Bidders shall submit sealed bids in single (1) copy. All Bids including any modifications or withdrawals shall be received prior to the bid opening; bids will be publically opened at Authority’s Office on July 8, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. Alaska time, Willow Conference Room. Direct Questions about this bid to: Althea Clapp, Senior Contracting Officer Email or by telephone (907) 771-3018 Small and Minority businesses, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area companies are encouraged to participate. The State of Alaska is an EEO/ADA employer. Individuals requiring accommodations should call 1-800-587-0430 or 465-4095 in Juneau or (907) 465-3412 (TTY).
Pre-Bid MeetingNone
Published Date: 07/21/2015 Opening Date: July 8, 2015 2:00 p.m.
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: ITB 16003 Module.pdf
16003 Bid Abstract.pdf

StatusAwarded to Peak Oilfield Service Company, LLC
Estimated Range$50,000-$80,000
ProjectAVTEC Power Plant Training Facility Upgrade
DescriptionThe State of Alaska, Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is administering a facility upgrade project on behalf of the Alaska Vocational Technical Center (AVTEC). The AVTEC facility consists of a diesel power generation plant located in Seward, Alaska. The facility is used strictly for training rural power plant operators and is not used to produce power for sale to customers.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 07/09/2015 Opening Date: June 30, 2015
Addendum Posted: Addendum posted 6/25/2015
Attachments: 15139.pdf
Addendum 1.pdf

StatusAwarded to Superior Plumbing & Heating
Estimated Range$1 mill - $2.5 mil
ProjectBulk Fuel Upgrade Project on behalf of Edna Bay
DescriptionThis Invitation to Bid [ITB]15131 is for bulk fuel upgrades as indicted in the scope of work, on behalf of Edna Bay Alaska. AEA is conducting this procurement as an agent for the City of Edna Bay Alaska, under the authority of 3 AAC 108 Financial and Technical Assistances of Energy Systems, Facilities and Equipment. Actions related to protests, claims and appeals will be handled in accordance with 3 AAC 108.910, 3 AAC 108.915, and 3 AAC 108.920. This project is funded by a combination of State of Alaska grants; Trans-Alaska Pipeline [TAPL] funds and other pass through grants. Bidders shall submit sealed bids in single (1) copy. All Bids including any modifications or withdrawals shall be received prior to the bid opening; bids will be publically opened at Authority’s Office on May 28, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. Alaska time. (Willow Conference Room) Direct Questions to - Althea Clapp, Senior Contracting Officer, Email or by telephone (907) 771-3018 Small and Minority businesses, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area companies are encouraged to participate. The State of Alaska is an EEO/ADA employer. Individuals requiring accommodations should call 1-800-587-0430 or 465-4095 in Juneau or (907) 465-3412 (TTY).
Pre-Bid MeetingA pre-bid meeting was May 12, 2015 at 10:00 a.m.
Published Date: 06/15/2015 Opening Date: 05/28/2015 2:00 p.m.
Addendum Posted: Addendum 4 issued May 27, 2015
Addendum 3 issued May 21, 2015
Addendum 2 issued May 21, 2015
Addendum 1 issued May 14, 2015
Attachments: 1 ITB 15131 Div 00.pdf
2 ITB 15131 Div 1 Specs.pdf
3 ITB 15131 Drawings.pdf
00320 Bid Schedule 15131.xlsx
15131 Edna Bay Prebid att.pdf
Addn 1 Edna Bay 15131.pdf
Addn 2 Edna Bay 15131 .pdf
Addn 3 Edna Bay 15131.pdf
Addn 4 Edna Bay 15131.pdf
15131 Bid Abstract.pdf

StatusAwarded to Cardno Inc
Estimated Range0-300000
ProjectEconomist and Anciallary Services
Description1/7/15 Under Review until mid-February. State of Alaska, Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA), Request for Proposals (RFP) for Solicitation 15064, for Economist and Ancillary services. Important - Documents and registration available herein. Hard copies of the RFP may be obtained by contacting: Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, AK 99503 907-771-3000 or Fax 907-771-3044 Questions shall be emailed to Althea Clapp Responses, 4 copies along with 1 electronic copy in PDF or MS Word format on a CD or USB drive, must be physically received at the issuing office no later than 2:00 p.m. local time on December 9, 2014. The issuing office reserves the right to reject any and all proposals received as a result of this solicitation. Small and Minority businesses, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area firms are encouraged to participate. The State of Alaska is an EEO/ADA employer. Individuals requiring accommodations should call 1-800-587-0430 or 465-4095 in Juneau or (907) 465-3412 (TTY).
Pre-Bid Meeting None
Published Date: 05/29/2015 Due Date: 12/9/2014 2:00 P.M.
Addendum Posted: Addendum 1 posted 11/5/2014
Addendum 2 posted 11/7/2014
Addendum 3 posted 11/12/2014
Addendum 4 posted 11/18/2014
Attachments: 15064 Economist AIDEA.pdf
15064 Economist Addendum 1.pdf
15064 Economist Addendum 2.pdf
15064 Economist Addendum 3.pdf
15064 Economist Addendum 4.pdf

StatusAwarded to Ridge Contracting Inc
Estimated Range$500,000 - $1,000,000
ProjectRural Power Plant Upgrade on behalf of the City of Nunam Iqua
DescriptionAEA is conducting this procurement as an agent for the City of Nunam Iqua under the authority of 3 AAC 108 Financial and Technical Assistances of Energy Systems, Facilities and Equipment. Actions related to protests, claims and appeals will be handled in accordance with 3 AAC 108.910, 3 AAC 108.915, and 3 AAC 108.920. This project is funded by a combination of State of Alaska and federal appropriations. Please register online under Plan Holders Registration. This Invitation to Bid [ITB] is for rural power plant upgrades as indicted in the scope of work. Submission of Bids- Bidders shall submit sealed bids in single (1) copy. All Bids including any modifications or withdrawals shall be received prior to the bid opening; bids will be publically opened at Authority’s Office on March 3, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. Alaska time, Willow Conference Room. Direct Questions to - Althea Clapp, Senior Contracting Officer, Email or by telephone (907) 771-3018 Small and Minority businesses, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area companies are encouraged to participate. The State of Alaska is an EEO/ADA employer. Individuals requiring accommodations should call 1-800-587-0430 or 465-4095 in Juneau or (907) 465-3412 (TTY).
Pre-Bid MeetingPre-bid Conference – is scheduled for 2:00 p.m. Alaska Time, February 12, 2015, at AIDEA, 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard, Anchorage, AK 99503. AIDEA’s parking lot is off of 27th Street. The meeting will be in the Birch Conference room. There will not be a site visit.
Published Date: 05/29/2015 Opening Date: 3/3/15 2:00p.m.
Addendum Posted: Addendum 1 issued 2/5/2015
Addendum 2 issued 2/23/2015
Addendum 3 issued 2/24/2015
Addendum 4 issued 2/26/2015
Attachments: ITB 15110 Nunam Iqua RPPU.pdf
15110 Addn 1.pdf
15110 Pre-bid attendees.pdf
15110 Addn 2.pdf
15110 Addn 3.pdf
15110 Addn 4.pdf
15110 Nunam Iqua Bid Abstract.pdf

StatusAwarded to PFM Group
Estimated Range$50,000 - $1,000,000
ProjectAlaska Energy Authority Financial Advisor and Feasibility Services
DescriptionThe purpose of the contract is to provide Financial Advisor and Feasibility Services to the Authority on an as needed, on call basis. At times the request may be on an accelerated basis.
Pre-Bid MeetingN/A
Published Date: 05/29/2015 Due Date: 4/23/2015 2-PM
Addendum Posted: Addendum 1 issued April 13, 2015
Attachments: 2015-0800-3068 AEA Financial Advisors.pdf
2015-0800-3068 Adden 1 AEA Financial Advisors.pdf

StatusAwarded to Northern Powerline
Estimated Range$250,000-$500,000
ProjectConstruction Electrical Distribution Upgrade for Egegik
DescriptionAlaska Energy Authority is conducting this procurement as an agent for the City of Egegik under the authority of 3 AAC 108 Financial and Technical Assistances of Energy Systems, Facilities and Equipment. Actions related to protests, claims and appeals will be handled in accordance with 3 AAC 108.910, 3 AAC 108.915, and 3 AAC 108.920. State of Alaska appropriations are funding this project. This Invitation to Bid [ITB] is for electrical distribution upgrades as indicted in the scope of work. Funding is provided through State of Alaska appropriations. Submission of Bids- Bidders shall submit sealed bids in single (1) copy. All Bids including any modifications or withdrawals shall be received prior to the bid opening; bids will be publically opened at Authority’s Office on February 24, 2015 at 2:30 p.m. Alaska time, Willow Conference Room. Direct Questions to - Althea Clapp, Senior Contracting Officer, Email or by telephone (907) 771-3018 Small and Minority businesses, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area companies are encouraged to participate. The State of Alaska is an EEO/ADA employer. Individuals requiring accommodations should call 1-800-587-0430 or 465-4095 in Juneau or (907) 465-3412 (TTY).
Pre-Bid MeetingPre-bid Conference – is scheduled for 2:00 p.m. Alaska Time, February 10. 2015, at AIDEA, 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard, Anchorage, AK 99503. AIDEA’s parking lot is off of 27th Street. The meeting will be in the Birch Conference room. There will not be a site visit. Telephone Instructions dial 1-888-585-9008 and when prompted enter code 268328978#
Published Date: 05/15/2015 Opening Date: 2/24/2015 2:30 pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum 1 issued 1/29/2015
Addendum 2 issued 2/5/2015
Addendum 3 issued 2/12/2015
Attachments: ITB 15102 Egegik Electrical Dist Upgrade.pdf
15102 Addn 1 EEDU.pdf
Addendum 2 Final.pdf
Bid Schedule.xlsx
Pre-bid attendees.pdf
Addendum 3.pdf
ITB 15102 Bid Abstract.pdf

StatusAwarded to Sturgeon Electric Inc.
Estimated Range$1-mill - $2.5-mill
ProjectRural Power Systems Upgrade, On behalf of The City of Akiak
DescriptionThis Invitation to Bid [ITB] is for rural power systems upgrades as indicted in the scope of work. Please register herein. AEA is conducting this procurement as an agent for the City of Akiak, under the authority of 3 AAC 108 Financial and Technical Assistances of Energy Systems, Facilities and Equipment. Actions related to protests, claims and appeals will be handled in accordance with 3 AAC 108.910, 3 AAC 108.915, and 3 AAC 108.920. State of Alaska appropriations are funding this project. This project is funded by a combination of State and federal Denali Commission funds. Bidders shall submit sealed bids in single (1) copy. All Bids including any modifications or withdrawals shall be received prior to the bid opening; bids will be publically opened at Authority’s Office on April 21, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. Alaska time. (Willow Conference Room Direct Questions to - Althea Clapp, Senior Contracting Officer, Email or by telephone (907) 771-3018. Small and Minority businesses, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area companies are encouraged to participate. The State of Alaska is an EEO/ADA employer. Individuals requiring accommodations should call 1-800-587-0430 or 465-4095 in Juneau or (907) 465-3412 (TTY).
Pre-Bid MeetingA pre-bid meeting is scheduled for March 26, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at the Alaska Energy Authority Office building located at 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard, Anchorage, AK 99503. Parking is off Arctic and 27th. This is not a mandatory meeting, and there will be not be a scheduled site visit prior to the bid opening. Attend by teleconference dial 1-888-585-9008 and when prompted enter code 268328978#. (Birch Conference Room)
Published Date: 05/15/2015 Opening Date: 4/21/2015 2-pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum 1 issued March 27, 2015
Addendum 2 issued April 3, 2015
Addendum 3 issued April 8, 2015
Addendum 4 issued April 8, 2015
Addendum 5 issued April 16, 2015
Attachments: ITB 15113 Akiak RPSU.pdf
Akiak Specifications.pdf
Akiak Staking Sheets - IFC.pdf
AKIAK-IFC Drawings.pdf
Prebid Attendees 3-26-15.pdf
15113 Akiak Addn 1.pdf
00320 Akiak BidSchedule Addn 1.xlsx
15113 Akiak Addn 2.pdf
15113 Akiak Addn 3.pdf
15113 Akiak Addn 4.pdf
Akiak-1page job overview info only.pdf
15113 Akiak Addn 5.pdf
15113 Bid Abstract.pdf

StatusAwarded to Electric Power Systems, Inc.
Estimated Range$100,000 - $250,000
ProjectAlaska Intertie Snow Load Monitoring System (SLMS) Maintenance & Ground Patrol
DescriptionThe Authority requires the routine maintenance of the SLMS (Task 1), battery replacement for five towers every winter (Task 2), Automatic Alaska-Intertie Snow Conditions Patrol (Task 3), Call outs directed by ML&P dispatched (Task 4), and Daily Weather Reporting(Task 5).
Pre-Bid MeetingNone.
Published Date: 03/02/2015 Opening Date: January 30, 2015 3:00P.M. Alaska Time
Addendum Posted: Addendum One posted 1/22/2015
Attachments: ITB 15087.pdf
Addendum 1.pdf

StatusAwarded to CRW, Great Northern Engineering, ERM, Alaska
Estimated Range175,000 - 250,000
ProjectBulk Fuel Storage Facilities Inventory and Assessment
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority is seeking a firm(s) for the Bulk Fuel Storage Facilities Inventory and Assessment project to evaluate and rank bulk fuel storage facilities in the communities meeting certain requirements. The Contractor shall gather the required data by means of site visits to the communities listed in each hub and by gathering data from other sources such as AEA.
Pre-Bid MeetingA non-mandatory pre-proposal conference is scheduled for 2:00 p.m. Thursday, August 28, 2014 in the AIDEA/AEA Boardroom located at 813 West Northern Lights Blvd., Anchorage Alaska. This meeting will be available by teleconference by calling 1-888-585-9008 and the room number is 789-295-032.
Published Date: 02/23/2015 Due Date: 11/05/2014
Addendum Posted: August 28, 2014
October 3, 2014
October 22, 2014
October 30, 2014
Attachments: 15028 Bulk Fuel Facilities Inventory & Assessment.pdf
Addendum-1_BFU Inventory Assessment RFP15028.pdf
Addendum #2 RFP15028 Bulk Fuel Facilities Inventory and Assessment.pdf
Addendum #3.pdf
Addendum #4.pdf

StatusAwarded to ERM Alaska, Inc., CRW Engineering Group, LLC., and Great Northern Engineering, LLC
Estimated Range$125,000
ProjectBuilding Energy Audits for Alaska Mental Health Trust Buildings
DescriptionThe Alaska Energy Authority is soliciting proposals for one or more consultants to assist AEA in performing ASHRAE Level II energy audit or better for 17 non-residential buildings located in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau, Sitka, Soldotna and Seward. Offerors may submit applications to do work only in specific regions or communities or may indicate willingness to travel. The buildings have been selected by the Department of Health and Social Services and house organizations that provide services to beneficiaries of the Alaska Mental Health Trust. A complete description of services is contained in the RFP Package. Estimated period for performance of the Agreement is approximately November 2014 to November 2015. Cost of these services is expected to be in the range of $125,000. The RFP Package may be obtained from the AIDEA/AEA Website at: Proposals must conform to the RFP and be submitted with specified forms. Submittals must be received no later than 2 pm, November 4, 2014, prevailing time. Individuals with disabilities, including the hearing impaired, who may need auxiliary aids, services, and/or special modifications to submit a proposal should contact the TTD number: (907) 269-0473, no later than one week prior to the submittal date to make any necessary arrangements. If you have any questions, or need any further assistance, please feel free to contact me, or 907-771-3036. Sincerely, Michele Hope Contracting Officer
Pre-Bid MeetingNone.
Published Date: 01/15/2015 Due Date: 11/6/2014
Addendum Posted: 10/22/2014
Attachments: RFP 15002 Building Energy Audits for AK Mental Health Trust Buildings.pdf
Addendum 1.pdf
Addendum 2.pdf
Addendum #3.pdf

StatusAwarded to Elgee Rehfeld Mertz LLC
Estimated Range$50,000-$250,000
ProjectPerforming Agreed upon Procedures and/or other Auditing Services
Description10/30/2014 RFP opened, and is currently under review. Posted October 2, 2014 State of Alaska, Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA), and Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) Request for Proposals (RFP) for Solicitation 2015-0800-2749 Performing Agreed upon Procedures and/or other Auditing Services Documents and registration is available online at, Procurement Opportunities Hard copies of the RFP may be obtained by contacting: Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, AK 99503 907-771-3000 or Fax 907-771-3044 Questions shall be emailed to Althea Clapp, Sr. Contracting Officer at Offerors must submit 4-copies, and 1-electronic version on a thumb drive or on a CD, to the procurement officer in a sealed package. Proposals must be received no later than 2:00 P.M., Alaska Time on October 30, 2014. Faxed, emailed, or oral proposals are not acceptable. Small and Minority businesses, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area firms are encouraged to participate. The State of Alaska is an EEO/ADA employer. Individuals requiring accommodations should call 1-800-587-0430 or 465-4095 in Juneau or (907) 465-3412 (TTY).
Pre-Bid MeetingNone
Published Date: 01/07/2015 Due Date: 10/30/2014 2:00pm
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: RFP 2015-0800-2749.pdf

StatusAwarded to Walsh Sheppard
Estimated Range$300,000 - $1,800,000
ProjectAIDEA Public Relation and Ancillary services
DescriptionPosted September 9, 2014 State of Alaska, Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA), Request for Proposals (RFP) for Solicitation 15043, for Public Relation and Ancillary services. Important - Documents and registration available online at, Procurement Opportunities. Hard copies of the RFP may be obtained by contacting: Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, AK 99503 907-771-3000 or Fax 907-771-3044 Questions shall be emailed to Althea Clapp Responses, 4 copies along with 1 electronic copy in PDF or MS Word format on a CD or USB drive, must be physically received at the issuing office no later than 2:00 p.m. local time on October 1, 2014. The issuing office reserves the right to reject any and all proposals received as a result of this solicitation. Small and Minority businesses, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area firms are encouraged to participate. The State of Alaska is an EEO/ADA employer. Individuals requiring accommodations should call 1-800-587-0430 or 465-4095 in Juneau or (907) 465-3412 (TTY).
Pre-Bid MeetingNONE
Published Date: 01/07/2015 Due Date: 10/1/2014
Addendum Posted: Currently under review.
Attachments: 15043 AIDEA PR and Ancillary Services.pdf

StatusAwarded to Marsh Creek
Estimated Range$121,258
DescriptionAlaska Energy Authority Invitation to Bid 15068, Generators On behalf of the City of Nunam Iqua Published, October 3, 2014 This Bid in accordance with AS 36.30 and 2 AAC 12 with Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) on behalf of the City of Nunam Iqua. Funding for this procurement is a combination of State and Denali Commission federal funding. Interested firms shall register online to receive addenda and other information at Submission of Bids - Bidders shall submit sealed bids in single (1) copy, submittals are listed on page 1 of the bid document. All Bids including any modifications or withdrawals shall be received prior to the bid opening; bids will be publically opened at Authority’s Office on November 26, 2014 at 2:30 p.m. Alaska time, Willow Conference Room. Direct Questions about this bid to: Althea Clapp, Senior Contracting Officer Email or by telephone (907) 771-3018. Hard copies of the bid are available at: AIDEA and AEA’s office Building, 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard, Anchorage, AK 99503 (907) 771-3000 for 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Small and Minority businesses, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area companies are encouraged to participate. The State of Alaska is an EEO/ADA employer. Individuals requiring accommodations should call 1-800-587-0430 or 465-4095 in Juneau or (907) 465-3412 (TTY).
Pre-Bid Meeting NONE
Published Date: 12/12/2014 Opening Date: 11/26/2014 2:30 P.M.
Addendum Posted: Addendum 1 posted 11/13/2014
Attachments: ITB 15068 Gensets.pdf
ITB 15068 Gensets Addendum 1.pdf
15068 Intent to award and bid abstract.pdf

StatusAwarded to Weona Corporation
Estimated Range$169,625.00
ProjectModule Fabrication
DescriptionBid closed 10/29/14 2:30 p.m. and is currently under review. Alaska Energy Authority Invitation to Bid 15055, Module Fabrication On behalf of the City of Nunam Iqua Published, October 3, 2014 This Bid in accordance with AS 36.30 and 2 AAC 12 with Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) on behalf of the City of Nunam Iqua. Funding for this procurement is a combination of State and Denali Commission federal funding. Interested firms shall register online to receive addenda and other information at Submission of Bids - Bidders shall submit sealed bids in single (1) copy. All Bids including any modifications or withdrawals shall be received prior to the bid opening; bids will be publicly opened at Authority’s Office on October 28, 2014 at 2:30 p.m. Alaska time, Willow Conference Room. Direct Questions about this bid to: Althea Clapp, Senior Contracting Officer Email or by telephone (907) 771-3018. Hard copies of the bid are available at: AIDEA and AEA’s office Building, 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard, Anchorage, AK 99503 (907) 771-3000 for 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Small and Minority businesses, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area companies are encouraged to participate. The State of Alaska is an EEO/ADA employer. Individuals requiring accommodations should call 1-800-587-0430 or 465-4095 in Juneau or (907) 465-3412 (TTY).
Pre-Bid Meetingnone
Published Date: 11/24/2014 Opening Date: 10/29/2014 2:30pm
Addendum Posted: Addendum 1 posted October 23, 2014
Attachments: ITB 15055 Module Final.pdf
ITB 15055 Module Addendum 1.pdf

StatusAwarded to F James McConnell & Associates
Estimated Range25,000-35,000
ProjectAIDEA AK SAFE 3rd Party Support Services
DescriptionThe Alaska Industrial Development & Export Authority (AIDEA) is soliciting proposals for assistance for the internal risking and reserve estimation calculation for the AK SAFE Guarantee Program. A complete description of services is contained in the IRFP Package.
Pre-Bid MeetingNone.
Procurement OfficerMichele Hope
Published Date: 06/22/2012 Due Date: 7/72020
Addendum Posted:
Attachments: 21003 AIDEA AK SAFE 3rd Party Support.pdf